
Hermione and The Genius Magic Formula (Harry Potter Fanfic)

The boy who can decipher all and any kind of magic as if they were formulasーーLeonard Taylor. Captivated by magic, the boy used all his talents to research and overturn the common sense of the wizarding world. No one knows what influence his research would have on Harry and the dark wizards. Note: This is a translation

Ginormous_Madman · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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93 Chs

Chapter 30: The Serpent King's Wish


As I finished my class and was reading a book in the library, I was approached by a voice. When I looked to see who it was, it was Ginny. She seemed a bit tired or unwell lately.

"What's wrong? Is there something you need?"

"Well, you see, I have something I want to ask Hermione, and I need someone that I can trust. It's a private matter. Do you know the girls' bathroom on the third floor, the one with Moaning Myrtle? I think no one will be there. Could you come alone sometime after dinner and before lights out? Please!"

With those words, Ginny ran off.

I wonder what this is all about? Even though I have the magical eye protection glasses from Leo, going alone might be risky, and considering Ginny's recent behavior, I can't just ignore her. For now, I should go and hear what she has to say.


After dinner, Hermione arrived at the third-floor girls' bathroom with ten minutes left until curfew. However, there was no sign of Ginny, and oddly, she couldn't sense Moaning Myrtle's presence either.

(Something's not right here! I need to hurry and get out of here!)

As she burst out of the restroom and began to run, a massive snake's head emerged from the toilet. The snake turned to look at her, and in her moment of distraction, Hermione accidentally made eye contact with it. At that precise instant, an unsettling sound emanated from her necklace. While running, she quickly checked it and noticed a crack. It was likely that the necklace could only withstand one or two more instances like this. She strengthened her body and prepared to make her escape at full speed.


Taking advantage of the brief moment when her physical enhancement was activated, a Stunning Spell was cast. Hermione quickly rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding it, but the basilisk was still closing in on her.

From somewhere, she heard a hissing sound. The basilisk reacted to that noise and opened its mouth wide, trying to swallow her whole. She tried to counterattack with her wand, but the Disarming Charm she attempted inadvertently sent her wand flying.

Defenseless, Hermione, overwhelmed with fear, closed her eyes and cried for help.

"Help... Leo!"

"Of course."

"...!? Huh?"

She didn't feel the sensation of being swallowed by the basilisk. Instead, she felt herself being gently lifted up. When she opened her eyes, the basilisk was far away, and just above her was the figure of the most accomplished wizard.

"Are you okay, Hermione? Just wait a moment. I'll finish this quickly."

"Leo! Why are you here?"

"The necklace had a mechanism that would alert me if it was damaged. I'm glad I made it in time. I'll create a defensive barrier, so don't try to get out from here."

A thin, film-like barrier surrounded Hermione as she stood. Leo approached the basilisk.

"Leo! Please don't die! I still want to be with you! Please come back!"

Leo waved his hand with a smile and walked toward the basilisk.

All Hermione could do was pray. So, she continued to pray for his safety.


Facing the Basilisk, Leo couldn't help but admire the beauty in the creature's eyes reflected in his "Eye."

"Nice to meet you, Basilisk, the beast left behind by Slytherin. Ah... You are truly... incredibly beautiful! Your body, naturally protected by each and every scale, a venomous poison in your fangs that can instantly kill upon a single glance. And those eyes! Excellent, truly excellent! Outstanding!"

While he was mesmerized by the basilisk's eyes,, the defensive ring he was wearing began to strain due to the eye contact. He needed to stay calm.

"Phew. Yes, let's stay calm. Now, I'll need you as an experimental subject. I'd prefer you to die as intact as possible, but... well, Avada Kedavra seems to have a hard time taking effect. What to do..."

As Leo contemplated how to deal with the Basilisk, the creature opened its mouth, ready to strike with a deadly bite. Leo activated "Enhance" to its maximum and continued to dodge. He attempted to use a Paralysis spell as an experiment, but it seemed to have no effect.

After exchanging attacks for a while, both Leo and the Basilisk paused, assessing each other cautiously. Leo then came up with a plan to defeat the Basilisk without sustaining any injuries.

"Graviton, create a gravity field. 10x,"

Suddenly, the Basilisk found itself subjected to a surge in gravity, causing its movements to slow considerably.

"Now, these chains are an improved version of those used to restrain dragons, complete with movement inhibitors. However, they can hold you for only a few minutes. Let's finish this within that time."

The Basilisk struggled, breaking the chains bit by bit with every move. As Leo predicted, in about two minutes, all the chains were destroyed, and the Basilisk charged toward him. But...

"You're a bit too slow. Well then, farewell."

Right before the Basilisk could strike, a mirror appeared. But it wasn't just an ordinary mirror, it was a specially crafted one that reflected the Basilisk's instant-death magical eye effect back at it, bypassing even anti-magic eye defenses. The Basilisk stared at its own reflection in the mirror, and in the next moment, its fate of death was sealed.

Yet, in the Basilisk's heart, there was nothing but gratitude towards the small wizard who had created the mirror.


It had been nearly a thousand years since my birth. Under the command of my master, Salazar Slytherin, I had spent most of my time deep underground. My master had bestowed upon me a mission.

"Basilisk, I shall depart from this place. But if ever this place, Hogwarts, and the magical world itself were threatened by Muggles, use all your power to stand against them. At such a time, my successor shall arise. I hope such a future never comes to pass."

A thousand years ago, Muggles frequently captured and killed witches and wizards. The four founders of Hogwarts established this place as a sanctuary, primarily as an educational institution for children who couldn't control their magical abilities. However, my master parted ways with the other three. He argued that only pure-bloods should be accepted.

"If we accept children with Muggle blood, it will lead to unnecessary conflicts! We should admit only pure-blood wizards for now. It's too difficult to accept Muggle-borns or half-bloods in this age. We should do so once the world becomes peaceful, without witch hunts. Otherwise, wizards might face extinction!"

My master understood and feared Muggle power more than other wizards did. Muggle-borns and half-bloods were still witches and wizards, but revealing their existence to Muggle relatives could lead to the deaths of all wizards. In truth, my master wanted to accept all children, but for safety's sake and to save more lives, he chose to protect only the pure-bloods. Lengthy debates ensued with the other founders, but in the end, my master left Hogwarts. He set out on a journey to protect witches and wizards from Muggles. He never returned to Hogwarts, leaving me with the mission to protect it from Muggles forever.

For 1000 years, I had remained dormant, and that was just as well. My inaction was proof of a peaceful world. However, one day, this chamber was opened again.

To my astonishment, the young boy who claimed to be my master's heir had the audacity to declare his intent to rid Hogwarts of Muggle-borns and half-bloods! 

This was no joke! This boy understood nothing of my master's ideals. Muggles had not attacked, and yet, why would he refuse anyone except pure-bloods in this peaceful world?

I had no desire to obey such a foolish proclamation. However, my body, influenced by my master's bloodline, could not defy his orders. As a result, I ended the life of an innocent child.

I regretted it deeply. I was filled with despair. My master's mission was not to kill wizards. 

I used this life to resist the commands of fools. As a consequence, my lifespan significantly dwindled, and I could no longer move freely. But this was acceptable. The boy who called himself Voldemort had departed after I disobeyed his order . My remaining years were likely no more than a century, and I had no strength left to resist any future commands.

My only wish now was that my life would fade away before anyone else came to this place.

Speaking of wishes, I recall that my master once asked if I had any wishes. When I mentioned that his desires were paramount, he responded with, "Consider a wish for yourself." I wonder if there is a wish that can be fulfilled with the remainder of my life.

Decades later, the room was opened once again. This time, I couldn't resist, and I found myself gazing at a child with my deadly eyes. Fortunately, the child survived, but such luck would not come twice. Once again, I was compelled to attack by a cursed command. However, a guardian appeared.

This guardian was formidable. Not only were my eyes ineffective, but even my most powerful attacks merely brushed off this intruder. Surely, this one would end my existence! My body grew heavy as I was restrained, and as I struggled, a mirror appeared before me.

I looked at the mirror. I saw my own reflection in it for the first time. 

Ah, I hadn't realized. My wish was to see my own form. Because of my eyes, which could extinguish all life, I had never seen my own appearance clearly. Even when looking at the water's surface, I only saw a hazy, blurry figure. In the mirror, every scale, fang, and eye was crystal clear. I had been in this form all along.

In the moments before my death, I would etch my entire being, the snake king, into my soul. 

Finally, I would fulfill the deepest desire within me and express my utmost gratitude to the little wizard who had been able to free me from the control of my master and would soon end my existence.


Tom Riddle. He precisely supported with magic at the moment the opponent he hated the most. However, as soon as Leo appeared, he fled with all his might.

Salazar Slytherin and Pureblood Ideology in this novel 

Slytherin believed that both Muggle-borns and half-bloods were equally wizards.

Pureblood wizards should have taken pride in guiding Muggle-borns, but over time, this belief twisted and was passed down in a distorted way.

In reality, Slytherin wanted to accept all children, but he wanted to eliminate any potential dangers.

When he parted ways with the others, he was reluctant, and Slytherin himself had intended to return to Hogwarts if it was in danger.

The Basilisk was a defense mechanism against Muggles.

Despite having opposing ideologies, as a descendant of Slytherin, the Basilisk couldn't defy him and killed Myrtle.

As a result, there were no other victims 50 years ago because Basilisk resisted with all his might, and Dumbledore was monitoring the situation, so Myrtle gave up as well.

The Basilisk's magical eyes didn't affect itself. There was a defense that prevented it from accurately recognizing its own appearance when looking in a mirror or at the surface of water. Leo lifted this defense, reflected the magical eyes, and caused its demise.

So, stay tuned for the next chapter.