
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · Tranh châm biếm
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96 Chs

Chapter 7 Why am I on Fire? by Yojimbra

We could have been there already."

"I can jump there."

"Why are you going so slow? You're not using the whole speedometer."

Road rage was something that I knew full well, but normally it came from other drivers on the road. Not from my own passengers. But I supposed it made sense. All Might could jump there, Gran Torino could fucking bounce there I guess. And Nezu. Well, Nezu could become roadkill.

I let out a long sigh, or tried to but it turned into a growl. I glanced back through the mirror towards All Might, who was dressed in a suit and even wearing a hat like he was trying to act like he wasn't All Might stuffed in a suit. Sorahiriko sat in the front passenger seat, and the overgrown rodent had escaped from Touya's booster seat and was currently rummaging through my center console.

Why was he even here?

"You're the ones that wanted to show up as inconspicuous as possible." I sneered, really tempted to just slam on the break and see how durable Nezu actually was. "And for some reason I'm the only one that can drive."

"I can drive!" Nezu jumped up standing between the two seats and looked at me expectedly. "I watched you enough that I figured it out, and I think I can even apply that towards using the whole speedometer."

"There is a speed limit you know?" I asked, trying to keep my eyes on the road as I navigated the highway around Tokyo.

"I'm aware, but heroes are exempt from speeding tickets so long as they—"

"You can't even see over the wheel."

"That's what the boot seat is for!"

"How would you hit the pedals?"

"I can fashion some extenders and—"

"Nezu, I respect your intelligence, but I will never get in the car with you driving."

"Honestly," Nezu placed a paw on my arm. "I respect that. But drive faster."

I smacked my lips and gave a long sigh as I took the exit ramp, we were almost there. But I still didn't understand why Nezu insisted on coming. Maybe he just wanted to get outside of U.A. for a bit, either way, he didn't need to be here for this.

Both All Might and Sorahiriko gave a gruff laugh at my frustration with Nezu, and Nezu himself even laughed as well. By the end of it I was laughing too.

That laughter came to an abrupt end.

"We're here." I announced pulling up in front of the Shimura's house. Truthfully Nezu had known about the location for quite some time, and had proceeded to observe the location, getting the newly wed couples schedule and even making sure that they would all be there. They didn't know we were coming.

"So this is it." Sorahiriko gave a long drawn out sigh as he opened the door. "Well Toshi, let's go see if all this talk about being heroes is worth a damn or if it's just lip service."

All Might nodded and stepped out the door.

The pair walked towards the door looking like a father and son heading in for a family dinner after a funeral. There every movement was choked by sadness. It wasn't until they reached those final steps did that aura change. They were smiling. The silent energy that had passed between them was now positive. They were going to give this their all.

From the car, me and Nezu watched patiently, the events that were to come would no doubt alter pretty much everything. They were risking so much with this. There was so much on the line.

The door opened. A man stood in the door. Confusion on his face. Then anger. Finger pointing. He was telling them to leave. All Might took his hat off.

The anger stopped.

Words were winning.




I let out a breath and slouched down into my seat when I saw the door close behind All Might and Sorahiriko and not in front. That was good. It meant the family was likely going to talk to them. And that hug, it was promising. It was amazing what a few words would be able to do. Especially in a world like this.

"Well then," Nezu flopped down into the seat and looked up at me expectedly. "While they connect, why don't we go get some food? I read reviews that there's a good burger place near here."

"Shouldn't we wait?" Even as I asked that, I started my car up again and was already checking my mirrors. I had been craving a burger for a while now and while I did grab one or two from a McDonalds while on patrol, I really couldn't call that a real burger. "And you eat meat?"

Nezu clicked his heels and laughed. "I am an omnivore you know, besides, sitting there waiting for them would be boring, and they're able to handle themselves."

He had me at burger.

The burger place was pretty much what I would have expected for a place in Japan. Clean, flashy, expertly crafted, and small. I honestly felt like the square burger I got would be something I could eat in a single bite if I wanted to. But the smell made up for that ten fold. With a bag of burgers and fries, I dived back into my car to feed Nezu.

The burger tasted every bit as good as it smelled.

Nezu held his with both hands and seemed to enjoy his own first bite immensely, even going so far as to take a couple of french fries and place them inside the burger. Clearly, Nezu was a man of culture. "Thank you Enji, while the food at U.A. isn't the worst, I must admit I had been craving something new for quite some time, and this was a perfect chance."

"Oh, so that's why you wanted to come. Figured you just wanted out of U.A. even if it was just in my car." I muttered in between small flavor filled bites of my burger. It was so good. I needed to take my family here. Or maybe just Touya when he did something good? I remember those special meals of just me and my dad going out when I did good in school, but, I think going for the whole family would be best.

Nezu half nodded and hummed to himself. "That's part of it. But I wanted to talk about your actions as a hero."

"Huh?" I asked, before finishing a bite and I swallowed. Was this like when my boss was trying to give me a review or something during lunch? Wait, Nezu wasn't my boss. My boss was basically the government and the citizens in general. Maybe the hero administration? "Did I fuck up?"

"Depends on who you ask." Nezu wiped his paws and grabbed his cellphone, which was actually larger than my own. He tapped on it for a few moments and then turned it to me.

It was a video.

"Endeavour! A moment please?" The reporter came running up to me with a microphone in her hand, there was a bit of fire on me that I hadn't been aware of at the time as I remembered that quirk-based robbery. I kind of felt bad for those kids at the time.

"Huh?" I watched myself turn to face the reporter with one hell of a stupid look on my face. Did I always look like I was contemplating what kind of condiment I wanted on my sandwich? I guess it was better than resting bitch face, but still. "Oh, uhh, sure,."

Ahh yes, my great people skills.

Though to be honest I didn't really remember this interview, well, I did, but I didn't remember exactly what I said.

"Really?" The reporter asked as she straightened her outfit, the camera walking around to the side of me. "Alright, people have been wondering what's with the softer, more peaceful Endeavour? You've been seen talking down several conflicts as opposed to your usually more violent approach and people have been wondering. What's changed?"

I watched myself blink, and then shrug. I was about to talk without thinking. Again.

"Well, heroes are supposed to save people right? I think that includes villains too, and a lot of the time it's just people losing control of their quirk for a second." I paused in the video and remembered exactly what I was about to say. "I think that a lot of people are so terrified about using their quirks that they end up using it accidentally. It's not their fault most of the time, and if I can avoid fighting them, I think I should."

The video ended and I looked at the title "Endeavour — Meta Liberation Supporter?"

Oh right. That was a thing in this world huh?

"Well shit," I muttered watching Nezu place his phone down and take a bite out of his burger again. "Please tell me that didn't go viral."

"It has."


"But, I don't think it's a bad thing." Nezu took another bite of his food. "I read up on the original Meta Liberation Army, and even found a copy of Destro's book. While their methods were too extreme, I did agree with their goals to a degree. And I think you're hitting a nerve in Japan. People are now talking about the criminal justice system, they're talking about quirks and their suppression. I'm quite eager to see where this goes aren't you?"

I let out a sigh and took a bite of my burger. It didn't taste as good.

I'm not much of a leader, certainly not of any movement, and not one of this size. "I suppose. But, I'm not someone that people should look to for guidance. I'm just a person."

"You're a hero that doesn't want to be a hero, a leader that doesn't want to lead, and a father that never wanted to be a father." Nezu finished his burger with a happy sigh and smiled up at me, his dark black eyes glittering with a mixture of intelligence and mirth. "Personally, I think that makes you more worthy of the title of number one hero than All Might. But, I think having both, you and All Might at the top, him representing safety, peace, stability, and you representing change is absolutely wonderful and just what Japan needs."

I swallowed the last of my burger and shrugged. "I'm not really trying to change the world, Nezu. I just said something."

"And people listened. You're the number two hero for a reason, people will look up to you, they will listen to you. And it's too late for not wanting to change the world. You're already doing just that." Nezu stood in the seat and looked at me. "I think if you keep going forward, just as you are people will notice. Just avoid becoming directly involved."

Great, I'm fairly certain that starting a political movement was one hell of a butterfly effect.

"Alright," I nodded and checked the time, no missed calls from anyone and no texts either. Apparently they were still talking at the Shimura's. "You mind if we take care of some errands before I take you back to U.A?"

"Ooh, exciting, where shall we go!" Nezu laughed sitting back down in the front seat and buckling in, though the upper part of the seatbelt was behind his back.

I shrugged. "I want to stop by the courthouse."

All Might's meeting with the Shimura was considered a success, while I didn't know how much they were told I knew that they probably avoided All for One and Nana giving All Might his quirk. But, it sounded like All Might was going to be invited back. No mention of a son yet though, and the wife didn't appear to be pregnant. Which was good.


Still the situation was hopeful.

More hopeful than my own situation at any rate.


I knocked softly on her door and held my breath for a few seconds. "Rei, it's umm, me, Enji, do you have a moment?"

The papers in my hands felt like they weighed a ton. But ultimately, they should be the right move. For both of us. Divorce was never a pretty thing. I wasn't too familiar with how it was in Japan but I could easily imagine it being bad for both parties. Not to mention the children. I had seen divorces second hand through my friends, I had heard the arguments of their parents when I stayed over, and I remembered how their parents divorce could change them.


I had to give Rei the choice. She deserved it.

"Oh, sure." Rei's voice was startled though I was fairly certain that she could hear me through the entire house as I walked to her room. "Come in."

I opened the door and stepped into Rei's room for the first time. It was cooler than just about any room in the house, with a fan blowing softly in the corner, as well as her own ceiling fan rotating softly. It was small, but homey, with her own T.V. and a night stand where where a tablet was being charged, there was a window right next to her bed that overlooked the courtyard.

She closed her book and looked at me, smiling softly. "What is it?"

"Well, with the kids in bed, I thought it would be a good idea for us to have that talk. About uhh, who I am."

She blinked twisted on her bed so that her legs dangled off of. She tapped lightly on an empty spot next to her and nodded. "Have a seat, I've been looking forward to this. Just, try to keep your fire to a minimum."

"Ahh. Sorry. I'm not exactly the best at controlling it still." I chuckled and felt like an awkward oaf as I moved to sit next to Rei on the bed. I stared at the divorce papers in my hand and took a deep breath. "So, like I said, I'm not Endeavour. LIke not in the slightest, but I have all of his memories and all of my own memories, which includes some future events as well, and I knew that he treated you poorly and—"

I stumbled my way through explaining what I knew to Rei, avoiding topics like that whole One for All mess and the whole knowing about the future because it was a manga. I wasn't exactly sure how much she believed but she was accepting of a lot of it.

"I see, and you really have no idea why you suddenly replaced Endeavour?" Rei asked, staring down at her floor.

I shook my head and sighed. "Not a clue. I just woke up in his body."

"Would it be wrong if I say I'm grateful?" Rei's voice was still so soft as she turned to look up to the ceiling. "At the start he was fine, he at least tried a bit. But after Touya's quirk wasn't what he wanted he grew more aggressive each day. So, when you say about him…" She paused, leaving the unsaid words to speak louder than anything spoken. "And me ending up in the hospital, as scary as it sounds I think that was going to happen, especially since he wouldn't take no for an answer."

Was it normal to want to punch yourself? Wait, I always wanted to do that a lot. But, right now I wanted to reach through time and space and throttle Endeavour. "That won't happen. I promise."

"I believe you." Rei nodded and looked at me, her smile was still small, still charming and was quickly becoming my weakness. "Do you mind if I ask you some questions about yourself? Your old self."

I nodded. "Sure, but there's really not much."

"What'd you do?"

"I was a banker, teacher, and an inspiring writer." I smiled. "Never really thought that I'd ever be a hero."

Rei nodded and ran a hand through her hair. "Oh, well, that explains why you're so good with Fuyumi and Touya. What were your hobbies?"

"I was a massive nerd."

"Really?" Rei gave a fake gasp. "Like, video games and anime?"

"Like D&D, board games, and built my own computer, nerd. I also owned a lightsaber." I blinked and thought about it for a second. Could I make my own lightsaber with my quirk? Probably. It also probably wouldn't be useful. "But yes, also video games and anime, though I did mostly just enjoy writing."

"And how old were you?" Rei asked, tilting her head to the side and tapping on her chin.

"Well, I was twenty-five. So, that's pretty much the same."

"I'm not so sure." Rei hummed. "You have the memories of two twenty-five year olds, so wouldn't that make you fifty?"

I made a frustrated snort and huffed. "No."

Rei must have thought that was hilarious, because she started to giggle, and it made my own frustration just melt away. I glanced down at the divorce papers in my hand, my own signature already signed onto the document.

I took a deep breath and handed them to Rei.

"Here," I said slowly. "These are—"

Rei tore the papers up and tossed them onto the floor. "Divorce papers right?"

I blinked and opened my mouth. Honestly, I didn't expect that. A quiet refusal, a tearful acceptance, but, to see the hours I had spent waiting at the courthouse and talking to a lawyer get torn up in a matter of seconds. That wasn't one.

Her hand fell onto my arm. It was cold. "I know why you think you have to do this, Enji. And I'm really flattered by the idea. But I stayed married to a man I feared for my children. I can stay married to someone I trust for them as well."

Relief swelled inside of me as I choked out a smile. I honestly didn't want a divorce. It just felt like it was the right thing to do. "I just thought you deserved your own chance at happiness."

Her hand fell on my shoulder and she pushed lightly. Our eyes met, and I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. "And you don't think that you can make me happy? Enji, you shouldn't think so lightly of yourself. Also," She stood on her bed and I felt her gold fingers press onto my head, a light sizzling followed. "Your hair was on fire."

"Sorry about that." I laughed, feeling a large laugh come boiling out from me. "And thank you Rei. I'll try."

"You'll do fine, I do have rather low standards at this point."


She laughed again and sat down next to me. A bit closer now. "Now, why don't you tell me about D&D and these board games you played."