
Here we go, Desert Rangers!

Tired of just playing video games all day, a young man was ready for a change. He wanted a real challenge, something that would give him a sense of purpose. So, he joined the army, thinking he'd finally found his calling. But life had other plans. Bombings were happening left and right and before he knew it, he was gone - vaporized in an instant. Or so he thought. Next thing he knew, he woke up to the sound of a beep and the strong smell of alcohol. He looked around and realized he was in a place he didn't recognize and had no idea how he survived the blast. Talk about a crazy twist of fate. 3 - 4 Chapters per week. I need to take it easy and improve the quality of each chapters. Sorry. ------------------------------------ My fan-take on Wasteland 2 story and tackling the Wasteland 3 story to gain a more in-depth perspective on this fictional world's apocalypse! PLEASE SUPPORT THE WASTELAND TRILOGY! AN UNDERRATED GAME! ------------------------------------ I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. Kindly contact me should you want me to change it. Thank you.

CarbonatedDrink · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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36 Chs


"Kiddos, Head north, then turn left on the second corner, head straight, where you'll see an open area. One of them is guarding outside the perimeter. You can't miss him."

Bear interact with his Military Rugged Tablet, MRT, manually controlling the drone that was designated for overwatching the eastern part of the village. He watches the two, Houmin and Skylar, make their way to the other hostages.

"Nooo. You don't have to answer back." He calmly added. He swirled the drone above the two. "You're clear. You can run on ahead. Don't worry, you both are making great time."

That last part was a lie.

Bear took pity at the two. He volunteered to help Voiders when the Division team told them what the two saw back there. He knew that regardless of him helping, things weren't looking great for the overall mission.

He's sitting beside a half-wall on the roof of a second-story house.

"They wasted too much time," Castle spoked up from the sides. Prone down in a sniper position. Watching over the T - junction.

Bear replied, "I heard you the first time."

"I like the two, I really do. Just not right now. Babysitting wannabes and things' going to shit."

Bear shrugged it off,

His eyes concentrated on the MRT, the Active Resonance Software instantly calculated the distance between the Voiders and the bandits, risking exposure to themselves.

"Watch yourselves, both of you are gonna get spotted..." He comm in,

Except, he witnessed on the screen that they shot the guard and continued to run ahead.

"Hoo, Be careful. The others heard that." He said. He then turned the drone to where the hostages are.

The drone quickly tagged 9 individuals, forming a yellow diamond shape to their figures. The three in the west, kneeling, should be the hostages while the 6 scramblings around are the bandits. As he said, they heard the suppressed shot.

"1 Bandit with a gun heading your way, the others are using blunt or bladed weapons. Make it fast, they might get smart with using the civilians."

Bear re-positioned the drone to a higher altitude, trying to look for more stragglers outside the perimeter.

Two small figures stopped short of the entrance to the open area. They waited for the bandit to come to them. As soon as the bandit peeked out that corner, Skylar pushed the rifle's muzzle to his neck and squeezed the trigger twice. He fell back, drowning on his own blood.

Now, the bandits are sure they were being attacked. Nonetheless, they weren't able to react quickly as Skylar moved north, shooting 2 bandits down. Houmin followed behind and move west, shooting the others.

Bear gave an approving nod.

"Basics. Nice, Point & Domination." Castle commented. Castle saw the bird's eye view in the video feed in the left lens of his CRISS-COM.

"Great work, kids." Bear smiled. "You can point the civilians to the Rangers at the south. Then make your way to the roof of the 2nd story building at the Northwest. Do a bit of recon. You're doing great."

Bear leaned to the left, looking down on the street. He gave a thumbs up to Joe, who's talking with Captain Hunter.

Seeing this, Joe nodded.

"Papa Bear's at it again." Irish chuckled behind him.

"We can clear your way in close to the targets," He told Captain hunter. He showed him the map on his MRT and the possible location and routes. He then shifted from a map view to a video.

"We got visual confirmation on Ex-Ranger Fritzgerald." He enlarged the screen picture. Showcasing a man with a makeshift sleeveless riot armor and a red bandana on his head. Then he dragged the image down to three individuals. "And what we assumed to be Gang Leaders."

The first picture was a man with unkempt hair fully clothed and in black military gear.

The second picture was a tall, bearded, muscular man with a top half-mask pig and a red-blue-white schemagh. Wearing a military rig that says, Border Patrol.

The last picture is of a man with a heavy duster with teardrop tattoos on his face.

"Confirmed visual on Deslin and Jaberon." Captain Hunter pointed out as he saw the pictures. He trailed his hand on the screen as he mimicked his counterpart, trying to get a good look at the 2nd picture. Except it didn't do anything.

Joe noticed this and dragged the screen to the second picture. No one commented on it.

"Anything?" Joe asked.

"Like the General, It's the first time we encountered him." Hunter intently looked at the picture. "He seems to be more dangerous among the lot. And if what you said is true. Then we can expect a different OP-FOR joining in."

"You're right." Joe enlarged the picture of the Second gang leader, pointed at the scarf. "Except, we took down a dozen heavily armed bandits wearing the same scarf. We can say that we ruined his plan."

"Right," Hunter looked back to the direction they saw those bodies. "Clean. Everything you guys do is clean." Then he glanced back at Joe.

Joe knew he's trying to let this conversation turn to more about them. He didn't let on, instead asked him a question.

"What do you usually do with Rogue Rangers?"

"Depends on their actions," Hunter's tone turns solemn. "Usually arresting them. A trial amongst the Rangers and the Groups they crossed with."

He pointed at Fritzgerald's picture. "Once in a while, we got those like him, a badass tryhard."

Joe is somewhat unconvinced, "Then what's the verdict to him?"

Hunter rubbed his chin, "It's an arrest... It's too personal for us just to kill him outright. Too many died."

Joe immediately understood,

His comms buzzed in,

"Ghost Lead, 1-2, Bad news. They started the show."

Joe turned his MRT off and told Hunter about the situation.

"Hunter, same plan. We'll give you some room to make your way closer. But be warned, Once we see things getting out of hand, we have little choice but to put them down, all of them if we have to."

Hunter nodded,

The two ran back to their teams.

While taking the stairs, Joe muttered. "Kid, time to reap what you sow,"


Yunca Village


"Yeah!" Fritzgerald screamed out at the microphone.

Speakers placed all around the area rang out with his voice. Canceling every other noise outside the party.

Fritzgerald happily stood on a makeshift stage. Evidently, enjoying the spotlight, he's been having here. He glanced behind at a trio of new buddies, smiling at him. New Buddies, he can have fun with!. Even so, with the enjoyment all around him. He still struggles to find the main person he wanted amongst in the crowd.

Fitzgerald held his arms up.

Everyone quieted down.

He couldn't make out why there are fewer people here and gave out a sigh. He recalled that he'd made sure everyone must be present for this... He'll be needing a shouting to his new buddies about this decorum of theirs.

He twirls with the microphone cord, "Hey, everybody!"




Hearing them pleases his heart. Fritzgerald literally hopped around happily.

Fritzgerald whipped out a rolled-up foil and raised it up the air and screamed in his mic. "Before we start! I need everybody to get their fixes i-out!"

He unrolled it and took a sniff of the gray substance. His eyes teared up as he did.


The crowd roared! All were pulling out the same thing and snorting it all together.

Meanwhile, The gang leaders watched it all... In disgust.

The Burly man with a pig's mask crossed his arms around his chest, he spoke with a haughty tone. "Too high strung for a Ranger. Pathetic."

The man with a heavy duster and death teardrop on his face clearly took offense with the other said. "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. My man, Mr. Porker, doesn't have any sense of bidnez."

"From what I see, hope you can see it too, hah, that my product brings all sorts of people together and that I'm so generous, I'm giving it away for free."

Porker scorned and spat on the ground. He titled his head low, loathing him. "You can add animals to that stupid orgy, Jaberon. See them? Those people in the streets? Fucking each other? Yeah, that's you bringing them together."

"An animal? says the big man with a pig's mask." Jaberon rebutted.

Before this can get heated up, a hoarse voice butted in, "I really expected we have to kill all the rangers first before killing each other. I thought that was the deal."

"Ohoh,` My mistake. Being so oh so proud." Waving him away, "Wasn't exactly my best of intention. Don't get work up too much now, old man Deslin."

Jaberon twirled around on his chair as he took a sip from a shot glass. "Uh-ahh. That hit some sweet spot. Tey-killa really gives it a quick zink."

Porker growled at him as he was not in the least bothered by Jaberon's bantering. Tey-killa is his product. It's the standard. Why would he be proud of it?

What's bothering him the most is the report he heard from his earpiece earlier. To conceal his plan from the others, he made sure to wear an earpiece without any sorts of a microphone to talk back.

"Hero," His earpiece buzzed in. "The three Porker Teams aren't responding back. It's 2nd time we hailed them in."

Porker's mind raced. It was no mistake. The plan he expected to be expected flawlessly was now a fail.

How? They are just high up weaklings who can't even shoot properly, He thought. His main force was with him, all 13 of them. Then another 13 in the south will clear out the vermin as they encircle them all. He even suggested staying in this T-junction, facing these outcasts head-on, and trapping them in.

"It's not worth considering THEM!"

"Who then?"

"The Rangers? We're an army here. They're not crazy enough to do so."

"Deslin? No... No. This old man doesn't seem to be that type. He's saving--gathering up strength against the Rangers. Unless... He had the same idea as me?"

Many more ideas popped up inside his head.

Jaberon and Deslin saw Porker as a silent, strict giant and gave up on bothering him. Jaberon has labelled him out as "No fun,"



Jaberon can't figure out why he felt unenthusiastic every time he and Deslin talk.

Deslin with his scoped black tone HK33 rifle, Longfang, leaning on his shoulder and sat down on a picnic table. "You're a family man?" he asked.

"I guess- so?"

Deslin pointed a finger to the crowd, "Them your family?"

Jaberon's eyebrows slowly scrunch as he wasn't sure where the old man is going at. "Noo?"

"Why?" Deslin asked. Not changing his facial expression.

Jaberon's mouth hanging open, and his head turned a bit. Confused. "They are... hired muscles?"

Jaberon half nodded to Deslin. His eyes darted around, finding ways to get away from him.

Luckily, there is.

Fitzgerald spoke of something that piqued everyone's interest. "HAHA! Let's see what you're made of, Bay-bee!" And gulped down a glass of Tay-killa.

"Glad I got outta there, woo!" He thought.

Deslin half raised his face to look at the crowd.

Behind them, Porker whispering to his men.


"Listen up, Listen up," Fritzgerald shouted. "I know all of you are aware! That-- I'm a Ranger," He showed off the yellow star badge, Desert Ranger.

The crowd yelled out all sorts of displeasure.

"I know you all are blaming me." Fritzgerald pointed his finger at his head. "Me! For the death of some you! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NOO! I'm gonna clear this! Clear this now! I'm a ranger for the better! Not like them! Never like- like them! God Fucking Hypocrite! Liars! All of them! I can make this world better! WE ALL CAN MAKE THIS BETTER!"

"Bring them out, NOW!" He gestured out with his arm.

Soon, 15 people came out. Most have their heads covered up and their hands tied behind their backs. Men, women, even children, walked ahead in a line.

"Kneel down! Down! I said down!" Fitzgerald's men heralded the people to the dirt.

Fitzgerald's head shivered in excitement, "People blamed me for the ones that died back at the forked pass. Accused me that I rat them out to that snake! I will say this again and again! I DID NOT!"

The crowd roared!

"Now, Here's my time to make up for it!"

Fitzgerald turned to his men, he ordered them to pull up the covers on his captives.

"While having fun!"

The crowd screamed in joy!

He strolled closer the line of kneeling people with his mic in tow and a gun in one hand.

"An eye for an eye as they say," He softly said in the microphone. "My first act as a ranger that is different, and better than before, is to quickly make up for my wrongdoing. I will own up to that mistake! Yes, they shouldn't have died! A Snake Ranger should have died!"

The crowd agreed!

"As the better ranger, quickly making amends is the best course of action." He slides the muzzle of his gun on the neck of a woman. Shaking violently due to fear. "TO- TO- To make things fair! An equal amount should be given back!"

"Then my new friends! Who do you want me to start first?"

"This one?" pointing at a healthy young woman.

The crowd booed.

"This brother?" pointing at the beaten-up man.

The crowd cheered!


The man got shot in the back of the head.

The crowd lets out all sorts of excitement. While the captives cried and begged on.

"This old hag?" pointing at an old lady whose hair is all spiked up.

The crowd laughed and call her names.

Fitzgerald moved on,

"This lovely father?" pointing at a man hugging his two children.

The crowd roared louder as they loved the sounds of the trio crying and begging.

"Hehe" He pointed his gun at the back of the man's head.


Except, he had a change of heart and shot the one next to them—a woman with long black hair and her hands up in the air begging for something he didn't actually listen to.

The woman fell down on the ground and spew out blood. It seems that Fitzgerald shot her on the neck.

Fitzgerald got surprised as the man he pointed his weapon earlier was now crawling his way to the woman. Leaving his kids, hugging each other. Crying and begging... their mama to kneel up.

Rather than shooting him, Fritzgerald smiled and raised his hand and pointed the mic at the man. Watching and hearing their sorrows.


Wern was not sure when exactly he crawled down on the dirt.

He didn't care.

His body moved on its own as he drags himself through the dirt. He didn't realize that his ear canals tightened up as he struggles.

Noticing that he's taking too much time, Wern tucked his legs to his chest and put his tied hands over to the front. With this, he finally worked his way over to his wife. He pulled down the gag on his mouth and tried to calm her down.

"No, no, no, Linda!" As panic formed in his mind. He tried hard to quell it down and laid his hand to her neck, applying pressure.

"I'm here, Love. I'm here. Look at me! it's going to be okay." His voice breaks as he saw her wife's beautiful face now lined with her own blood.

Tears now running down on his face, "It's going to be okay." as he said repeatedly. Suddenly, he saw her giving her the most beautiful smile he known of her. Her eyes close as the broadest smile she can do.

"Thank you" He saw her lips say it.

Things turn for the worst, "No! no, no. Don't go! It's going to be okay."

She kept up with that smile as her lips turn paler.

"Linda, don't go!" Wern begged. "Please don't go!"

She tried to look at him for one last time. She bravely held out her hand to his face, caressing that hard stubbled cheeks she ever so loves: his crooked nose, and now she saw the beady eyes of her lover.

She wanted to say, "I love you," but her body can't move much more.

"Noo! No! Linda! Don't leave me! Love, please don't!" Wern cried out. Now her hand limped back to the ground.

"I need you, Linda! Please come back! Please, Please, come back!"

Wern saw her with a smile still there. Hoping she might be alive.

"I love you so much! Please! Come back!"

Realizing that nothing is working. Wern tried to shake her awake.


He bribed her, "I'm gonna water the plants like you told me too, I'm gonna help out Uncle Giol with his daily walk, I'll cook for you. I'll do anything, Linda. So please! Come back to me! Don't leave me!"


He screamed at her that his voice has now cracked.





Wern broke down and cried. He leans his head down and kisses her lips. Rubbing off the blood from her cheeks. Cherishing the view.

"I always love you, I will always love you. I love you. Love."


"Ain't that a sweet sound!" Fritzgerald said like he is in ecstasy just from hearing them.

He was squatting there, just behind the couple. He, with all smiles, and the crowd enjoyed every sound the husband made.

Everything was going fine until he heard something he didn't like.

"You shouldn't be wearing that badge. You don't deserve it."

Fritzgerald snapped his head to that voice's direction. Seeing an old lady staring at him, unafraid.

"How dare you?! I have every right-" Fritzgerald barked out. But got cut in quick by the old lady's wits.

"To be cut down by God!" She said.

Fritzgerald got taken aback by this. He turned silent and quickly pointed his pistol to the old lady's head.

"Any last words?" He asked.

"Yeah! I hope you shit yourself." She barked back.

Next thing Fritzgerald knew, Everything blacked out.


"Voiders here. The main HVT is secured!" Houmin kneeled on the back of the primary target. While Skylar is firing back at the enemy.

A firefight broke out.

♪ Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down ♪

I'm now referencing novels with good firefight scenes.

Hopefully, I do well. If not, Oh boy! Point it all out hahaha! So I can improve.

Sorry in advance.

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!

CarbonatedDrinkcreators' thoughts