
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · Tranh châm biếm
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96 Chs

Chapter 31 Why am I on Fire? by Yojimbra

Snow Bae: So, what do you think we should do for our unofficial ten year anniversary?

Snow Bae: The important one.

I blinked and stared at that text like it was some kind of code for something. After a bit of mental math, I coughed, my head catching fire as I scared the crap out of some civilian that had been looking at me. Ten years? Had it really been ten years? How? What? Why?

Me: Holy shit Touya is 15.

Me: Holy shit he's going to U.A. next year.

Me: Holy shit! Rei! What happened?

Snow Bae: How'd you forget?

Me: I'm slow okay, it takes me a bit to acknowledge time passing.

Me: That's why you're still as beautiful as the day you first smiled at me.

Snow Bae: You'd think after ten years you'd stop flirting with me like we're in highschool.

Me: Why? Does it not work anymore?

Snow Bae: I wouldn't say that.

Me: Then the shameless flirting will continue.

Snow Bae: I'm so worried out kids are going to have a complex about it.

Me: What? Affectionate parents? I mean, we have like what 2.25 well adjusted kids?

Snow Bae: .75 each?

Me: More or less.

"Quirk rights are human rights!" I looked up from my phone to see another protest. It was a bit strange seeing these pop up so often, especially since I felt at least partially responsible for them. My big mouth might have spawned some kind of a movement. "We don't need to hide who we are! Let us be ourselves!"

I sighed and pinched my nose. Maybe I should turn around and pretend I didn't see anything?

"It's quite the sight isn't it?" A familiar voice nearly made me jump out of my hero suit. Rikiya placed his hand on my shoulder; he was currently dressed in the working politician uniform, which, for the most part, was basically just a suit without the jacket. It was a good look for him. Even if his hairline was receding. "The youth of our nation are truly ready to fight for what they believe in."

Hopefully not actually fight, or cause any real riots. Anything like that would be amplified given quirks, and I'm not sure how many heroes would be willing to try and fight an angry mob of civilians. "I take it this is your doing?"

Rikiya just smiled and shrugged. "Not really, I found out about the protest and decided to show up in support of the motion." He adjusted his tie. "It might sound cynical, but doing this will help me get re-elected, and help my platform when I run for Prime Minister."

"Do you think you'll win?" I asked, glancing back towards the protests. A few of the journalists caught me talking with Rikiya and snapped a few pics. Great. That was going to be all over the internet again.

Rikiya laughed, "This time? Not a chance. Next time? Maybe. But eventually?" He pumped his fist and grabbed at the air like he was seizing victory. "I have no doubt. And by then, we'll be able to make some real change, especially with the support of passionate youth like your son."

"My…" I frowned and scanned the crowd of protests. "My son?"

"Oh yes, he's quite passionate about fighting the good fight. I told him if being a hero doesn't work out for him, he could get a job working for me." Rikiya chuckled and hit me on the arm lightly. "Compared to the sleeping lion that is his father, he certainly has a rebellious heart."

I'm pretty sure I just got called lazy by a politician.

I sighed and scratched the back of my head, "I told you, I—"

He held up his hand. "I'm aware my friend, I'm standing here now because of you. Those of us who would have supported a bloody rebelion are instead moving this nation towards peaceful change, the laws and resolutions that we have passed to help keep Japan safe once All Might retires are all because you opened their eyes to that truth. Did you know a study by a college went through and projected that you reduced crime by 3%?"

I huffed crossing my arms. "All Might did more."

"Through force."

"Could you not put me up on a pedestal? I'm just a—"

"A hero?" Rikiya laughed and swatted my arm again. "Enji, my friend, your modesty and humbleness are starting to get old."

"Are you sure you're not trying to butter me up?"

"If I wanted to do that I'd be offering you a trip with Rei."

Dammit, he was right.

Why was I friends with him again?

"No, this is just a happy coincidence, I was supporting the protest, and your son just so happened to be in the protest." Rikiya held out both of his hands and gave a smile that was blocked by his large nose. "I have no hidden goals, which I'm told makes me rather suspicious as a congressman."

I nodded. Still, for him to hold his position as a Diet Member for eight years while being a political outsider was rather impressive. "Well, I'll be sure to vote for you again."

He nodded and started walking towards the crowd and the reporters. "I'll see you later, maybe dinner sometime this month?"

I just shrugged and watched the protest for a few more moments. I still couldn't see Touya. How hard was it to find a redhead in a crowd? Well, considering how every part of the rainbow was a natural hair color, it was actually a bit difficult.

When I saw Touya I frowned.

Naturally, my tree climbing monkey of a son, who had more scars from falling out of trees than he did from practicing his quirk, was climbing on top of a news van. Megaphone in hand.

"We have trampled upon basic human rights for far to long!" Touya shouted into his megaphone, one hand raised into the air holding his school uniform like it was a flag. "We need to allow people to express themselves! And quirks are a part of who they are!"

The crowd cheered.

"Open up quirk licenses!"

The crowd cheered.

"Revoke the outlaw on quirk-based jobs!"

The crowd cheered.

I walked through the crowd with a great deal of ease, with people either getting out of my way out of respect, or out of fear, or both. In their defense, I did look mildly peeved at that moment.

"Give us—"

"Touya!" I boomed silencing him. I snapped my finger and pointed down at the ground. "Get down. Now."

"But, dad!" He whined like he was still twelve and guestered towards the crowd. "I'm in the middle of—"

"You're in the middle of getting in trouble." I said firmly, "Now get down."

He frowned and hopped off the van, handing the megaphone off to someone else. "What's the big deal, isn't this stuff you support anyways?"

I glanced around the crowd as they looked at me curiously. I sighed. "I do, but that's not why you're in trouble."

"It's not? Did I forget to mow the lawn again?" He asked, wincing slightly.

"No, I'm just pretty sure that me and your mother didn't raise you to climb on top of vans." I placed my hand on his back and guided him out of the crowd, "Now come on, let's go home and talk about the fact that you're not at Soccer Club, where you said you'd be."

Naturally, being walked out of a protest would likely kill most teenagers out of embarrassment, but that was alright; my son was used to being in a state of near constant embarrassment. Still, Touya was silent all the way until we got to my office and then into my car.

Me: Make that 1.5

Snow Bae: oh no, what'd he do?

Me: Stood on top of a van and started protesting.

Snow Bae: Oh, wasn't he supposed to be at practice?

"So," I asked, hands on the wheel. "Why didn't you tell us where you were?"

"There isn't much of a point for me to be there," Touya mumbled, sliding in his seat, and pouting. "I mean, we lost our last tournament so the third years don't have any more games to play, and all we'd be doing is helping the first and second years out during practice. Besides, it's not like I skip everyday or anything."

I sighed, "Alright, well, that's understandable, but I would have liked it if you had told us beforehand. I would have been fine with you going to the protest."

"Because Mr. Rikiya is there?"

"Not, exactly, just, well, I want to believe I trust you enough to let you do what you want?"

"Really?" Touya asked with a big smile on his face, he leaned forward as far as his seat belt would let him and grabbed onto the two front seats. "Does that mean you'll let me dye my hair?"

"Get good grades and I'll pay for it."

"Guh, so I have to wait?"

"Yep! You gotta earn it boy!" I laughed, and then stopped. "Wait, what's wrong with red hair?"

"That's your thing dad, just like having white hair is Mom and Fuyumi's," Touya shot back into his seat with a bounce.

"So, what's your thing then?"

He just shrugged. Apparently that question was simply too deep for a kid his age.

"Well, U.A. is a bit more relaxed when it comes to dyed hair, so you shouldn't get into too much trouble there." I really didn't remember where I got that information from, but it felt right considering the number of natural hair colors. Maybe I got it from that Manga thing I remembered from my previous life?

It still bothered me that that was ten years ago.

Touya was 15. 15! And on his way to U.A.

Fuyumi was 12 and honestly I felt like she was probably the smartest one in the whole house.

Shoko was 8 with the soul of an 80 year old.

My kids were growing up so fast!

And I was getting old!

When we got home, I found Rei waiting for us at the door. Her long silky smooth hair was tied into a loose ponytail that was flopped over her shoulder. I all but ran towards her, smiling as I pulled her into our usual seeing each other after work kiss, where I dipped her ever so slightly.

Only this time, I undid her ponytail and smiled at her. "Don't wear your hair like that."

"Why?" She asked, sticking out her tongue. "You're worried it's dead anime mom hair?"

"Don't you joke about that." I scolded slightly and helped her stand back up. I gestured towards our blushing son. "And behold, our freshly scolded child. He won't be standing on vans anytime soon, or lying about where he is for at least until he gets a girlfriend."

The eye roll Touya gave me was something else.

"Also, I told him if he got good grades he could dye his hair."

"What? Why?"

Apparently Rei had a bit more of a problem with this than I did. I looked between them and shrugged. "I'll keep my word kiddo, but you gotta convince your mom."

That was a battle best fought with back rubs, clean dishes, and maybe some chocolate.