
Hero Will Find a Way!

My name is Leon Wijayah. 17 years old who died at the hands of his own cousin. When I opened my eyes, I had entered someone else's body. His name is Akion Naal Sanktessy. He has a predatory look, capable of making people who stare at his face stop breathing temporarily. He was the continent's youngest swordmaster. With his strength, he could split mountains with ease. However, the situation turned out to be very complicated. People wanted him to submit and continue to attack. Can I survive and face them? As the successor to Baron Sanktessy and the greatest swordsman of all time, I must devise tactics to destroy them.

viens_aisling · Kỳ huyễn
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156 Chs

Exercie In Abadoned Place

I looked at it with a calm look. The pounding of his heart sounded normal. He has returned after defending the dark forest, he also often helps in the Aurus region. 

He returned with an army that had grown stronger and a weight on his chest for not being able to protect what I thought was important. Levian, he couldn't say anything even though his jaw had hardened. 

Grudges, and the pain is real. Just like the one inside me. So big and makes me want to get angry at all of them who have planned this.

"You guys have developed so well, it makes me proud." I still looked at him straight. He has obeyed all my orders well, there is no reason for me to be angry at those who have really worked so well.

"Thank you Baron Akion. We will become stronger to be of great use to  Baron Akion."