
Heroes of Celestia

In a country called Celestia, a child named Akira Mokoro is the descendant of a family that uses the well know "Infernal Style" that was created by his ancestor. It was his first day at Celestia Academy.

Marc626 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Bonds

1 month has passed ever since school started and Akira's team still hasn't been able to get a single hit on Rengoku not even on his sword.

Sora: "Even after a month has passed, we still haven't got a single hit against him!"

Yumi: "It feels like he got even faster than usual."

Hazuka: "Or we're just feeling a little slow today."

Ninako: "Whatever the reason, it's obvious we're still not good enough.

Meanwhile Akira was silent, staring at his teammates.

Sora: "Uh, Akira, you've been staring very weirdly at us."

Akira: "Oh sorry. I was just looking at what you guys tend to do when engaging Rengoku so I can find some ways to get a hit."

Hazuka: "You've been doing this for a month now?"

Akira: "Yep!"

Yumi: "So, what did you find in us?"

Akira: "Let's start with Sora. Sora, you always tend to back away after attacking once, which can get very obvious to your opponent and take advantage of it."

Sora: "I do? Well I tend to try to avoid getting hit, so I guess that's that."

Akira: "Hazuka, despite that fact you learned Offense magic, you still use Support magic that can really make you an easy target."

Ninako: "I thought you promised you'll use Offense magic?"

Hazuka: "I know, I know! It's just that Offense magic is really frustrating to do!"

Akira: "Well you're definitely not gonna learn Offense magic if you're not gonna try."

Hazuka: "Why did they even force us to learn both magic types!?"

Akira: "Unfortunately you'll just have to deal with it. Yuyu, I've been noticing that you've been keeping a huge distance towards Rengoku despite using a shotgun. And I also noticed you're using a pistol from time to time."

Yumi: "You noticed huh. Yeah, this shotgun wasn't the only gun I used back then, but I preferred it over the others. But these spars with Rengoku Sensei pretty much made me use my pistol."

Sora: "Would it be cool if you own a gun that can transform into different types of guns?"

Akira: "I mean, it's possible with the right amount of magic, but that's gonna take a long time to make depending on how many guns you want to make in that."

Sora: "You're right."

Akira: "And finally Ninako. I've been noticing you have a weird behaviour of charging into Rengoku despite being a magic user."

Hazuka: "We noticed that as well. And every time you do that, you get near Akira all the time."

Akira and Ninako blush and look away at each other.

Akira: "Ninako... Y-you really don't have to be protective you know. Plus you're a magic user, you should keep your distance."

Ninako: "I-I know, I'm just worried for you that's all."

Hazuka: "Ninako, are you still worried about that nightmare you had?"

Ninako "Admittedly yes. I just don't want him to be killed."

Sora goes near Ninako and confronts her.

Sora: "Still that's no reason to just act blindly and think you're a close range attacker. I mean if you can make an elemental sword you can help him out, but I'm just saying don't let your emotions take over all the time."

Ninako: "I-I understand."

Ninako then approaches Akira to apologize.

Ninako: "I'm sorry Akira."

Akira laughs it off and headpats Ninako.

Akira: "There's no need to say sorry, I understand what you were trying to do. Just don't get careless okay?"

Ninako blushes and smiles.

Ninako: "I understand."

After that they were about home until they noticed Taki's group arguing.

Gaki: "Ugh!!! Yudo, why are you so useless!? You didn't land a single hit, while our "leader" despite not landing a hit at least got near him!"

Yudo: "I-I'm sorry..."

Chu: "Ugh, let's go Gaki, we're just wasting time here."

Taki: "..."

Yudo: "..."

Taki and Yudo could only stand in silence as they have no idea what to do.

Yumi: "I feel bad for both of them."

Ninako: "Yeah, I can tell that they tried their best."

Sora: "Wait Kuro is also their teammate right? I didn't see him at all."

Akira: "That's because he's up there hanging on the tree."

They look at the top of the tree and see Kuro hanging and fully knocked out.

Yumi: "That's gotta hurt."

Akira approaches Taki and Yudo feeling defeated.

Akira: "You two alright?"

Taki: "Oh Akira. As you can see, we're not."

Taki sighs in disappointment.

Taki: "We can't seem to be in sync. Every time we try to think of a way to attack, either Kuro, Gaki, or Chu will suddenly charge through. It's getting frustrating."

Yudo: "And yet, I always take the blame, it makes me very angry and I want to talk back to them, but I'm scared."

Akira looks at them and thinks about what he can do to help. Unfortunately he couldn't think of any.

Akira: "As much as I want to help, I can't do anything at all." He thought to himself feeling bad for the both of them.

Taki notices what Akira is doing.

Taki: "Akira, there's no need for that. As the leader of this squad, I'm held responsible for what is happening here."

Akira was stunned by what he said but respected his decision.

Akira: "Okay I understand. But if you're struggling, don't be shy to ask for help from others."

Taki: "Akira..."

Akira then leaves the two alone and returns to his teammates.

Taki: "Help from others huh..."

Yudo: "Taki..."

Sora: "What did you say to him?"

Akira: "Nothing much."

Everyone says their goodbyes with Ninako and Akira walking together.

Akira: "You've been walking with me a lot lately. Not that I don't mind, but it's weird."

Ninako: "I don't know, I guess I just feel comfortable when walking with you more. I was nervous towards the others, yet, I feel like I can be myself when I'm with you."

Akira: "Is that so? Am I really that easy to approach?"

As they walk through the night, they notice their mothers talking to each other.

Akira/Ninako: "Mom?"

Sumire: "Oh Akira, I was just talking to Kira here."

Ninako: "You two know each other?"

Kira: "Yep. We were classmates in our school days."

Sumire: "So, this is Ninako? I heard from my husband that he taught her magic when she was young."

Kira: "She's still improving, but she's getting better. Oh my, I just realized, you two are walking together. Are you both dating or something?"

She says in a teaseful way to both of them. Akira and Ninako's faces turned tomato red from what Kira said.

Akira/Ninako: "WHAT!?"

Both are trying to regain their composure.

Akira: "W-w-were not dating!"

Ninako: "Y-y-yeah! We're just walking home together! Nothing's wrong with that right!?"

Kira giggles at their embarrassment.

Kira: "I know, I know. I'm just messing with both of you."

After the four of them continued to talk about random stuff and went back home.

Sumire: "Hey Akira?"

Akira: "Hmm?"

Sumire: "Are you really sure you guys aren't in a relationship or anything?"

Sumire asked as she put a huge smug on her face with Akira all red again trying to regain his composure.

Akira: "W-w-were not really!"

Sumire: "Okay, okay, I'll stop asking that question."

Akira: "Seriously mom..."

Sumire: "Hehe."

With Kira and Ninako.

Kira: "Are you REALLY certain you both aren't in a relationship?"

Ninako blushes nearly fainting.

Ninako: "M-m-mom! We're not dating, really!"

Kira: "Sorry, I just wanna tease you more. It's been a long time since you've been able to express your emotions ever since your father passed away. Seeing you all happy and embarrassed makes me feel happy as well."

Ninako: "Mom..."

Kira: "I'm glad that you're making friends that look out for each other."

Ninako: "I'm glad that I met them."

Kira: "And plus, I can't wait to see my grandchildren once you get married with Akira, hehehe."

Ninako: "MOM!!!"

Both mothers had a good time teasing them all night.