

He was the one who struggled as orphanage without anyone to take care of him he was only a average student. But one day when he was returning to home he died in a explosion. He thought that his meaningless life has finally came to the end but when he opened his eyes instead of arriving at netherworld he founded himself in a world where magic is used above all of that he was reincarnated in prince body! But . Sadly He was abandoned by his father . He promised to the former prince that he will take revenge for him . With his invincible system he can achieve anything. What will happen when modern science and a magic came together. . . . Follow through the journey how Our MC Andrew as how he will become powerful and reclaim his throne with his loyal subordinates. . . . Follow us on Instagram @shreekamalesh. . https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1vj7s2tdm58eq&utm_content=al8ix9c . http://wbnv.in/a/07fsb3h . . . My other works : «Emperor of showbiz», «Legendary Sword master is a Streamer »

Iron_guy · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs


Andrew slightly looked at her his heart was pierced by arrow 'ha.. this cuteness which human being can resist this 'he thought while his hand was very eager to pinch her face.

Then Andrew slowly walked towards the girl Suddenly .

"Thud.. Thud.. "

Mason walked front of Andrew and pointed the sword towards the girl who was standing there.

"Your Majesty this is demon please give me order to execute her" mason said while panicking.

Andrew isn't sure what made him worry, but he cried inside, 'the F** k, how can he kill such a cute girl ah....'

He proceeded passed Mason and handed the steak to the female, who ate half of it while holding the other half.

Andrew smiled pleasantly and said, "Why don't you eat the other half, and why are you here at night?"

She finally spoke after some time had passed.

"This is for my sister, she's unwell, so I came to get some food, please don't kill me."

While speaking, she shrugged.

Andrew locked his gaze on her for a moment before asking,

"How old are you?"

"11," she trembled.

'What the hell!! She was 11 years old, but her growth was that of a 6-year-old girl'He pondered.

"Could you show me how to get to your house?"

After a brief exchange, she got slightly more relaxed.

" Kyaa.." she exclaimed as she closed her eyes after taking a stride.

She opened her eyes slightly after a while and was cuddling Andrew while sitting on his arms.

Andrew could no longer control himself and pulled her into his arms.


[ Alert!! Alert!! , Host demon bloodline, detected , 80% chance of awakening as demon summoner at the age 13 recommended to make ally or to kill the demon immediately to avoid the feature threat. ]

Even system is warning him now he understand demon's are rare and powerful even though he didn't cared about that.


She was slightly embarrassed and said the direction while everyone was following her.

When they arrived at the location, which was a little cottage barely big enough for four people to live in, Andrew urged everyone to wait outside while he walked in gently while carrying the cute demon girl.

There was a lovely girl with dark red hair, a breathtaking brownish coloured one horn coming from her forehead, matured breasts, and a lean physique who appeared to be the same age as him laying on the small sofa.

She was gasping for air and shivering throughout her body, as if she were in excruciating pain.

The small girl was able to break free from his grip and asked him a question.

"Is it feasible for brother to cu... heal my sister?" she asked quietly.

"Yes, indeed! That is why I have come, little sister, could you just wait outside? "He flashed a bright smile.

She was a little hesitant at first, but she eventually went out.

"Do you know what's going on, system?"

[ There's an emergency! Host, the demon in front of you is in the process of awakening; the likelihood of her awakening is low; thus, please kill her immediately; there is a high likelihood that she will awaken as an evil demon.]

Though he didn't want to murder her, he now understands why humans slaughter demons.

"Is there any way to save her system?"

He was shocked it was 1500 hero point but he didn't hesitated if she summoned a powerful demon it could be huge lottery for him but most of all things he wanted to save her life.

"System buy high awakening potion"

[ ding! purchased successfully, sent to inventory]

He instantly pulled out the potion from inventory and slowly fed her.

After some seconds she opened her eyes and suddenly hugged Andrew.

For the first time Andrew has blushed in both lives he couldn't be blamed it was indeed beautiful girl.

"Thank.. you.. for saving.. sniff.. sniff.. me," she replied, slightly sobbing and hugged him tightly.

'Oh no... her breasts are touching me... girl, you can't blame me for what's going to happen to you next!!' He screamed in his head.

She saw Andrew's face fully after a while, and it was a person. 'What could I possibly do?' she terrified on the inside.

"Uh.. please don't kill me and my sister," she begged abruptly. "I can do anything for you, sir," she murmured, her voice shaking.

Andrew approached her and inquired about her name and age.

"If you are willing to come with me I can provide you a job and a place to stay"

While blushing, she relaxed a little and replied, "Is it acceptable for my sister to come as well?"

"Without a doubt!! So, shall we proceed to your new residence? "He gave her a gentle stroke on the head.

He got up and took a few steps when he noticed Sophia was difficult to walk after months of not walking.

He swung around and took her in his arms.

'Kyaa... sir.. sir you don't have to do this to me,' she said, her cheeks flushed scarlet, matching her dark red pupil.

"You don't have to exert yourself, and you can simply call me Andrew," he said with a smile.

'I've never been treated so well, thank you, and I'll gladly do anything for you,' she thought, smiling for the first time in years.

[ Host, it appears that she had fallen in love with you.

'what, you why do you talk casually. '

[ It is new feature unlocked after upgrade host]


What, is there something better Andrew thought.

[ Yes, host there ar.. ]

''ah.... you don't read my thoughts ''he yelled.

" What happened Andrew is there something wrong " sophia asked.

" no. .. nothing haha.. " he smiled awkwardly

[ That's aside host, you have obtained following rewards for completing hidden mission: save the demon!! 1/1

Rewards : 5000 hero points

20,000 exp

Kind soul ( passive skill) lv 1 : When hp drops below 3% restores hp to max.

cool down: 5d

New title gained : "First human to save a demon " when equiped increase Total hp by 800 points. ]

'rewards are all fantastic' it was worth to spend 1500 points he thought.

[ hehe.. I am great system after all.. ] it said with smug.


But it was annoying for Andrew to hear while she speak like this.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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