
Heroes by luck.- Being a hero is painful

Aliens with a plan and a guy with weird ideas about justice, it's a weird and bad combination. The Trailens came to planet Earth to conquer it in a weird way. They gave 15 humans powers. What for? They will soon find out. Angel is one of the 15 chosen ones and decides to become a hero. Follow the adventure of this hero who will be helping the Trailens indirectly. "I received powers from an alien race, stopped being ugly and fat, and became a handsome boy. Ah, yes, but that doesn't matter ... An alien race is planning to conquer my planet! But I will not give up. I will train to be able to defeat them, and in the process, I will cleanse this world of criminals. They don't deserve to live, and I will be the executioner who ends their lives."

Rotceh8292 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

CHAPTER 5- Powers work easy.

Heroes by luck.

CHAPTER 5- Powers work easy.

Gonzalez and I are in the backyard. Gonzalez is smarter than me. With his help, I will be able to control my powers quickly. I have to learn as fast as I can to start training.

"Okay, Gonzalez, we're out. What do I do now?"

"If you can transform yourself and control your strength with your thoughts, try to think "I want to fly". I'm sure all your powers have to do with your thoughts."

Wow... It makes a lot of sense... That is very obvious ... I wish I was a smart guy. Why was I born stupid? Well, I'm average.

"You're right."

I take a deep breath… All right, I'm ready.

I want to fly. I want to fly... Huh?

Yes, it worked!

I start to float and start to rise. G-great!

I look at the ground with excitement. González looks at me in amazement... This is incredible! I can fly! How can I fly?! Do I control the gravity of my body or something?! Fuck logic, the important thing is I can fly!

"Unbelievable! Look, I made it! You were right, the powers work with my thoughts!"

I keep moving away from the ground and get a little worried... How is the flight controlled? If I keep this up, someone might see me.

"But how can I control the flight?"

"Try to think how you want to fly. Look up at the sky and imagine you're spinning."


I look up and watch the blue sky.

I do what Gonzalez told me and it works. I start spinning in the air.

Seriously, this is too easy... I thought it would take me longer to control the flight.

Nah, I don't care! Thanks for the easy stuff, life!

"Shit, I did it. By flying I can control my flight as I wish with my mind."

I'm surprised at my speed. I'm spinning too fast. I do about 20 to 30 spins per second... And it doesn't affect me at all. My face is still the same and so are my clothes... Do my powers protect my clothes? Incredible.

"Wait... I go too fast, but it doesn't affect me at all, I don't mind the speed."

I start laughing and screaming.


... I'm an idiot! Why did I scream? I got carried away by the excitement.

"I'd better get back."

I land and hug Gonzalez tightly.

"Thank you, you were right, now I can be a hero like in the comics!"

"Let go of me!"

He pushes me away from him. How sensitive. I was just giving him a little love and friendship.

"How bitter, I'm just giving you a little love, don't be angry."- I mean joking and smiling.

"You know I don't like hugs. You're still missing something important, your hero suit."

"Shit, you're right. If people see me like this, I could put my family at risk... Wait... But no one knows my slim shape, people won't know who I am or where I live, you idiot."

I smile at him and he looks at me seriously... Did he get angry?

"That's not the point, all heroes wear suits, like in comics... Would you let me design it, please?!"

He says it so excited I can't refuse.

"Of course."- I say smiling as I lift my thumb.

But I just hope it's not a tight suit. I'll be uncomfortable.

(30 minutes later.)

Gonzalez was drawing and designing a suit for 30 minutes.

Why so long? We were looking for references on the internet not to "plagiarize" a suit by accident.

I wanted an original suit, which is why we were seeing hero suits on the internet.

"Ready, look."

He shows me a drawing... It's not that great, but it'll do... No, wait... That's cool! I imagined using it and I look amazing! It's almost perfect. "Almost perfect" because the mask is a little ugly.

The suit consists of a black vest, black trousers and a completely white, unadorned mask.

To be honest, the suit is very basic, but I'll look great wearing it... Or so I think.

"Wow, what a great suit... It's basic, but it'll do."

"Thank you."

"Is it necessary to wear a mask?"

"It is part of your identity. Transform yourself in the drawing."- He said pointing to the drawing.

"Will it work on clothes? I will try."

When I tried to transform into my classmate, I imagined her wearing her uniform, and when I became her, her uniform appeared as well.

"I must try."

I imagine myself wearing that suit and a steam starts to surround me.

There's steam around my body and the suit comes up little by little... What's that steam going to be? Now that I realize, steam is very rare. It is red in color... Well, it's minor details.

González looks at me with bright eyes... Or I think so. His tone of voice became more cheerful and loud.

"G-great ... Look at you. If I were a woman, I'd be horny at the sight of you."

He starts laughing while I can't see him. I can't see anything because of the suit. The mask bothers me.

"Wait, I can't see."

"Imagine the suit with holes in its eyes... No, wait, think: "I want to see"."

I do what he says and I can see... I think the suit fits my body... I can feel the mask on my head, but I can see perfectly... Incredible!

"Now, yes... I think the transformation of clothes is different from the normal transformation."

I stroke my chest and abdomen... My chest and abdomen are visible. Fufu. The girls will like my hero suit. I just hope they don't desecrate my image so much on the internet with weird drawings.

"Well, are you ready?"


"For your big start as a hero."- He said smiling.

My big debut... I never imagined that someday this would happen... This is amazing!!

"Of course I'm ready! Let's do it."

(In the space.)

Boss Trailen looks at screen 7.

"He's already learned to control his power. Excellent work."

He took a fistful of eyeballs from a plate and ate it... "Fist" is one way of putting it. The eyes were glued to his tentacle.

"I see that he wants to start being a hero... Then I will give him a little help."

He starts laughing and turns to look at his co-worker.

"Hey, send the Metamorphic to his city."

"Sure, boss."

The Trailen pushes several buttons.

"Ready, boss."

"When he arrives, you're going to order him to start killing the humans he sees."

"Sure, boss."

He kept looking at the screen and smiled.

"You want a great start? I'll give you a great start, Angel."

He starts laughing diabolically as he watches Angel talking to Gonzalez. A great tragedy is approaching and the laughter will disappear.