
Herobrine in Marvel

I am new to this but let's try anyway Here is the synopsis. What happens when Herobrine (Alexstar -Mc) interacts with Marvel as a human again? When Marvel becomes his playground. When he seeks entertainment. There was a hidden excitement when he learned that his world was not as simple as it seemed for some people (us) it was the source of entertainment for some a living place. Some thought they could conquer it but they had to fight against Herobrine because it was his playground and his family also loved this place. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "You can't kill me for I am immortal, but you can be killed for you are not immortal." "Hmm, indeed you are right about me not being immortal. But you are a bit wrong the reason I don't call myself immortal is all immortals have something in common with you too. You know what it is." "We are strong." Though the speaker now felt uneasy. "Yeah that too but that's not what I am talking about. The common characteristic of all immortals is they die they can be killed, and so you that is why I am not immortal for I am Herobrine." "What are you talking about? I have never been killed." "Are you sure?" NOTICE --- THE STORY IS HAVING SOME REWRITE CHAPTERS FOR BETTER STORY YOU COULD CHECK LATEST CHAPTERS FOR THAT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx King among mortals. God among kings. And among Gods? well... he is Herobrine. NOTE: A FEW READERS ARE CONFUSED ABOUT THE ORIGINS OF MC AND I HAVE GIVEN AN EXPLANATION IN A CHAPTER IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEN I AM SORRY THOUGH I WILL SUGGEST NOT FOCUSING MUCH ON THE ORIGINS AS THEY WILL BE REVEALED IN THE VERY LAST OF THE STORY. Note Mc is Herobrine (Overpowered) There are elements from other universes. and for more read the novel. The image is from Google. Minecraft belongs to Microsoft. Marvel belongs to Disney. And other Belongs to their respective owners. READ THE NEW BOOK!

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Chapter 13 Am I a jade beauty or something?

Alex PoV

I looked around the dimension/realm, usually reincarnater have to be worried about Ancient One it is shown in most fan fiction that they are pulled into a Mirror Dimension by Ancient One. Though I am no reincarnater.

So was I pulled into Mirror Dimension by Ancient One, obviously not as you guys have read so far you must know that I can't be pulled into any dimension or summoned by anyone unless I allow it.

There is also a lesser reason if I didn't have control over the space around me, as I have a somewhat good level of authority over the Mirror Dimension as my sister-in-law is one of the lords of Mirror Dimension.

But why I am saying all this? I am not even in the Mirror Dimension nor there is any Ancient One. Though I am somewhere else.

Realm of Death is this place called. Currently, I am in the Royal Palace of Mistress Death though I don't why it is called Royal. The palace is interesting as it is made out of Immortals' bones which is not surprising as the most common trait that most of the immortals share obviously except yours truly is, that they die. But, I am not interested in the palace but in the realm, as it is constantly trying to turn me dead with an impossible amount of Death Energy this place is generating.

"Will you stop looking around my realm? Something else that is more fascinating than the realm is in front of you." Came an annoyed and annoying female voice.

Oh did I tell you Mistress Death was sitting in front of me on a throne that is made from bones of Those Who Sit Above in Shadow, which is impressive as it is not easy to carve a throne from their very brittle bones, tough but even a little force turns it to dust.

"Oh yes. So why did invite me into your realm? I am pretty sure I am not dead not that I can be." I said looking into her hollow eyes though I was still looking around her realm using my 360° vision, regretting why had not accepted her invitations in the past, there was so much I was learning here just by observing.

But I am sure most of you are interested in Lady Death's appearance.

So here (Image.)

"Unfortunately you are not dead. The reason I summoned-"

She said in the same seductive and annoying voice.

"More like requested you should correct yourself. What would Thanos think if you forgot little things he would be worried that you would forget him." I corrected her and teased them a little bit, she tried to use the reason that I russuructed the whole 'harem' of Logan from dead which is breaking rules. Though Death in Marvel is the most broken rule.

"Tch," she clicked her tongue and looked very pissed as she attacked me with a ball of Death Energy that could cause 'death' of a galaxy. But I didn't waste this opportunity and stored it in my realm. She looked more annoyed but smirked and said "Sorry for the wrong information Herobrine. But Thanos in this universe is not behind me but someone else and you would not like but it is not what I called you."

She looked at me knowingly with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, yeah because I revived Wolverine's family and you have a few less number from an infinite number of souls you have." I looked at her with an annoyed expression.

She still smirking said "But you have broken rules. By taking death in your hands, Herobrine. How do you plan to compensate me, not only for this time but also for the past when you openly undermined my authority."

Now I realized why I didn't come here, she was damn annoying.

"Did you say something bad about me?"

'Women's Intuition. Is such bitch ability' I cursed mentally.

I looked at her with a deadpan expression "You really expect me to compensate?" Seeing her smug look I frowned I didn't know if she did think I would give her something valuable.

I took out a few souls who were of high human level and gave her and said "Done. If you don't have anything to say I am going." I already completed most of the scan so no need to stay here longer as I turned back not that I needed to but you understand.

"Wait. You really don't think I just called you here for these low-quality souls. You are going to need my help in the future I promise so if you offer something good then I will help you in the future." She said her tone telling me that she was stating the truth but why would I need her help?

I turned back and looked at her incredulously and said "What do you want? And don't act like you have the upper hand I can do what you would help me with one way or another so don't ask for more than what the thing has value for."

She straightened up and said "I can't tell you about it. But I promise you will need it in future. But let's talk about what I want from you."

I sighed but agreed the moment she promised me a pact was signed this is also one of the reasons we higher beings always be careful with our promises as some can even cost our lives if interpreted the wrong way not that it will affect me that much but it can cause some damage to my Authority of Marvel World.

"So what do you want from me? I don't think it is a Netherite or some immortal soul is it?" I don't think she will go to such lengths for a piece of metal or an immortal soul, a metal capable of harming beings like her but a metal nonetheless.

"I want to have a child with you as the father." I choked at nothing.

Seriously what with these beings trying to bed me? Am I some jade beauty or something?