
Here we go, Desert Rangers!

Tired of just playing video games all day, a young man was ready for a change. He wanted a real challenge, something that would give him a sense of purpose. So, he joined the army, thinking he'd finally found his calling. But life had other plans. Bombings were happening left and right and before he knew it, he was gone - vaporized in an instant. Or so he thought. Next thing he knew, he woke up to the sound of a beep and the strong smell of alcohol. He looked around and realized he was in a place he didn't recognize and had no idea how he survived the blast. Talk about a crazy twist of fate. 3 - 4 Chapters per week. I need to take it easy and improve the quality of each chapters. Sorry. ------------------------------------ My fan-take on Wasteland 2 story and tackling the Wasteland 3 story to gain a more in-depth perspective on this fictional world's apocalypse! PLEASE SUPPORT THE WASTELAND TRILOGY! AN UNDERRATED GAME! ------------------------------------ I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. Kindly contact me should you want me to change it. Thank you.

CarbonatedDrink · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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36 Chs

Suprise, Speed, Violence of Action

Every raider, bandit, killer, shooter, and self-respective hired hand on the audience floor stood there in shock, watching the stage as no words came out from them. Only the blasting sounds of the rock music coming from the speakers reverberated with heavy bass that you can feel every beat thump in your heart.

Fritzgerald smiled as he was a second away from making his 3rd kill of the night when 2 figures suddenly popped out from behind him. The nearby men definitely noticed the two. Yet, as the 4 of them were about to yell out a warning. Instead, they fell down like a kite got its string cut.

The man lunged at Fritzgerald from behind and threw him to the ground, simultaneously knocking him out. On the other hand, the girl has made quick work of a more lucid raider who almost shouted a warning to the others.

The others drew their gaze at the body that fell to the ground next to the stage. Their brains cannot process fast enough about what just happened. Probably cause they're hung up on drugs.

Soon enough, The gang leaders noticed something was amiss,

Deslin was the first to act up. He gestured for his men, "Find out what's happening!"

2 men and 2 women dressed in black combat gear rushed out from nearby, checking out the situation. Once they're outside, the leading woman saw a dead body by the side... but before she can sound out an alarm, she felt a powerful push from her neck, and she subsequently dropped down on the floor.

The three got caught unaware by this, and cold sweat runs through their spine. However, all three soon followed the same fate.

Seeing these all happen within seconds, Deslin's whole body got turned to full alert. He sprung up from his chair and shouted, "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!"

However, his voice couldn't reach everyone on the audience floor as the speakers' music has drowned everything out.

It needed something more dominating.

Nearby, to the west side of the village, a 4 man fireteam got qued to finally move in. A black bandana-wearing Desert Ranger moved out from his cover and pointed the muzzle of his shotgun to the back of a bandit.


The ranger formally opened the firefight with a taste of shotgun rain.

With that introduction, every one of them now understood that they're under attack.


Duke and Dallas followed in from behind, laying down accurate fire, with their unsuppressed weapons: scrambling gangs, and concentrating their fire to the more sober threat. They clear the west side while making their way north to the gang leaders. At the same time, Zara took the east side. Providing support fire to Team Voider while also making her way to them to have visual confirmation of the primary target.

Captain Hunter kept on blasting away with only a single plan on his mind, Get In Close.

He heard one of them say something that put a wide grin on his face, "Hunter! You SON of a bitch!"

With his peripheral vision keen on the main prey, he saw his old skirmishing pal, Deslin, screaming at him. All three of them, along with their lackeys, ran up north to take cover. Hunter pumped shot after shot, and his 8th shot rang out. Dallas switched places with him while he speeds reload his shotgun.

All the while, Jaberon blind firing from his half cover with a pistol he just picked up from a nearby dead body. "Hah! You see that?!" Jaberon amused himself as his cover took shots from the rangers. "The balls on these piss-fucks! Must be dragging it off from the ground for fucking heavy it is! HAH! They actually did it. Crazy fools actually dared!" Jaberon amused.

In a full cover, Deslin hissed at Jaberon to shut up. With his rifle raised up, he quickly assessed the situation. They were more of them. Not just the pain in the ass Hunter's team but something more, those sniper shot was unbelievably fast, he thought.

So he peered over and scanned the tall houses for any possible sniper position. His gut tells him of a likely spot to the right. Decided on it, he took himself out of the cover and made his signature move, By standing in the open. Taunting the enemy. He trailed his weapon in that direction to a particular 2nd story house and looked into the scope.


However, Deslin's instincts kept on nudging him to run away instead. He felt it weird why he needs to be more scared of the snipers than Hunter himself. He looked away from the scope, and within that half-second, both of the scope's lenses shattered, and he heard one of his men from behind him fell down on the ground. Surprised, He ducked and returned back to cover, wondering what the hell just happened.

Did it- Did the bullet passed through my scope? He lamented on that thought.

Deslin screamed to his remaining men, "Rain fire on any 2nd-floor house!" He pointed to the west. "We need to move outta here! Fuck this! Jaberon! We need to escape!"

Wasting ammo by blind firing, Jaberon cursed as he looked back at Deslin. "Really?! Why?! Just you wait! I got my surprise for these bastards!" He smiled crazily. "They should have made sure to thoroughly check each body they shot, HAHA! It's a bitch when somebody kinda stabs you in the back! Man, I really love my product!"

Deslin ignored him out and just ran at him. "Can you shut up about your [Stripper's Gaze]," He shouted to Jaberon's ear, "We need to go!" and drags him away to a more secure cover.

At the same time, Porker didn't waste time and move further north with his men. Stronghold a more favorable position, leaving the two to fend for themselves. One of his men reached out and gave him his weapon. A short barrel automatic rifle without a buttstock but has a 150 drum mag on it. "All right, okay." grinding his teeth. "Here we go, Desert Rangers! Show me what you got!"


Yunca Village,


2nd Floor, Ruined house.

"Boss, Do we know about any zombies during the briefing?" Castle jokingly yet worriedly asked. Looking through the scope of his rifle, in the corner of it, he noticed that one of the gang members he shot in the back of the head rosed up from the ground.

Hearing it, Joe quickly changed the feed on his CRISS-COM with Castle's view. It appears that the female gang member's right jaw is dangling down due to the exit wound around that area. And it seems that the bandit is shaking... in an exciting way. Joe wasn't sure, but it would look like that. "Change of ROE, takedown shots--" but before he could finish, he readied his aim. The girl suddenly ran frantically at Captain hunter. He squeezed the trigger in the nick of time, and the girl fell down on her leg. He could see that she's still flailing around like she's taking pleasure from it. Nevertheless, the next round of 7.62x51mm from his Mk14 hit her straight to the heart.

Seeing this, Hunter buzzed in. "Glad you have my back, Ghost."

To which Joe replied, "Watch out, There's something in those drugs that are making them more resistant. Recommend: confirmed takedown. Shit just got jacked up--" However, their position got suddenly lit up by the automatic fire coming from Deslin's men.

Hunter calmly asked, "Status, Ghost."

"Manageable, Delta 1." He replied back. "Break. Bear!" He shouted.

"The shots are coming from Deslin's team, trying to prod us while they retreat to the west." Bear scrolled through his MRT and replied.

Joe also pulled his MRT out. Pinched his finger at the screen at the map interface, zoomed out. The drone on the west of town showed the west access to this village is a funneled way... Perfect for an ambush spot.

"Bear, Castle." He called out. He pressed on the MRT's screen, and their CRISS-COM updated a tagged location. "Set up ambush point here."

"Let loose. No one must leave this AO.," he calmly added.

Joe comm in on Hunter, "Delta 1, 2 targets are escaping and heading towards the west exit to town. I'm sending in 2 of my team for ambush points. Have some of your team herd them out to the west."

"Our position is soft compromised, so we're joining in with you directly. Additionally, Porker is hold up further north. Seems like he wants to give us a fight. We'll concentrate on this threat first."

"How about Deslin and Jaberon?" Hunter asked.

"When the sound burst comes, let's hope they're smart enough to surrender, Ghost Lead out," Joe replied. Hunter can somewhat hear him say that with a grin.

The Ghost Team roped down from the 2nd floor and ran ahead to their objectives. They didn't even bother to use their Active Camouflage.

While Hunter ordered Duke and Dallas to take the enemy to the westside, he called out to Zara to rally back to him. Preparing to breach entry a fatal funnel.


Yunca Village

East Side of the T-junction.

"Get down!"

Puff and pops from Skylar's suppressed weapon rang out as she peppered any visible enemy. She shouts out from time to time at the civilians for fearing they might catch a stray bullet and urges them to crawl away.

Team Voider took control of the east side. Bear gave them the necessary aid to compliment their inexperience. They were able to sneak up close to the primary target with Bear's drone and suggestions. Leaving behind several bodies that are responsible for putting security in the eastern pass.

Houmin, now, added in the pop noise as he too fired a few shots while he put his weight down on Fritzgerald back.

Seeing Both Ghost Team and Team Delta keeping up the momentum in the firefight. The two took the chance to "introduce" themselves to the captives, "Desert Rangers are here to save you!" Skylar said, nearby to an old lady. "Go!"

"Missy!" The old lady said back, "Give me a gun! I'm a retired ranger, I can still shoot even with these raggedy bones of mine."

"No, ma'am!" Skylar said back in a higher volume, aiming her rifle to the fight. "You're the mission, ma'am. Can't have you getting shot."

The old ranger frowned.

In the nick of time, Skylar noticed it and gave her leeway.

"Here," Skylar picked a makeshift knife from one of the dead bandits and reached her hand out to her. "You are not in the fight, Ma'am-But, we still need someone to lead them back south to safety. Up to the task, ma'am?"

The old lady's ear perked up, "Heh! You're a polite one, missy. From what I remember, a ranger should be riled up by now and told me to shut up and listen." She picked up the knife. "Alright, You got me. Did you say south, right? You mean the cavern pass?"

"Yes, ma'am." She nods at her.

The old ranger sighed softly. "It's good to see Vargas doing good work with the rangers... and I have no idea what in the world you are wearing to your face." She exclaimed. Clearly inspecting the goggles and respirator.

All of a sudden, the old lady screamed: "Watch out!"

As she heard that, Skylar became highly alert and jumped back with her back on the ground. Then her eyes showed a horrified expression when she saw the man she shot in the chest earlier stood there as she narrowly missed the swing attack.

"What the fuck!" Skylar screamed as she got scared out of her wits. A man with blood dripping on the bullet hole on his chest. He stood there, twitching erratically. The man licked his lips as he banged his head in the air as the pleasure overwhelm his brain.

"He HEEE he. YoUUUUU CACACN FEELL hoooowiiith???!?!!?!?!? HA!!" The man speaks incoherently.

At the same time, Houmin turned his head towards Skylar's voice and saw what's happening. Surprised, he took a quick shot to the man's thigh, maiming him.

The man fell down not due to pain but due to the kinetic energy of the bullet. Unexpectedly, the man groaned in pleasure instead.

Houmin took the decision to end this quick and moved in close. He aimed the rifle just inches away from the man's head. Yet, someone else already blew it away.

Houmin felt a tap on his shoulder and a familiar voice. "Go! I'll take it from here."

Zara spoke close to his face and pushed him away from Fritzgerald. Closely scrutinizing his face. She took off his red bandana and threw it aside. She then tied his arms behind his back and bent his knees, binding both his arms and legs and ensuring extensive discomfort.

Meanwhile, Houmin rushed in before Skylar and gave out a hand, "C'mon, Missy. We still have a job to do."

"Peachy, aren't you?" Skylar exclaimed but took the hand nonetheless.

"Ma'am," Skylar said to the old ranger,

"I know, Missy." the old ranger cut off the binds on her legs. She stood up with effort. "You go give em hell! You hear me?!"

Skylar nods at her. The old ranger then called upon everyone to follow her to safety. Emphasizing the trust they should put into the rangers.

So far, everything is going fine with the evacuation... then something Houmin totally didn't expect happen.

Both his and Skylar's communicator crackled up to life for no apparent reason. Twice it crackled up. To Skylar, this wasn't something to be concern about. To Houmin, this was too dreadful for him. This meant only one thing, a cyborg was nearby. He looked back to one of the hostages passed by them and fixed his eyes on a woman with long black hair.

"I'll deal with you later," Houmin said to himself.

"Voiders! Let's go!" Zara called out to them. She stepped away from the bound Fritzgerald and gestured at the two. "We're pushing north!"

Witnessing this, Before one of them could ask, their comms came back to life. Joe speaking in,

"You two with us. We're trapping Porker in." Joe said.

The two saw Joe and Irish hauling themselves across the audience floor. Taking down any stranglers and zombied bandits along the way.

No words were needed as the Houmin and Skylar swapped in a fresh magazine in their rifle. Houmin took point, and Skylar followed in closely behind.



Jaberon tripped himself from a pipe. He cursed at how stupid the situation is and how thirsty he became.

"Get moving, Boy!" Deslin grabbed his arm and lifts him up. "Your sorry ass is going to be the death of me!"

With his hands on his knees, Jaberon protested, "I'm beat- Ha, ha, no more. Can't we just stay inside and let them bore themselves to death?"

Deslin whacks him in the back of the head, "Stop being a dolt. We gonna move, or we're the ones that are dead!"

"How do you even know that ranger anyway?" Jaberon asked.

"Cause we tried to kill each other on multiple occasions!" Deslin shouted at to his face. "I'm not going to die cause of your drugged-out self! Now! Fucking move! Run!"

The two gangs started running again. Dodging and weaving through the streets and houses. Avoiding the taunting gunfire from the 2 rangers from their tail and the invisible threat of an unknown number of snipers.

As they move out from the maze of houses and now into the view of the west passage. Every one of them held one thought in mind,


As the west passage comes to a curve, preventing sightlines from the enemy sniper and a clean way to safety.

However, they need to cross through that funnel.

Deslin was confident enough that with the number of people running ahead, the enemy snipers won't be able to kill all of them at once. Now, freedom is at the close. The first 8 of his team ran out in the open then followed by him and Jaberon.

His plan worked! As sniper shots are just hitting the dirt. He gloated at the sniper's lousy aim.

Then things turn for the worst, rather than a sharp singular shot sounding out. A long burst fire roared in the direction of the west pass. Instantly, cutting down the first 8.

Deslin wits told him to duck down. So he did plus dragging Jaberon on the ground.

"Are these really the Rangers?!" Jaberon worriedly asks, "They're messing us up!" his face literally hugging the dirt.

Deslin shrugged it off. He didn't mind the predicament they are in. Indeed, a situation like this and panicking can get you killed. He grabbed the slung rifle from his shoulder and crawled 3 paces ahead. He thought that since the enemy was generous enough to set up this threat. Then he can't let this opportunity pass. The confidence they have... He gonna crush it!

He crawled before a body and braced the rifle to the chest. Even with the scoped damage he---

Unfortunately, his thoughts got cut when his rifle fling away to the side as it got shot.

The old man's mentality tried very hard to justify what is happening and why he always fails. But this was too taxing to him. Like they were nothing from the very start. They were being played.

"Hands-on your head!" said the two rangers from behind.

"Argh!! Fuck you, old man!" Jaberon cursed. "We got caught! You hear me!? FUCKING PLAN OF YOURS DIDN't DO US ANY GOOD!!"



6 man team moved into the patio where the trio was first encountered.

"Delta 1," Joe spoked on the comms. "We bagged all three. Let's wrapped this up quick."

Hunter replied back, "That party sound sure is a welcome one. Heh," as he referred to the long burst shot made by the ambush team.

They moved in 2x2x2 formation. With Skylar and Voider to the right, Hunter and Zara in the middle, Joe and Irish in the left.

The drone overhead has already tagged every one of Porker's group. Totalling of 27 individuals, including him. With Porker in the middle. They are positioned in a pincer movement, overwhelming them from the sides and providing accurate sniper and suppressive fire from the center.

It was quickly devised by Porker to handle any ranger elements. Regular rangers, that is.

Ghost Lead gave them a rundown of what to expect and what to do. "If things aren't looking good, eliminate the target." A tempting order.

As they near the kill zone. Porker didn't bother to start with the usual villain troped and lain suppressive fire with a machine gun. Opening up the fight as the 6 quickly took cover.

"Hunter!" Joe shouted out, "Drop a smoke!"

Hunter hugged his shotgun as he pulled a canister to his rig. He pulled the pin on it and threw it at the center of the field.

Seeing this, Porker didn't care and just laid a suppressive fire in that direction. Not knowing that the second lapse he did, had cost him 2 of his snipers.

The three teams spread out. Hunter replied the thought with the mighty shotgun rain as Zara provided support accurate fire from the rear. Joe and Irish did quick work of the 7 fully geared tangos then came towards their sectors. While on, Houmin and Skylar got bogged down due to sniper fire.

They could only eliminate 6 out of 14 targets that came out as the American flag wearing soldiers returned to cover.

"Ghost lead! We need you to take out the snipers!"

"Delta! Aggro, that son of a bitch!"

"Zara, Heavy fear to our right flank!"

"Changing Mag!"

"Got one!"

The voices, shots, be it suppressed and unsuppressed, the smokes and dirt filled up the firefight's 2 and a half min duration.

Porker's concentration was only to his squealing friend. As the 150 drum mag got spent, he called out to his aide. "Marlow! MAG! Marlow!"

He stood frozen when he realized his surroundings turned silent.

"Fight me like a man! A free man!" He flexed and repeated that shout.


"I said, fight me!"

What Porker didn't expect is a mechanical voice from behind him.

"Have enough hearing from yourself?"

Porker's smile crept up and twisted his body, preparing for tackling the enemy.

"Your mistake for getting behind me!"

Then the world turned dark for Porker. As he got kneed in the face by Ghost Lead.

"Ghost Lead to Deus, All targets are secured."

♪ Deadwood - Really Slow Motion ♪

Hows everyone?

Hope you are doing fine.

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!

CarbonatedDrinkcreators' thoughts