
Lord Parker's Internal Threats

Given the Margraves were getting ready to sally out, it was only natural for Lord Bernard to demand that Lord Parker follow him out of the city.

Because with them gone and no other force to defend Caira, only god knew what the Heeats could do.

Capture the Margraves family and take them hostage?

Massacre the whole city in revenge?

Loot and plunder everything and then leave?

Everything was possible.

The world would have been their oyster.

While hearing this ultimatum and understanding the mean things he was being suspected of, Lord Parker seethed with unbridled rage and anger,

"You dare plot like this? Who cares if a few whores died? When did they start caring about those cock sucking hussies? 

He roared at the city folk before turning to shout at their puppet masters, "Is this how the Margraves treats its savior? We came here to help save you from destruction. And this is how you repay us?"