
Hero System Make Me Rich

Have you ever heard about Terra? The world where everyone doing a quest for a gold coin, and yes, my friend, the palace where Magic and technologists coexist. Yang Ji Sung was an average young man lived in poverty. He work hard for his Mom medication bill. Everything turns upside down when the god gives him a chance to rewrite his fate. Ji Sung discovered a strange gate that connected Earth and Terra. There he finds that he was gifted with a super rare system called 'Hero System'. Ji Sung undertook his first quest on Terra and was rewarded with a gold coin. "Oh my god, one gold coin means one hundred dollars? Woohoo! I'll be rich in no time!" However, just when things start to go smoothly, problems arise in both worlds. The God, have secret, yet, he must covered it self. . . .

Yoyuho · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

2. Strange Information

Any information about his Father was worth the time. 

After his work had ended, as a promise, he came alone to the alley near the station. It was dim, quiet, muddy, and smelled like shit.

He trekked his path, then stopped in the middle of it while observing his surroundings—no one was there, not even a rat.

"Don't say this is a joke. I'm tired. I want to hit my bed. Do you hear me? Whatever you are, come out now."

He scanned around once more before leaving. Suddenly, from the end of the alley, car headlights blurred his vision. Several footsteps became more explicit in his ears.

"How dare you sleep with my girlfriend." The hunky man came with his friend. Close-cropped hair, square face, with thick, defiant eyebrows. She coldly looked at Ji Sung.

Jem Butian, son of a wealthy tycoon. Yet, he did not come alone. There were six other men in black suits. From their appearance, it seems they are members of Jo-Pok, a yakuza organization in South Korea. 

Ji Sung has not yet found out how that man disappeared, yet, he would disappear forever if he wanted to. 

Slowly he stood in a Judo stance. He learned Judo as a teen to protect himself from danger. Now, it would be helpful. 

"Listen, my friend. Who is your girlfriend?"

"Don't play dumb, shithead. It was my lucky day. You came here alone, like a moron shit. Listen carefully. I will not tell you this again. Stay away from Yeon. She is my girlfriend. You got it?"

Ji Sung smirked. He never asks Yeon for bed, yet she is the one who lured him to study together and end up on the bed. "Listen, I always respect women. I never force them or pull them to me. If they ask me, then what should I do? Perhaps, instead of coming here with your babysitter, you should learn how to treat a girlfriend well."

"What did you say? How dare you lecture me! I have a bigger dick than you, prick!" His face reddened as his hoarse voice rose. "You ask to die, Shithead?"

"So, what are you worried about?" Ji Sung kept calm as he put his smirk up. "I'm not questioning your manhood, but how to make a girl feel comfortable and safe by your side. In that way, they won't look for someone else."

"You push your luck on edge." Butian raised his hand, and those Jo-Pok soldiers moved closer, shadowing Ji Sung. 

They were carrying baseball bats as they laughed and tried to terrorize him. Ji Sung stood still like a great wall. 

"Look, I just want you to stay away from my girl." Said Jem Butian. "Yet, you stay with her in her apartment. You have to suffer the consequences."

In a sudden flurry of action, three people rushed toward Ji Sung, wielding baseball sticks and intending to strike. 

With lightning-fast reflexes, Ji Sung evaded their swings, utilizing a combination of light footwork and proper timing. As the first attacker lunged forward, Ji Sung used his momentum, executing a quick hip throw that sent the person crashing to the ground.

Not wasting a moment, Ji Sung smoothly transitioned to the following two opponents. With a quick sweep of his leg, he destabilized the second man, causing him to stumble and lose his balance. 

Before the third assailant could react, Ji Sung swiftly grabbed his arm, using his opponent's momentum against him, and executed a powerful shoulder throw, sending the third man crashing across the floor.

However, the fight was far from over. As if not caring about their comrades' defeat, five more men rushed forward, their collective assault becoming increasingly challenging. Ji Sung remained composed, drawing upon his extensive Judo Skills. As they closed in, he swiftly countered their attacks, utilizing a combination of blocks, sweeps, and well-timed throws.

Despite his formidable skills, Ji Sung's energy began to deplete under the overwhelming pressure of the relentless assault. With each passing blow, his strength diminished, and he found himself gradually pushed back. Finally, overwhelmed by the sheer force of the attackers, Ji Sung was knocked to the ground, his body battered and bruised.

"You coward! Bastard! Come on, fight me like a man, one by one!" Shouted Ji Sung, his sponge-like legs trying to lift his wet body. Downcast, his sharp eyes looked at Butian as if he wanted to eat him alive.

"One by one, huh? Interesting." Butian was dragging a baseball bat covered in sharp wires. "Alright, if you want one by one, I'll give you one by one."

He laughed at Ji Sung's. "Look at you. Even standing up is difficult for you." Butian gave a code for some men to help Ji Sung stand.

Butian lifted Ji Sung's head with a baseball bat. "This kind of handsome face that Yeon likes?"

"We are just friends."

"Friend, maybe she thinks of you as a friend. But I know you want more than a friend. I've often seen poor guys dreaming of marrying a rich girl, then getting rich himself. It's not that easy, damn it."

"Yes, it's not that easy. Not all men are like you." Ji Sung chuckled with Butian.

"Yang Ji Sung. Stay away from Yeon. Or, I'll find your mom. I heard she's charming and sexy. Well, what if I fuck her? After I beat you up, she will crawl begging for mercy. I'll make her into my toilet. How's that? Do you want that to happen?"

Ji Sung's chest heated up. His muscles hardened. All his pain disappeared as a strange power took over his body. No one could insult his Mom, no. She was an angel for Ji Sung, and now he will kill Butian.

With renewed vigor Ji Sung struggled, but Butian had not yet realized that the coin had turned. He laughed hard and continued to bad-mouth Ji Sung's mom.

The men in suits began to panic as they struggled to control Ji Sung. In a flick of a finger, Ji Sung broke free of their dominance and instantly choked Butian, pushing him against the wall.

Ji Sung was breathing like a hungry wolf. He squeezed Butian neck, trying to break it

The men in suits tried to help Butian. They pounded Ji Sung's back with a baseball bat, but there was no reaction from Ji Sung.

"Let go of me, scum." Said Butian. "I could die... please, let go," Butian pleaded. His face began to turn purple, his tongue hanging out. He was having trouble breathing.

Ji Sung replied, "Look, you can insult me, beat me, but never bring my mom into trouble. Do you understand?!"

Butian nodded as his eyes trembled in terror.

A baseball bat broke after hitting Ji Sung's head, forcing him to let Butian go slowly.

Butian collapsed, crawling back, leaning against the wall. Like seeing a ghost, he cowered in fear. Hopefully, he never brought Ji Sung's mom again, or he would be sorry.

Ji Sung was again being beaten to a pulp. He could lose his life.

A shadow came from the sidewalk. 

"Let him go, or I beat you all into the pulps."

Everyone stopped beating Ji Sung as they focussed on the strange man.

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