
Heroes of Celestia

In a country called Celestia, a child named Akira Mokoro is the descendant of a family that uses the well know "Infernal Style" that was created by his ancestor. It was his first day at Celestia Academy.

Marc626 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 10: Dreams of Inferno

Akira was feeling exhausted after the events that had occurred that afternoon. He was still trying to process everything that had happened. Akira explained to his mother what had happened, and she was shocked, yet happy for him. Feeling tired, Akira decided to go to bed earlier than usual, hoping to recover from his exhaustion. However, upon falling asleep, he found himself again in the dark place of his dreams. This time, he noticed that a single fire was illuminating some of the areas. To his surprise, he also saw the same woman that he had seen in his dream before, standing next to the fire.

???: "You have finally tapped into the power of the Inferno Style."

The woman said firmly. The fire had ignited the area, enabling Akira to see her face clearly, which he found oddly familiar.

Akira: "Wait a minute, do I know you from somewhere?" 

He asked, staring at her intently. After a bit of thought, he suddenly exclaimed,

Akira: "Oh, I remember you now! You're Illya Mokoro! But you passed away a long time ago! This doesn't make any sense." He was understandably shocked by the fact that he was talking to a person who had been technically dead for a long time. Illya laughed at his confusion.

Illya: "I can understand your confusion, and trust me your uncle was also shocked when he saw me back when he was inexperienced. But you handled it better than he did." She laughed again when she mentioned it. 

Akira: "What was his reaction?" he asked eagerly, anticipating her answer. 

Illya: "When he first saw me, he immediately passed out, thinking he saw a ghost," she chuckled as she explained to him.

Akira couldn't help but laugh at what he had just heard from her. The thought of Rengoku, whom he looked up to, passing out at the sight of her was too much to handle.

Akira: "Seriously?! I find that hard to believe, but at the same time, I could see it since he used to freak out whenever my late grandma played pranks on him just because she wanted to." They both laughed for a few minutes before returning to the main topic.

Illya: "So, let's get back to the main point. How did it feel to use the Inferno Style?" she asked him again.

Akira: "It felt unreal. I never imagined that I was able to tap into the Inferno Style, but..." he said, pausing for a moment.

Illya: "But?" 

Akira: "I feel like there is more to this power that I don't understand yet. I'm not sure what it is, but I know there's something else to it." he says as he clenches his fist, with a bit of flame coming out of it. 

Illya: "You're not alone in feeling like there's more to the Inferno Style. To be honest, few can wield its power, and I happen to be the first one." She looked down as she spoke. He noticed how she moved earlier and wondered if she had underestimated the power of what she had. 

Akira: "Did it turn out to be much more powerful than you initially thought?" he asked, with curiosity.

Illya: "Yeah, and I ended up depending on it for so long. However, I used it too much and it negatively affected my health, which ultimately led to my premature death. If I had relied on it less, I might have lived longer." She looked sad as she spoke, as tears dropped on her face.

Akira: "Illya..." 

Akira was at a loss for what to do, but he couldn't help but feel sorry for Illya. The thought of acquiring the same power as her terrified him, and he wondered if he would suffer the same fate. Suddenly, Illya wiped away her tears and regained her composure.

Illya: "Now then, back to the main topic, I would like to challenge you to a spar and test your proficiency in the Inferno Style." She says as she pulls out her sword and gets into a combat stance. 

Her proposal surprised Akira, but he immediately regained his composure, looking determined.

Akira: "Okay, I'll gladly accept!" He bows and then assumes a combat stance preparing to spar.

Illya suddenly dashes towards Akira, catching him off guard, but he dodges out of the way.

Akira: "What the!? I barely avoided it, but that was too fast!"  

Illya once again prepares another attack, this time Akira manages to parry the attack, just in time. She does this multiple times, with Akira parrying each easily. 

Akira: "I think I'm getting the hang of this. Back then I struggled to keep up with her speed, but now, I might stand a chance." He said confidently. Illya sees this and smirks.

Illya: "Not bad Akira! But you're still slow on the counter! Get ready!" She shouted back to him.

Illya jumps away from Akira and prepares a downward slash.

Akira: "Huh? What is planning to do?" Akira was confused by what she's going to do, not knowing her intentions.

Just then, Illya's sword engulfed in flames as she readies her attack.

Illya: "Try to block this next attack!" She shouts back at him.

She releases a downward slash and all of a sudden, a flame resembling a sword slash comes towards Akira, who is shocked that he couldn't react to it quickly. He was launched into the air after being on the receiving end of the move. 

Akira: "What was the move!? I was caught surprise that I didn't get a chance to block it! How did she do that move?" Akira thought to himself while lying on the ground. Illya then arrives to where Akira is lying down.

Illya: "Blazing Shot. That's the move I used against you earlier.  Surprised you didn't I?" She chuckled.

Akira: "How did you do that? I remembered my sister and uncle doing something when they were training back then." Akira's eyes were sparkling when he was questioning as he extremely curious. Illya was understandably quite overwhelmed by his curiosity.

Illya: "Alright, alright, I'll teach you. Now watch closely. First, focus your energy on the blade until it becomes fully ignited. Make you don't overdo it, or else it might not work."

She once again demonstrates the move to Akira, to which he immediately tried to imitate, but to no avail. He underestimated how difficult this was gonna be. 

Illya: "Its not as a simple as it looks. You really to need to make sure that your in full focus into the sword, or else you won't be able to unleash this attack. And since you just learned the Inferno Style, you're not able to control it yet." She said to him directly.

Akira: "It hurts to say it, but she's right, I just recently tapped into the Inferno Style, so its no surprise I couldn't do it yet. Maybe I should tell uncle Rengoku teach me after this." 

After a while, Akira decided to train with Illya for a while. Akira did wonder if this'll be the last time he'll see Illya since he has learned the Inferno Style. It's no surprise that he wants to know about the Inferno Style and how it was discovered. After a while, Akira felt very tired, with Illya barely breaking a sweat. The difference between the of them was extremely obvious. Akira was inexperienced compared to Illya, who has done this kind of thing for many years.

Akira: "Hey Miss Illya, Do you know how the Inferno Style came to be?" I'm always curious about that." He then breaks the ice after resting about a bit.

Illya: "Oh? I'm surprised you want to know about it. Not even Rengoku ask that question." She was taken aback by his question.

Akira: "Really? I always thought he asked that question back then, since he was always curious about it as well." 

Illya: "I guess he wants to figure it out himself. All he ever did was training and more training."

Akira: "That definitely sounds like him."

Suddenly, Illya body begins to disappear, surprising Akira.

Illy: "It seems its time for you to wake up now."

Akira: "But..! I still have a lot to ask! Do you have to go now!?" Akira shouted as her body dissipates in the air.

Illya: "Don't worry. when you think the time is right, you can visit me again." She chuckles before fully disappearing, leaving Akira speechless.

Akira: "Guess it won't be the last time I'll see her. Well, guess its time to wake up."

As his vision gets blurry, Akira finally wakes up from his dream. He feels a little tired due to the crazy training he did with Illya in the dream, but other than that he feels fine.

Akira: "Morning, mom." He greets his mother as soon as he enters the living room.

Sumire: "Morning, sweetie. Seems you had a good night sleep." She said to him, as she was preparing breakfast, With Denji reading a newspaper, just relaxing.

Akira: "I sure did! After the dream I had last night, I'm more determined that ever!" He said so proudly.

Sumire couldn't help herself but smile, seeing her son being more motivated to get stronger. Denji was also smiling, albeit he doesn't show it to the both them. After the spar with Illya, Akira was more determined than ever to get stronger. And to do that, he needs to beat his uncle, Rengoku Mokoro, which isn't gonna be simple.