
Back to the manor

Ginny stormed into Hermione's apartment were she found her sleeping with Harry. ( A/N not sleeping like sex, but sleeping. Okay bye) Her wand was pointed at Harry and she hexed him right on the spot.

Hermione immediately woke up. " Shit Ginny we didn't do anything! I had a bad dream and......" " Crucio!" " Protego! God not you too!"

" I don't know what you're talking about Mione" Ginny said innocently. " She was just about to throw another hex at her best friend when Hermione screamed " Petrificus totalus!"

Ginny was immediately petrified and just stared at her. Hermione walked closer and saw her dark eyes. The brown color was long gone.

" Oh Ginny...." She hastily helped Harry to recover, and after some time Ginny was healed as well. Her beautiful brown eyes was back but she felt horrible and apologized a million times to Harry for hexing him. And she felt horrible for trying to hex Hermione.

" Don't worry! It wasn't your fault " Hermione said calmly.

Later she told them about her dream she had the other night. " Oh my god..." Ginny gasped.

A few seconds later Blaise disappareted with someone they never thought they've meet in this situation.

" Parkinson?!" Ginny said and turned to look at her. " Um...yeah hi everyone"

" When I told her about how we might save Ron Pansy wanted to join us to save Draco and Ron" Blaise said.

" Are you sure..? I mean, we don't even know where he is, and it could be dangerous" Hermione said doubtly.

" It's okay, Hermione. This IS dangerous but I'll join you anyway. If that's okay with you." Pansy said uncertain.

" Okay'' Ginny said and Pansy gave her a small smile.

" But yet we don't know where Draco is" Hermione exclaimed. " It's hopeless. All i heard him in was in my dream, I don't even know if he's alive"

" But what if it wasn't a dream...?" Blaise said. " What if...you actually saw him...but in your dream?"

" But then we have to hurry! If it was real, he was somewhere cold and the ground was hard it was dark"

" Hm....maybe somewhere in Knockturn Alley?" Ginny guessed. " Or in Slytherins Dungeons? It's pretty cold there'' Harry said, while both Pansy and Blaise glared at him.

" No this one felt more familiar....like..Malfoy Manor! Merlin's beard how could I be so stupid?!"

" Off to the Manor then?" Harry said and offered his hand to Hermione. " Off the manor"