

"Alright class, today we are going to the USJ, originally All Might was supposed to come but something came up so-," Aizawa Sensei gave a few more instructions and we were on the bus in no time. We were all chatting on the bus and Kacchan and I only talked in Russian when we spoke to each other but we switched pretty easily to French for Aoyama and Spanish for Sero. Which made both insanely happy. Koda asked if we knew how to sign and we replied back and his whole face was bright red but he was also smiling really big. Needless to say, I think we made him happy too.

The ride was far shorter than I remember but then again they kept asking us questions and Kiri even said his line about my quirk being flashy. Dear All Might, that really brings back memories of our class teasing Kacchan, I was mortified at the fact that Kacchan of all people was being teased and I started giggling, catching his eye.

"воспоминания," (Memories,)" I told him and he smirked back at me.

"Мечтай дальше," (Dream on,) he chuckled and in only a second we were both laughing.

"We're here," Aizawa Sensei announced and we unloaded, going inside was much the same as I remember. Thirteen introduced themself, the facility and went over the dangers of quirks in general.

"So like Glasses over there," Kacchan pointed at Iida before continuing on. "His quirk would be best for getting back up and relaying information in the event of communications being down but if he couldn't stop fast enough, if he hit someone while running it would be like that person was hit by a bus," Kacchan spoke up and I smiled while Iida started sputtering about how he has an actual name but then agreed that timely back up was generally needed in most hero activities involving a group.

I winked at Kacchan who grinned back, he kind of laid it on thick but the message was passed and Iida actually agreed with it since the villains weren't here yet, he was able to give an answer while thinking clearly.

"Right, now that that's over," Aizawa Sensei got everyone's attention and the lights flickered and power generally looked like it was either getting shut off or going to back up generators. Kacchan and I exchanged looks, why did All Might decide today he wanted to walk to school? Of course he overdid it and he wasn't here now, leaving us with Thirteen and Eraserhead but this time Kacchan and I were also licensed and even though we had to complete the training at UA there was nothing saying that we actually had to wait for permission like the other students.

"Wow, they even have villains!" Who said that? Kirishima? Kaminari? Someone else altogether? The villains went through their grand speech and Shigaraki was complaining about us all being NPC's and demanding to know where All Might was. Kacchan shoved Iida towards the door telling him that our phones weren't working and to go get help now and when the villains started attacking he finally turned around and ran. Actually getting away.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Shigaraki cursed and it was only what felt like moments before Kurogiri was sending our classmates all over but that was our signal to start and Kacchan and I sprinted forward.

Kacchan towards Shigaraki and me towards the teleporter Kurogiri, his explosions were enough of a distraction that I was able to use Blackwhip, a move I hadn't shown our class yet to grab and yank Kurogiri off his feet, leaving him very surprised.

"Not today," I smiled before aiming to knock him out only for him to warp out of Blackwhip and next to Shigaraki who was screaming about us being cheaters. Huh, I guess we kind of are now that I think about it.

"Dynamight!" I yelled, jumping through the air, my full cowling already activated and without looking Kacchan blasted himself up and grabbed my hand and we spun using our quirks to propel us faster, towards them. Our classmates were mostly spread out but they're was considerably more still here at the front, but that also means that there are more of our classmates either surrounded or alone.

I could hear Aizawa Sensei yelling instructions but Kacchan and I ignored him and everyone else while we fought the two soon to be major villains in front of us. Most of the villains here are petty crime villains looking for a laugh, but all of them are dangerous, just not as dangerous as these two.

Shigaraki was cursing us and reaching out trying to touch us but we used our quirks to keep just out of reach until he finally grabbed a pipe and it disintegrated in his hands. I heard Aizawa Sensei, no, I heard a Eraserhead yelling at us to get back but Kacchan and I weren't taking orders right now.

As of right now, Eraserhead thinks that he is supposed to be in charge, him or Thirteen anyway but what he doesn't know is that Kacchan and I not only have our full pro hero licenses but international licenses. That means that we actually out rank him, but that talk can wait until later.

Kurogiri was trying to focus on teleporting himself and Shigaraki around to avoid us but as much as he was getting away the distance was only growing shorter with each use and when we were only a hairs breath away from hitting them Kurogiri had to sacrifice himself in order to get Shigaraki away in time. Kacchan's explosion hit him directly in the face and I spun around to find Shigaraki behind me trying to grab me only for Blackwhip to grab him instead, holding him back from behind.

"Did you really think we wouldn't see that coming?" I asked while pulling out some erassure cuffs to put on him while Kacchan was doing the same to Kurogiri.

"You cheated! Cheated! Damn it! How did you cheat? You haven't even been in school for that long yet!" Shigaraki demanded before he started giggling, one cuff already locked on him.

There was a large explosion behind me, when did I get next to the wall? And standing there was a large black Nomu.

"Fuck!" Kacchan screamed, running towards me but it was too late. I had one cuff locked onto Shigaraki but I dropped the other when the Nomu punched me, sending me flying backwards.

I coughed and gasped for air but I think a few ribs were broken and I can only guess that when I started coughing up blood that a lung was either damaged or punctured. It felt like the time I had a knife sunk deep in my chest. I must have been twenty maybe twenty-two at the time and the villain's quirk let him rewind seven seconds and he loved the feeling of killing. I was stabbed thirty-six times that I know of, sadly the quirk didn't make me forget any of it.

I coughed again but stood up anyway, Kacchan by my side and when I looked back I saw Kurogiri with one cuff on and the other attached to a piece of pipe so he couldn't move around, either with or without his quirk.

"Deku?" Kacchan breathed my name but I just grunted and nodded. I'll need medical attention and soon but right now I can only use OFA to keep me standing and fighting.

"I guess we're doing an All Might," Kacchan chuckled and I had to join him even with the pain radiating through me.

"Would we be us if we didn't?" I wheezed and he barked a laugh, scaring not only our classmates that could see us but also several villains nearby. I mean I did just take a full powered punch from the thing and got back up again. Kacchan took off in front and after about a second and a half I followed.

We weaved back and forth, the Nomu couldn't track both of us and once we saw his eyes land on one of us, Kacchan, I jumped forward slamming into it with 100% of my quirk. I saw flashes of green around me as it tried to withstand my punches but I already know how All Might beat this thing. By overloading its regenerative powers, am I going to do that? Uh, no. It's wasteful and we still have to rescue our classmates from all of the villains locked inside with us.

"Dynamight!" I called out smiling.

"Deku," Kacchan answered, damn he must be smiling just as big and we both screamed out.

"SMASH!" Sending the Nomu flying back while it's body convulsed, trying to repair itself but we weren't done yet. We charged our quirks again and with both of us hitting it under the jaw, there was a tearing sound, something like velvet maybe? And then there was blood spraying everywhere when its head was torn off and flung backwards and covering us both with blood.

Kacchan spit on the ground, probably trying to keep any of the gross blood from getting in his mouth before talking.

"Anything else?" We glared at Shigaraki and Kurogiri who were both pale or silent.

"I AM HERE!" All Might ran in and I was glaring daggers at him.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?" I screamed, getting everyone's attention and Kacchan took a few steps back. Something that I saw Eraserhead take notice of.

"You are exhausted! You should be resting! Are you trying to kill yourself?" I demanded not letting him get a word in edgewise.

"Didn't you say that you WANTED to be my dad? DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT YOU WOULD BE THERE FOR US?" I demanded and I swear the room that was chaos only moments ago from villains trying to run away was dead silent now as everyone focused on me.

"Have you ever once thought about what would happen to Mom if you didn't come home? Even once?" I demanded and he stuttered a bit but didn't get anything out. "What about me? Did you ever think about how you were my mentor? That I was watching YOU and that I was learning from YOU and that I would mimic YOU? You were already my hero before you became my mentor but you said you wanted to be my father, that you would be proud of that but you show up like this?" I demanded answers to questions I already knew the answers too.

"Did you ever once think about what would happen to Mom if you didn't come home one day? How about the fact that we would be forced to come and identify you when it was all said and done? Do you really think we could go through that? A-gain?" My voice cracked at the last word and All Might flinched.

He is well aware of how after my dad divorced Mom he died in a landslide while hiking with his 'new' family and we were called for identification. It was one of the many things he had to know before he said I do, I made sure of it.

Nezu coughed and started directing heroes all around us but I wasn't letting All Might go and with every new word I could see him flinch more and before long he was on his knees looking like a child in trouble.

I looked away, too mad to even look at him and when I saw Recovery Girl I walked up to her and had her heal me. She stayed silent, just using her quirk on me, she certainly wasn't happy about my injury but considering how I got hurt she kept silent.

I turned and was ready to join Kacchan for rescue operations but it looks like our class was already all saved and either back or already on their way back.

"My boy," All Might started and I glared at the man.

"You're not my father!" I snapped at him but I kept the more important information to myself. He is so much more to me, the thought of losing him all over again was just too much pain to bear, not again. He tried again but I wasn't listening and when he didn't stop I stopped in my tracks.

I can't take this.

"Blackwhip," I whispered and my quirk came to life around me, the black strand that used to be lifeless seemed to turn to me, looking a bit like a snake. "Take me far away," I instructed before adding, "I don't care where." I saw All Might jump up and Kacchan grabbed a hold of my hand before Blackwhip covered us, wrapping around us looking like something that looked a lot like a giant black ball made of Blackwhip's ropes and everything went silent. The only thing I could hear was Kacchan's breathing mixed with mine.