



Our story begins, as we see a dark, imposing, yet opulent looking castle, surrounded by mist and fog, which serves as a blanket, blocking out all traces of daylight and the morning sun.

Inside the castle, a throne room, which is equally as splendorous looking as the exterior. Blood red tapestries hang about the room, and an equally blood red carpet flows from the the entrance of the room, to the end where we see two thrones side by side. The throne on the right is vacant, but the one on the left is not, and in it sits a woman, dressed in resplendent garments, almost resembling Elizabethean attire, all her features – hair, nails, lips are as equally as blood red as the rest of the ornaments in the room, all except her skin which is a fair, white complexion, not just white, but in fact pale.

The woman in question is the vampire queen, Carmilla, the wife of the late Count Vlad Tepes, also known as the vampire Lord; Count Dracula.

The vampire queen sits sulking in her throne room. Suddenly there is a knock at the massive doors at the front of the throne room.

Nonchalantly, Carmilla waves her hand and the doors open. "Enter!" Carmilla says to the patron on the other side of the door.

The recipient at the door walks into the throne room. We see that the person is not human, but in fact a monster, more precisely a succubus named Lilith, a vampire much like Carmilla, but immune to sunlight.

Lilith's physique has a demonic visage - batlike wings, horns shaped like a goat, and legs and feet that seemed to resemble that of a gargoyle.

As Lilith now stands within the confines of the imposing throne room, she kneels before her mistress Carmilla.

"Forgive the sudden intrusion my queen. It is I Lilith; your humble succubus servant."

"Yes Lilith.; what do I owe the pleasure of this… Intrusion?" Lilith approaches Carmilla and kneels at her feet.

"I thought you should know my mistress, your legions are ready anytime you are; to seek out the vampire Hunter."

"Excellent. Now leave me. I shall be there shortly. But first I wish to savor this moment… for soon I will have my revenge."

"As you command, o' glorious vampire queen Carmilla." Lilith says loyally, as she stands and vacates the throne room.

Once again, Carmilla waves her hands and the doors of the throne room close behind Lilith. Carmilla still sits in her throne, sulking but with a slightly renewed vigor. She dangles a gold goblet off her left hand, then takes a firm grasp of it as she looks at a portrait which hangs to her left. The portrait is of none other than her late, late husband Vlad Tepes, also known as the Vampire Lord and ruler of all monsters and scourges of darkness – Count Dracula.

"Forgive me, my late, late husband…That is to say "We" shall have our revenge." Carmilla says, correcting herselfas she gazes at the visage of her husband.

We now see Carmilla sitting upright, then she stands and raises the goblet as to propose as toast to the painting.

Carmilla takes a drink from the goblet, as she finishes we see that most of the drink has stained her lips and run down the sides, revealing that the contents of the cup are not wine, but in fact blood. Upon closer look, Carmilla smiles, revealing a pair of dripping, blood soaked fangs.

We see another palatial estate, not quite as big as Castle Dracula, but nonetheless splendorous. A mansion sitting somewhere in the middle of the woods, much brighter and cheerier as well; This is the home of Lord and Lady Nikolai.

Inside the spacious mansion, we see guests partying, celebrating, laughing, cheering and showing other signs of merriment.

However the focus is on the four people standing next to a table laden with exquisite cuisines. As well as glorious towering wedding cake.

The first is the Lady Ruth, a woman in her 50s, but a young looking 50, dressed in fine attire, adorned with fine jewelry, reminiscent of the time period.

The second is her husband - Lord Tobias, a man also in his late 50s, but showing signs of where he is not that handsome, rugged man he once was. Tobias's gray beard and paunch give him away; he too is dressed in fine attire, a gold necklace, plush robe, etc.

The third is the close friend of the groom, a soldier, a strapping young man, but with rough features, closer to 30, dressed in what appears to be lightweight armor.

Finally, the 4th in the group is a young lady, wearing a brides dress, The daughter of Ruth and Tobias; Persephone - a beautiful young woman somewhat resembling a Princess and fairy tales- short flaxen blonde hair. Bright red lips, fair skin.

"This is quite an amazing turn out!" Clayton says to Persephone's parents, Lady Ruth and Lord Tobias.

"Lord Tobias, Lady Ruth. You have certainly spared no expense." Clayton continues.

"Well, as you know Clayton my boy!" Tobias says jovially, "Today is a very important day. Nothing but the best for our precious Persephone. Isn't that right, Ruth, my dear?" Tobias says turning to his wife.

As he reaches out with his left hand and gently grabs his wife's right hand. Tobias Gently pulls her in, Ruth twirls into Tobias's chest as they share a kiss.

Then they return to a normal, sociable position.

"If I might say Clayton, you were an excellent best man. But I suppose I should expect nothing less. After all, Brahm is your best friend."

"Thank you Lady Ruth." Clayton replies kindly. "Yes, we've known each other for quite some time. Years in fact."

"I suppose one good thing can be said about war." Replies. Tobias "It brings two people closer together."

"So does love dear." says Lady Ruth.

"Well yes, I suppose it does." Tobias says, unsure of himself. "At least….they say it does." Tobias says, scratching the back of his head.

Lady Ruth turns to look at Clayton deciding if perhaps best to change the subject, not wanting him to be left out.

"So Clayton, will we be hearing wedding bells in your future anytime soon?"

Clayton scratches the back of his head. Hard to believe a soldier could be so nervous, but hesitates wondering how to respond.

"Well I. - - That is to say—" Clayton tries to respond nervously, eager to change the subject himself. Clayton turns to the newly married bride, Tobias and Ruth's daughter Persephone.

In a desperate attempt to change the conversation. Clayton notices. Persephone's wedding ring. "Say Persephone! Why don't you show us that sparkler again?"

"Well, if you insist. Clayton." Persephone extends her right hand showing off her extravagant diamond ring.

"My that is quite a dazzling gem, my dear." Lady Ruth says to her daughter. Lord Tobias, pretending not to be jealous also offers his opinion about the ring.

Tobias reaches into his pocket and pulls out a monocle, then takes his daughter's hand and he closely examines it.

"Oh yes, it is rather opulent. My dear. But you have one just like it, don't you my dear?" Tobias says to Lady Ruth.

"In fact, I think yours is a bit bigger." Lord Tobias says, covering up his jealousy.

"Well father, Brahm also gave me this." Persephone moves her hair away and shows off a gold cross necklace. "Yes, that is a nice gesture my dear." Tobias says sarcastically, but convincingly.

"Speaking of your husband sweetheart. Where is he?" Lord Tobias says, trying to segue the subject. "Shouldn't he be here with his bride?"

"He is meeting with the priest, Father Simon. He said he wanted to give him something before we left for our honeymoon. And that he needed to speak to Brahm, privately. After the ceremony." Persephone explains

"Rather unorthodoxed wouldn't you say? Off conversing with a priest, when he be here celebrating with his wife?" Tobias asks, somewhat upset.

"Father please; remember that Brahm hasn't had the advantages and upbringing that we have." Persephone says. In an almost, angry tone.

"After all, Father Simon has in fact been like a father to Brahm, ever since he was abandoned. Besides, we will have the rest of our lives to converse….no telling when he'll see Father Simon again."

"Even so, my dear." Lady Ruth says to Persephone. "Shouldn't he be here celebrating? With his new wife? I'm sure you won't be taking him away from anything too important, why don't you go and ask him to join us? He's missing all the fun."

"You know something mother? You're right. I think I will go get him. After all, this celebration is in his honor too. Please excuse me."

Persephone slides through her mother and father and passed Clayton heading to another part of the mansion to find her new husband.

We see, a young man. Named Brahm Van Helsing, the young descendant of a line of vampire hunters. Unbeknownst to him.

As Brahm is packing for what appears to be a long journey. Suddenly there is a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Brahm calls out slightly, turning his head to his left shoulder.

The person on the other side of the door calls out to Brahm. "It is I Brahm, Father Simon."

"Come in father!" Brahm calls out.

Father Simon enters the room. We see a man, a priest of sorts from the way he is dressed., much older than Brahm, around 40 to 50.

"I'm glad I caught you in time. Brom I wanted to see you before you and Persephone leave for your honeymoon."

"Your timing is impeccable Father Simon; so relieved you're here." Brahm tells him, with a sigh of relief in his voice.

"I'm glad I finally found you, I wanted to see you, before you and Persephone eloped for your honeymoon." Father Simon responds in a kindly voice.

"By the way, congratulations. She seems to be a very kind and gentle soul." Father Simon tells Brahm. "How are you feeling?"

"I suppose the same way any soldier would feel. Father Simon… Conflicted." Brahm tells Father Simon, with the sound of uncertainty in his voice. "Oh?!" Father Simon Says, noticing Brahms reluctance.

Something is troubling you Brahm. I can sense it in my line of work; I suppose you might even call it divine intervention. What is it that's troubling you, my son? Who better to confess to than me?"

"I dare not tell you Father Simon." Brahms says forcefully. "For fear that you might think me mad."

"My son! As long as I've known you, you've never been afraid of anything." Father, Simon Says, surprised. Father Simon coaxes Brahm to sit on a nearby bed, and then he drapes his right arm around Brahm shoulders. In an effort to console him.

"Now come." Father Simon Says, "Tell me what's troubling you?"

"Well, if you insist Father." Brahms says to Father Simon. Breathing an exasperated sigh.

"I had the strangest dream… In fact, I've been having them for quite some time. Though…" Brahm hesitates for a moment as he confides. To father Simon.

"Go on." Father Simon tells him in a reassuring voice. "They felt so real… As though they weren't dreams. But visions of my past."

Father Simon stands up from the bed.; He clasps his hands behind him and lowers his head as if he is preparing to make his own confession.

"You do think me mad, don't you?" Brahm asks Father Simon, looking for validation. Or perhaps reassurance that he is not as mad as he thinks.

"To the contrary, my son." Father Simon says to Brahm. "I don't think…I know!"

Brahm looks at Father Simon again; with wide eyed confusion and surprise. However, feeling reassured Brahm is also confused. Father Simon turns around to face Brahm.

Father Brahm pulls out a rather extravagantly embroidered cloth from under the folds of his cassock. Father Simon opens it up, revealing a rather unique and peculiar weapon; the weapon looks like a cross, gold with a green jewel in the center. Suddenly, as if the object has a life of its own. The jewel in the center opens up like an eye. And. The cross takes on a different shape, more of a cross. "bone" shape.

Next, the eye begins to act like a projector. An Brahm says a holographic image of his late father, Abraham Van Helsing.

"My dearest Brahm my son It is I, your father…Abraham van Helsing."

"My father?" Brahm says in surprise. "Shh!" Father Simon gestures to Brahm to remain silent so as to hear the rest of the message.

The hologram of Abraham Van Helsing continues to. Narrate "If you are watching and listening to this then you are ready to learn the truth of whom you are…and who you are destined to become!" Again, Brahm looks in wide eyed wonder, his mouth gaping as he looks at the holographic image projecting his late father.


Meanwhile; the morning sun is seen descending into the horizon on a hillside. Overlooking the descending sun are Lilith, the succubus and a woman wearing a hooded cloak; Carlotta.

Behind them is an exquisite looking carriage, perched on the top are two harpies – creatures half woman, half bird; their names are Stheno and Euryale - Under their arms are feathery wings with their hands at the ends, their legs askew and turned backward, their bodies covered with feathers. In place of their nose extend long, hook-billed beaks.

At the reigns of the carriage sits a man named Fuego – his features and skin color suggest that he is middle eastern, huge, muscular, covered in tattoos, wearing a vest and a pair of pants, an attire similar to that of Sinbad.

The burly man descends from the driver's seat and approaches the door on the left side of the carriage and prepares to open it.

"Has the sun set, Fuego?" Carmilla asks the carriage driver.

"Almost, my Queen!" The burly man answers.

Fuego looks out onto the horizon, as the morning son completes its descent on the horizon, Fuego once again turns his attention to Carmilla and the door of her carriage.

"The accursed sun has descended Countess Carmilla, you may proceed." Fuego says to Carmilla.

"Marvelous." says Carmilla. Fuego opens the door of Carmilla's carriage. Carmilla extends her hand out of the carriage and Fuego accepts it, helping her down and out.

As the morning son completes its descent on the horizon, Carmilla steps out.

Carmilla stands and walks over looking out over the hillside at her desired target.

"Move aside you imbeciles!" Carmilla shouts as she pushes aside Lilith and Carlotta; the woman in the hood.

"At last my dear husband…revenge will be ours." Carmilla says looking forward.

Carmilla extends her hand out again pointing in the general direction of the mansion.

"Lilith, Carlotta! Take Stheno and Euryale and dispose of the Riff-Raff!" Carmilla decrees.

"As you command, Queen Carmilla!" Carlotta says, her voice giving off a hissing drone…like a snake.

Lilith flies off carrying Carlotta in her gargoyle looking talons.

The harpies, Stheno and Euryale fly off, following Lilith and their sister Carlotta.

The only ones remaining are Carmilla and Fuego, Fuego approaches Carmilla, a giant executioners axe wrapped around his back.

"Shall I follow them my vampire Queen?" Fuego asks Carmilla.

"No Fuego, wait here; with the carriage. I want the pleasure of retrieving the young vampire hunter myself!...and I shouldn't be too long."

With that, Carmilla stretches out her arms, like a bat. Suddenly, she begins to laugh fiendishly as she too transforms into a flock of bats which travel in perfect unity toward the desired location. Her evil laugh transforms as well, into that of a screeching cauldron of bats.


Back in the main hall of Father Simon's church, guests continue to revel in merriment over the wedding of Brahm and Persephone. The focus once again turns to Persephone's parents and Clayton.

Suddenly there is a loud banging sound coming from the main doors of the hall. Something with incredible force and strength breaks through.

In the doorway wearing a cloak covering the top of her face, partially revealing her mouth, nose and cheeks and stands before the crowd. Her arms stretched out. Along with is Lilith is Carlotta and her two harpy sisters, Stheno and Euryale.

Lilith and the harpies fly about the room and begin attacking the guests - screeching, Clawing, biting. The crowds of once cheery guests begin fleeing in every direction to escape.

Carlotta, the woman in the hood and cloak, turns her attention to Lord Tobias and Lady Ruth. Then, she points out a clawed, scaly finger from her left hand.

"Stheno! Euryale!" Carlotta calls out to the harpies there is a strangeness to Carlotta's voice. A hissing in her speech. "Ssssseize the King and Queen!"

"As you command…" says Stehno. "… sister Carlotta!" says Euryale.

The two monstrous bird – women are flying in the air swoop in to capture Lord Tobias and Lady Ruth.

Clayton hearing this draws his sword and stands in front of the king and Queen.

"No!" Clayton says mustering up some laiden courage. "Keep away you harpies! I won't let you harm them!" Clayton draws his sword from the scabbard at his waist.

Stheno and Euryale unimpressed by Clayton's threat laugh with a chilling combination of laughter and bird screeches.

"Ssssso gallant!" Carlotta says. "I ssssee chivalry is not dead…perhaps, just foolish."

Lilith swoops down, catching Clayton by surprise. With her talents, Lewith knocks down Clayton, who drops his sword.

As Lilith flies off to the side of her fellow monsters, Clayton, who is wounded by Lilith's talons and having the wind knocked out of him crawls over to his sword. As Clayton grabs the handle of the sword. A foot comes down on his hand. Clayton looks up and sees Carlotta.

"Going, sssssomewhere?" Carlotta says, looking down at Clayton.

As Carlotta pins Clayton, down by his hand, Carlotta turns her attention back to the king and queen. Carlotta points at King Tobias and Queen Ruth.

King Tobias and Queen Ruth are now being held down on their knees, by Stheno and Euryale in Front of Carlotta.

Carlotta slowly starts to remove her hood, revealing that she is a Medusa.

Carlotta yells out, "Turn to stone!" Carlotta's face changes as she looks at King Tobias and Queen Deirdre; In a flash of light. The two are turned to statues.

After putting her hood back on, Carlotta wanders over statues and begins toying with them. Grabbing them seductively. Then she looks at Clayton, who is unaffected now that Carlotta has covered her face again

"What do you think?" Carlotta says to Clayton. "I've never turned royalty to stone before. Perhaps I should start a chess set?" Carlotta chuckles as do Lilith and the harpies.

Clayton, with tears in his eyes, and an angry and determined look on his face, pounds the ground and looks down in defeat.

Clayton, with tears in his eyes. And an angry and determined look on his face pounds the ground an looks down in defeat.

"You…!" Clayton says under his breath. "…You monsters!"


Persephone reaches the top of the stairs, she looks to the right and sees a door at the end of the hall and heads down a hallway strewn with sconces attached with to the walls on both sides, adorned with candles. As Persephone approaches and stands before the door she halts, then knocks.

"Brahm? Father Simon? Are you in there?"

Suddenly, a voice on the other side of the door, a familiar voice, Brahm's voice calls out. "Yes my dearest! Please, won't you come in?" Persephone opens the door, enters the room and closes it behind her.

Back in Brahms chambers, the Glaive has concluded with its strains message and has returned to its dormant shape.

Just then, Persephone walks in. Suddenly the Glaive begins to pulsate and glow.

"Father Simon, What's happening?" Brahm asks "The glaive! It acts as if it's alive!" Brahms says again with fearful excitement.

"That can't be!" Father Simon tells Brahm in surprise. "The only time the Glaive acts that way. Is when…"

Persephone opens the door. Standing there for a second. Glancing over her husband. And the priest.

"I hope I didn't disturb anything. You two had been away for so long." Persephone tells them.

Is everything alright?" Persephone asks with curiosity and concern.

"Yes, my dear Persephone please do come in." Father Simon holds the door open and bids Persephone welcome into the chamber.

"Persephone. What are you doing here?" Brahm asks his new wife.

"my parents bidded me to invite you. To the festivities. I myself was curious as to why you were gone so long." Persephone asks.

"it is I who must apologize. My dear." Father Simon says to Persephone.

"I needed to borrow your husband before you two embark on your honeymoon." , "Come let us rejoin your parents and the rest of your family in celebration." Brahm tells his new wife. "This should be a time for celebration, not suspicion and fear." Brahms says as he picks up his wife as though he is about to carry her over a threshold. then in a renewed vigor, spins her around "Oh Brahm, You truly are gallant." Persephone tells him.

Just then, a noise and a blinding light, once again emanates from the Glaive.

Brahm is so distracted and almost blinded that he can barely hold up Persephone. And drops her on a nearby bed.

"Brahm, Father Simon. What is going on?" Persephone asks Both curious and afraid.

Suddenly, there is a crash. From a nearby stained glass window in the room, courtesy of a cauldron of bats.

The cauldron of bats begin to swarm together, until they take the shape of a woman. The bats merge together, and we now see standing before Brahm, Father Simon and Persephone; the Vampire Countess Carmilla.

"So, at last I meet the son of Abraham Van Hellsing." Carmilla says with a sinister smile, revealing a pair of fangs.

While Carmilla is gloating, Father Simon reaches under the folds in his robe.

"Brahm, Persephone run…I will fend off this monster." Father Simon says, holding a stake in his right hand, and urging Brahm and Persephone out the door with his free left hand. "But, Father Simon!" Brahm says to his mentor and surrogate father.

"Go…now!" Father Simon yells. Brahm grabs Persephone, and they both run out the room. Father Simon is now left alone with Carmilla. Carmilla wastes no more time as she lunges at Father Simon. As Carmilla closes in; with his left hand Father Simon holds out a cross hanging from a necklace. Carmilla cowers backwards, covering her face and letting out an ear piercing shriek.

Father Simon moves in on Carmilla, raising the stake in his hand, preparing to bring it down on Carmilla's heart. "God…give me strength!" Father Simon says, as he lowers the stake. Unfortunately, before Father Simon can strike the killing blow, Carmilla transforms again, this time into a cloud of mist. The mist that is Carmilla floats out of striking distance."What? No." Father says, striking with the stake, and missing.

Once again, the mist takes shape, appearing behind Father Simon. The mist returns to the shape of Carmilla, it grabs Father Simon's wrist which is holding the stake. "I don't think your God can hear you, Father Simon!" Carmilla says to the Priest who struggles to free himself, writhing in pain as Carmilla overpowers him, twisting his wrist further. As Carmilla continues to overpower Father Simon, he drops the stake. This time, Carmilla is prepared for Father Simon's cross. She grabs it, and with a swift jerk tears it from his neck. The cross burns her hand as it touches her skin, with a pained grunt she quickly discards the holy symbol, despite leaving a burned impression on her hand. "I don't think your God heard you Father Simon…" Carmilla says fiendishly. "Perhaps, you should try a little louder." With that, Carmilla squeezes Father Simon's arm, then twists and dislocates it until the bone in his arm is cracking. As Father Simon yells out in pain, we see Brahm and Persephone continuing to flee down the hall. "Father Simon!" Brahm says turning and looking back at the source of the agonized scream. "I must help him!"

Brahm tells Persephone as he runs back towards the room they left the unfortunate Priest. "No Brahm!" Persephone says as pulls Brahm back, jerking his left arm. "You'll be killed too!". "But I can't abandon him Persephone! He's the only Father I've ever known." Brahm says to Persephone, frantically.

"I know how important he is to you, but you won't do him any good by getting yourself killed." Persephone tells Brahm. "Flee, and live to fight another day!...I implore you." Persephone says to Brahm, in a frightened and almost tearful voice.

"You're right my dear." Brahm says to Persephone, cocking up her chin. "Come, I must get you to safety."

Brahm grabs Persephone, leading her further down the hall, towards an entry way with a descending staircase. Panting, they run down the staircase toward the main hall. Soon Brahm and Persephone reach the end of their descent and find themselves in the hall where the wedding festivities were taking place….only to be greeted to a horrifying scene of carnage.

After the revelation. And the eerie message Brahm had just finished. Viewing he is startled. As is Father Simon. Brom assumes a battle position. With his sword in hand. And now the Glaive at his side.

"Could this be one of the so called monsters my father warned me about Father Simon?" Brahm asks with frightend curiosity.

"I doubt it. But be ready just in case." Father Simon tells Brahm.

Before Brom or father Simon have the chance to ask "who is it?" The voice on the other side. Of the door. Calls out to them. "Brom. Are you in there? It's me Persephone. I was hoping I could come in."

Brahm and father, Simon, breathe a sigh of relief. Father Simon goes to answer the door. Brom puts away his arsenal.

"yes, of course. Persephone. Please come in."


Brahm and Persephone arrive in the Great Hall of the castle, he is horrified by the sight that awaits him. Many of the guests have been massacred, and those that haven't have been turned to statues. The Harpies wait silently on the parapets of the castle, unseen by Brahm and Persephone. Suddenly, Brahm and Persephone hear a moan coming from his left, they see their friend Clayton; However, they barely recognize him as they see Carlotta's Medusa venom already taking much of its effect on Clayton; his body, more stone than flesh. Brahm heads over to help him. "Clayton, my friend!" Brahm says, "What happened? Who did this?"

Clayton is still weak, so weak he can barely speak. His face half stone, half flesh. With a last desperate gesture, Clayton points to something/someone approaching him from behind. "Brahm!" Clayton yells. "Look out behind you!"

However it is unnecessary, as the Glave once again signals, warning Brahm of the presence of monsters.

Brahm pulls the Glave out and throws it at the oncoming threat. The Glave makes contact, cutting off the head of Carlotta, the Medusa who is/was approaching from behind him. Carlotta's head falls off her shoulders and rolls on to the floor.

Brahm stands over the severed body, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Whew! That was a close one!" Brahm turns to face Clayton, but while with his dying breath Clayton was able to save Brahm, Brahm was unable to save Clayton.

"You saved me my friend." Brahm lowers his head in discouragement. "I only wish I was in time to save you."

Just then, Brahm hears screeching, the Harpies see their sister decapitated and waste no time attacking Brahm. "Puny Human! You decapitated our sister!" Stehno cries out, screeching like a bird.

"Now you, shall die!" says Euryale.

Stehno and Euryale descend on Brahm. As the Glave returns to Brahm it slices into Stehno's wing. She struggles to fly, but she can't. "My wing!" Stehno says, screaming out in pain. Stehno crash lands into the ground. Euryale is distracted by her sister's plight. The Harpies angrier than before resume their attack on Brahm. Euryale flies at him from the air. As she prepares to descend on him, the talons on her feet spread out like a bird of prey. Brahm rolls away from Euryale, he is in a kneeling position and prepares to throw the Glave again, only this time the Harpies are ready for him, as Euryale quickly swoops in and clutches Brahm by his shoulders.

With little to no effort, Eurayale picks up Brahm and begins to fly him around the room. Euryale cranes her neck, looks at Brahm and begins to gloat. "Foolish Human! You dare to use your Glave now?" Euryale gloats. In an amazing feat of agility, Brahm gets a firm grip on Euryale's legs.

Then, Brahm swings both his feet into Euryale's face. Brahm's kicks Euryale with both legs disorienting her and her flight path. While still holding on to Euryale's legs they both go crashing towards one of the nearby pillars into the throne room. Brahm plants his feet into Euryale's stomach, using her as a spring board, Brahm spins her as he backflips out of the harpies talons and lands to safety while Euryale goes crashing into the nearby pillar with her back.

After subduing the harpies, Lilith the succubus decides to swoop in herself, only this time, she aims for Persephone. "Enough of this! If we can't have the vampire hunter, then take the girl!" Lilith says as she swoops down.

Persephone hears this and cowers as she sees Lilith descends upon her.

"Brahm help me!" Persephone screams as she trips and falls.

"Persephone!" Brahm shouts as he runs over to save her, as he does he draws the sword from the scabbard on his left hip.

Not having enough time to throw the Glave, Brahm reaches for the rapier in his scabbard. He decides to face off with Lilith, who proceeds to make her escape. Ocypete obliges and while flying in the air, continues her attack on Brahm. Suddenly, Brahm feels something wrap around his ankle. Brahm yells out "What in - -?" Carlotta's tongue, even though her head has been severed from her body, she is still alive. Carlotta draws in to Brahm, then upon completely retracting her tongue, bites him with huge snake-like fangs in his ankle. Brahm screams as he falls to the ground, Carlotta's medusa snake venom courses through Brahm.

Brahm writes in pain, "Now Euryale!" Carlotta's severed head calls out. "While my poison courses through his veins…annihilate him!" As Brahm is crawling to avoid Euryale's aerial attack he remembers something. He reaches under his shirt and pulls out a strange copper whistle shaped like a cross hanging around his neck.

Brahm blows in to the whistle. The whistle emits a high frequency pitch, like a dog whistle. Euryale, being part bird experiences a shrill pain from the whistle. Suddenly, a neigh is heard in the background and in gallops a majestic white, mechanical horse - Brahm's loyal steed - Sanctity. Sanctity quickly places itself between Brahm and the descending Euryale.

Sanctity quickly turns around, placing its hind legs to face Euryale, then with tremendous force kicks Euryale, who goes flying in the other direction. "Thank you Sanctity." Brahm says in his weakened condition. Even though Brahm feels the effects of Carlotta's poison coursing through his leg and up his body, he struggles to mount Sanctity. "Now…" Brahm groans, "We must rescue Persephone! Hyah!" Brahm coaxes Sanctity. The two ride off, racing out the through the castle bridge, carrying Brahm to safety.

Carlotta calls out again to Euryale. "He must not escape! Euryale, follow him!" Euryale does as Carlotta says. Stheno struggles to stand, unable to fly with her severed wing. Meanwhile, Carlotta's headless body comes back to life, it stands and stretches out its arms, blindly looking to attach the head to its shoulders.

Chapter 5 from and sanctity continue to ride off with Brahms still feeling the effects of Carlot is poison. It isn't long until they reach the woods nearby. The two ride into the woods. Sanctity stops. Brahm, exhausted and still feeling the effects of Carlotta's Medusa venom Can no longer Hold onto Santicy's reigns falls to the dirt laiden ground. Sanctity tries desperately to revive Brahm, coaxing him, by nuzzling him. Sactity's efforts to revive Brahm same futile. , Brahms state of unconsciousness is quickly alleviated as he hears a blood curdling shriek coming from a distance. "What? What is it sanctity?" Brahm says to his loyal mechanical steed, realizing it's not a bird. As Sanctity responds with an electronic whinny Brahm is quick to silence him by covering the horse's mouth and gestures a shush with his finger. "Shh! Quiet Sanctity, whatever that noise was, it was too loud to be a bird." Just then, Brahm hears the noise again, this time from above. Then, Brahm looks up to a terrifying scene, all the birds in the forest fly from the woods and cloud the sky, flying off, frightened. Then, Brahm and Sanctity see the source of the screeching, it is coming from the Harpy, Euryale. "Oh no! It's one of those hideous Harpy monsters! She's found us!" Brahm looks on at the Harpy, terrified. Brahm clutches the cross around his neck, praying that Euryale doesn't see them. But his effort is futile as Euryale looks down and sees her prey. "Ah! There you are monster hunter!" Euryale says to herself, without further hesitation Euryale swoops down, like a bird of prey bearing the razor sharp talons on her feet. "At last…he's mine!" Euryale says, swooping in for the kill. "My apologies Sanctity…I didn't mean for you to suffer my fate as well." Brahm says to Sanctity, accepting defeat.

Suddenly, a figure jumps out of the darkness from behind Brahm and Sanctity. The figure is a werewolf/wolfman. The creature tackles Euryale, overpowering her.

The werewolf/wolfman begins to claw and growl. Euryale screeches as she tries to fight him off. Suddenly, another mysterious figure comes out, only she is floating, and radiating an irradescent green light. The woman is attired in a Victorian era garb, green hair done up, her arms stretched out in a crucifying position as she floats forward.

"Victor" the woman calls out to the werewolf. Victor, the werewolf ceases his attack, clutching Euryale's throat.

"Help the monster hunter." The witch woman continues. "I will restrain the Harpy."

"Yes Victoria." The werewolf says to the woman. As Victor goes over to help Brahm the ground under Euryale begins to glow green as well, and the roots from the trees shoot from out of the ground. The roots start to wrap around Euryale's arms and legs.

While the witch/Victoria restrains the struggling Harpy, Victor scoops up Brahm and puts him on his back, then drapes Brahm's arms around his neck. Victor assumes a more human position walking on two legs rather than four. Holding Brahm tightly, he races out of the forest with incredible speed.

Victoria, continues to bind Euryale to the ground as she approaches Brahm's robotic horse Sanctity. Victoria manages to tame Sanctity by rubbing his face. The shimmering light Victoria once gave off disappears, except for her hands which let off a green glow. Victoria begins to speak to Sanctity, telepathically. "Not to worry my majestic friend. We are here to help you…and your master."

From behind, Victoria hears Euryale still struggling to break free. Victoria pays it no mind and climbs onto Sanctity, the horse welcomes her as freely as it would Brahm.