
Infant Trade Routes

Alexander woke up late the next day.

No scratch that, he did not strictly speaking wake up that day.

Because he woke near dusk the following day.

Alexander had peeped open his eyes once in the morning but found the room dark and heard a raging snowstorm going on outside.

Winter had truly come.

So, shivering a bit involuntarily, he pulled his thick blanket closer to himself and snuggled the nubile Camybses even more tightly, feeling her warmth brush off his skin as he again drifted off to sleep, reassured that today was his day off.

And once Alexander and Cambyses joined the others for dinner, knowing that the couple had missed both their breakfast and lunch, Mikaya even cheekily commented, "Looks like the Pasha enjoyed his nuptial night very much, hahaha."

The next day was greeted with another blistering blizzard, and though Alexander very much wanted to laze away just like yesterday, he did not have that luxury.

Because he had some important meetings to attend.