
Hero Nor Villain: The Star That Reaps

Heroes and Villains, one side loved by the people the other scorned and feared, but what if both were the cause of pain for all. What if you were ruined in the middle because of both sides and they are both your source of scorn. Would you become a hero to correct the corruption and become a true hero or a villain to destroy it all or maybe you thought about being both a hero and a villain. All of that sounds okay but it's not for me I don't' want to be either See me I want to be the one who lives on the outside who destroys that mold of fake heroes and lawless villains So I decided to be someone who's neither a hero nor a villain The punisher of all and the reaper of sins

BoredDragon · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Just A Flick, No Harm

"Oh are those the heroes here" mumbled Devyn

"They're heroes from the Red Tiger Guild"

"Looks like they're finally able to get in"

"It's about time, any longer who knows what'll happen"

"We're saved, what a relief"

"Now that the situation looks to be all but taken care of let's get out of here before something unexpected happens"

"Yeah you're right"

"Then hurry let's leave"

As they were heading towards the door to leave Devyn spoke

"I would advise you to not go yet, after all are you sure things will be handle"

"Huh, what do you mean? Why wouldn't it be"


"Don't you know that the Red Tiger Guild is one of the major hero guilds in the city"

"And are rank fourth among the top five major guilds here"

"Plus, they sent Perception Realm heroes that are at least the 3rd stage with the highest being 6th stage"

"Hey, don't mind him let's just go, if he wants to stay here then let him be"

They shook their heads in agreement as they finally left to where the heroes came from. Which should be where reinforcements should be station.

He just shook his head with an amused smile which in the next second his expression turned serious

"Haaa I was really hoping for bigger fishes to come. I guess this'll do"

"Well then it's about time we start"

Saying that black shadowy figures began emerging from the shadows within the classroom. Each one donning black attire from head to toe that had purple linings with some crimson red skulls on both of their long coat like robes. With the hoods covering their hair one could see a reaper mask to make it hard to discern their faces and genders. The reaper masks were half crimson red while the other half were in different dark colors.

If those classmates of his were still here, they would have probably fainted or scream from fear. No one could tell how strong these individuals are or if they were ordinary people. That would be the case if not for the obvious. The thirteen of them stood there for a while looking noticeable but not overly. They soon after kneeling around Devyn as to make a statement as to who he was.

Devyn saw this and put on a weird expression seeing this

"What are you all doing"

"Hehehehe what do you mean doesn't it look more authentic"

He just looks at the one who said that and spoke

"Who's ideal was it"

Turning their heads to the main culprit they all just shook their heads as if to condemn them even though they went along with it.

"Why am I not surprised of course it's you"

"He-hey you all agreed to this though"

"Agreed to what"

"Yeah, what did we agreed to"

"I don't remember any type of agreement, do you"




"Ne-never mind it's nothing"

"Guys?.. Guys?"

They just turned their heads back to Devyn while he's back there trying to plead his case but all they're doing is ignoring him.

"Haaa forget it.. so have the targets been identified" said Devyn


"There's one in the abandoned building that's used for training across the academy and the other two are holding the students and faculties inside the academy's battle arena"

"I wonder if those heroes are reliable"

"There might be some difficulty for them, but they should be able to solve it"

"That are in possession of that part"

"I understand well then if it gets too dicey why don't we make I grand entrance to the stage worthwhile"

"Yes brother"

"I been meaning to ask did you deal with the treasure that was blocking the use of mana"

"No, we thought you did something without anyone's knowledge"

"I didn't"

"Then who did?"

"Hahaha interesting seems like a somewhat big fish will be joining"

"That's what we thought too, could be fun"

"Hopefully I can finally let loose a little bit"

"Unless it was like last time then no fun for you"

"Ugh don't remind me, I didn't even get to show them anything before they were out cold"

"What do you want us to do"

"Two of you will shadow those classmates of mines, while the rest will go around cleaning up the scavengers while they're looking to see if there's anybody who hasn't been captured"

"Alex, you're with me"

"Really? But I was hoping to have some fun this time around though"

Devyn just gave him a look that's says really

"Okay I got it"

"Headache on headache" mumbled Devyn to himself

"Well then"

Devyn soon donned the same attire as them but with nothing, but his mask is all black with the effect that his eyes are glowing crimson to anyone who sees them. In a deeper voice then his owns he says

"Let the reaping begin"

Once that was said the group disperse into the shadows leaving Devyn and Alex in the room. He looked at Alex

"Shadow me until I say you can act"

Alex acknowledged by nodding his head as he mended into Devyn's shadow

Turning his attention to the abandoned building they reported about, Devyn raised his hand and in a jester that indicates a flick, he flicked his finger towards that direction.

"Why are you dealing with them already?"

"Because I want to bring one more fish out and besides, I don't feel like wasting my time playing with those bunches"

"I mean why didn't you let me go have fun"

"Hmm I forgot"


"You'll have your time soon after a while"


"This should make things more interesting"

"By the way do the others know where to go after they complete their tasks"

"Of course, they're not you"


After leaving the classroom the same way the others did no one could have guessed that the same guy, who was just sleeping on a desk, would be giving orders to a mysterious group of people. Just who is he

Few moments before Devyn's seemingly harmless flick

"How much longer do we need to stay in the smelly abandoned place"

"Yeah, it's not like they'll send any high-ranking heroes since by now they already got intel on our strength and numbers"

"Speaking of us, why are only low ranks here especially since we're doing this at one of the most influential places in the city, that so happens to have many high-ranking heroes' kids attending"

"I agree with that what's the point I mean we have a low chance of being discovered he but still"

"Don't worry even if something happens, we have him with us if anything happens"

"Oh, I almost forgot we do have him"

"Hopefully nothing happens where he needs to intervene"

"I hope not too"

"Hmm do you see that"

"Yeah, what's that?"

"Sh*t move no…"

The moment 'he' realized what 'that' was it was already too late. The moment that mysterious light touched them they all vanished without being able to react or understand why.

Standing on the roof of the arena looking down in it, Devyn leisurely stayed there looking at the battles that's in full swing between the heroes and villains

"This is boring but at least it'll change once they're here" he said with a smile