
Jabel's Nobles (Part-5)

The room that the nobles were being guarded in had many soldiers inside, the bright chandeliers making their weapons and armor evident to all, from the shiny bronze cuirass to the dull shields to the short swords to lastly the crossbows or Instant bows each carried.

And these men seemed there to protect just nine men, all of whom were seemingly in a fluctuating mood.

Some of them paced around the large, central table with brisque, nervous footsteps, their hands clasped together, their head down, eyes darting all about in confusion.

It almost appeared as if they thought that if they looked long enough at the floor, they would be able to read the soon-to-be-sent revelation from god that would tell them how to escape this predicament.

Others did the same thing just sitting, their body occasionally twisting and turning to show their discomfort.

While some had gathered around Maizdy, whose entire face was bloodied supplicating words of comfort to him, as the fat man fumed in rage.