

Fate characters in Danmachi Fate and Danmachi belong to their rightful owners

IceArcilla · Tranh châm biếm
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It's already been fifteen years since I arrived and it was quite... Eventful I must say. Especially my little miraculous trip nine years ago that lasted for six years. It was quite fun.

I'm currently in the field where the Queen found me a few years back. Reading a book titled Dungeon Oratoria which is apparently about a Hero named Albert, accompanied by the High Elf Queen Celdia, the Amazonian Empress Ivelda and a few others.

"Lady Arturia!"

I looked up to see a group of elven children running towards me enthusiastically. I closed the book and smiled at them.

"Yes? Do you need something?"

"Can you play with us?" Amelia-a four year old elf and the youngest-was the one to respond with a hopeful look.

I ruffled her midnight black hair and looked at the other kids "Of course. But only for a bit, okay? I still have to help Bedivere teach the older ones later."

They ran around laughing after they heard my answer and we started to play.

If anyone asks if my reason for playing with them is because I like kids, I will strongly deny it.

While Arturia was playing and laughing with them, their parents began to appear one by one but chose to watch the scene unfold. They couldn't bring themselves to disturb the game that the children were playing especially after seeing their Lady Arturia having fun with them.

Throughout the years that she's been in the forest, she earned the trust and respect of every single one of them.

She's a curious child who seems to have an insatiable desire for knowledge.

She once claimed that she will travel the world and learn everything she can.

Some people laughed.

Some people insulted her.

And very few believed.

One day, in front of their eyes, a golden platform carrying a throne appeared right before their eyes.

The moment she mounted the throne, what they saw was not a curious human child but an image of a great king who will lead her kingdom into countless victories.


Because of too much boredom, a group of knights decided to watch whatever the King of Heroes is watching and to say that the knights of the round table are shocked is an understatement.

They cannot believe the interaction between their king and the children because never in their entire existence have they seen their king like that.

'Arthur Pendragon' is known for many things; 'his' cold demeanor, unwavering resolve, fairness, authority and many more. But being kind and caring is not one of them.

"Is that really our king?" the Knight of the Sun asked

"Yes" answered the King of Heroes

"Are you sure?" pressed the Knight of Lamentation

"Yes" Gilgamesh answered again

"Are you really sure? Like extremely sure that that's not Nero or Jeanne or-"

"Yes, that is your king without the curse of the sword in stone." replied a woman's voice whose owner is walking towards them.

Azraelle stopped in front of them and motioned for them to sit down.

"So, the Athena of that dimension is going to descend to the lower world-the place where Arturia is located at the moment-and I'm going to send people to aid your king. Now I want you to decide which four of you members of the round table are going. I'll give you an hour."

She left and havoc ensued.

In the middle of a huge clearing, you can see a blonde woman beside a man and two other ladies who looks identical to her, watching over the training of four groups; the archers, the mages, the swordsmen/women, and the magic swordsmen/women. It is already an hour and a half before dusk and so she told them to stop training and cool off.

"Bedivere, Nero, Jeanne, prepare your belongings we will leave after a week. I have received word from Lady Azraelle that four members of the round table will be joining us here and that Lady Athena is descending here in the lower world"