
Her Unforgotten First Love

Meliza "Iza" Lizondra was taught by her mother to use her beauty and intelligence to find true love, and she warned Iza never to fall in love with a man from a low-income family. Even the people she thought were her friends called her a user and social climber; Meliza didn't care; her family came first until she met Ethan and fell in love harder than Iza thought she could ever love someone. Ethan Almendraz, the heartthrob overindulge heir of their family’s wealth, was sent by his father to Adriana’s farm as punishment for being hard-headed to work as a farm hand and not being allowed to tell anyone his true identity. Then, he met the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on, Meliza, and for the first time, the Heir of his father's empire fell in love, but too bad, Iza only wanted to date someone who was loaded with money, and Ethan couldn't tell her who he was. Excerpt: "Iza, please, don't do this; I love you so much. I never felt this way to anyone; this was the first time I badly needed someone in my life. Give me a little time, and you will live in luxury." Ethan begged after Meliza handed him the engagement ring he had given her. "I am sorry, Ethan. I don't love you, and I can't marry someone like you," Meliza responded with tears in her eyes and left, running to the white car waiting for her while Ethan was running after Iza, calling her name. One day, Meliza was invited to attend her best friend's wedding in a place she didn't want to return to because of unwanted memories that kept haunting her, and she was on the run because of Ethan’s fault. Ethan was invited to the same wedding and wanted to make Meliza pay for the price of breaking his heart. The wedding was the best opportunity for him to show Iza who he really was. And he planned to play with her heart and break it just like what she did with his heart five years ago. They both hate and call each other a liar but can't deny the intense attraction that had always been there. Can Ethan resist the woman responsible for his broken heart, who looks more beautiful and hotter than ever? Can Meliza forgive Ethan? Will love prevail over hate?

sirenbeauty · Thành thị
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46 Chs

Made A Show

Meliza's POV

I avoided Ethan on the days that followed. No matter how often he tried to approach me, I ran away before we could talk. He sent me flowers through Ruby and Jonathan, but I threw them in the trash can before I could bring them to my room and daydream about him.

My mother will only get angry more if she finds out I am dating someone like Ethan.

And even if Vince begged me, I didn't give Ethan a chance to speak to me until one day, he stopped and started hanging out with Nicole and her friends.

What hurt me the most was that he stopped looking in my direction. After our date, I caught him countless times staring at me with longings in his eyes, but I ignored him.

And now, he totally shunned me, and when I came across him in the hallway leading to the kitchen, he didn't even smile; he only walked past me as if I didn't exist.

I was so hurt, and I felt so brokenhearted. The girls didn't bother me anymore, and I felt so alone.

"Iza, don't punish yourself; he is one text or call away," Ruby said.

"Who, and what are you talking about?" I asked, pretending I didn't understand what she meant.

"You are in love with Ethan." She replied, and I narrowed my eyes as I looked at her.

"It doesn't matter; he is enjoying his time with Nicole anyway," I replied, and he laughed.

"You rejected Ethan, and now, you are jealous. What is wrong with you, Meliza?" My Best friend asked, and I looked at her, feeling betrayed.

"I am not jealous, okay," I mumbled.

"Nicole is a fighter. Your frenemy said she would do everything she could to win Ethan. You, my best friend, are not a loser." She replied.

"Are you willing to lose him? If not, come with me tonight, we are having a barbeque party in the front garden. They already set up the tables and chairs." Ruby stated.

"Everyone is invited; you are the only one who didn't bother to join us whenever there is a party. You are too focused on your work. Can you shut down your laptop? It is past your duty hour." My best friend added.

"It is time to relax and enjoy good food and music. I heard Vince and Ethan would be performing tonight." Ruby said with excitement while I wondered if Ethan could really sing.

No matter how much I said no, my heart betrayed me as I said yes to Ruby because I couldn't deny I wished to see Ethan badly, even from a distance.

"That is a good decision, and I promise you will never regret it; just let it go, Meliza. Try to be happy for once. I know you are doing all this because of your mother." Ruby said.

"Your mom is miles away from us. She can't see you dating Ethan. Give yourself a break, and enjoy your teenage life. We are only in this phase of our life once; we can't go back in time, Meliza." My best friend continued.

"I will pick you up here in your room. And be ready before six o'clock in the evening. You don't need to wear something fancy, because you will always stand out no matter what you wear. Just be yourself," she added before finally leaving my room.

I shut my laptop and lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, asking myself if I was making the right decision. I don't want to be a loser anymore for being worried about everything.

Ruby was right; I needed to enjoy myself. I had been doing my best to become an obedient daughter, and only this time would I disobey my mother. She doesn't need to know about it anyway. It was just for the summer.

I sat up, feeling excited to see Ethan. I am done avoiding him, and I can't wait to see him and tell him how I feel for him. I don't want to see him with any other girl.

I took a quick shower, blew dry my hair, and put on my mini skirt and sleeveless tank top. I grabbed my denim jacket from the cabinet and put it on. I spray some cologne and comb my hair; I let it cascade on my back. I didn't bother to tie it with ribbons. I wore my sneakers and looked at myself in the vanity mirror.

A lonely young woman stared back at me, and I needed to wear a perfect smile tonight to make

my troubles go away.

Ruby picked me up on time, and I couldn't stop my heart from beating so fast as we walked through the hallways. When we got in front of the farmhouse, the lawn was packed with our fellow workers with excitement on their faces, chatting and laughing.

I swerved my neck but couldn't find Ethan as Ruby pulled me with her to the nearest table where Jonathan was sitting with a broad smile on his face.

"Finally, the muse is here," he mumbled as I blushed beside him.

"Excuse me for a while," Ruby whispered, and I nodded since I felt comfortable and safe with Jonathan.

"So, are you ready to party?" He asked as I protruded my head, looking around the area.

"Ethan left this afternoon for the capital with Nicole and her friends," he said, and I tried to hide my frustration as I turned my head at him.

"I wasn't looking for him," I softly replied, and I guess it was too late.

"Are you sure?" He asked, and I everted his gaze and focused my gaze on the stage where I could see some of the boys, together with Vince, setting up the sound systems and some musical instruments.

Vince was good with guitar, and I knew he was multi-talented. He could sing like a professional artist, and that is why before Ethan came to Adriana's farm, he was the hottest guy.

"Why should I be looking for Ethan?" I asked, hiding my genuine emotions.

"Well, you became different after your date with Ethan. You became more obsessed with your work, and you shut everyone, including your real friends." He declared, sounding hurt.

"I am sorry, Jon; I didn't mean to be like that," I responded.

"I didn't want to pry, but you both acted differently after your anticipated date." He declared, and I wished to ask him more, but I didn't want him to confirm his suspicion that I was looking for Ethan.

Darkness covered the earth as the sun set on the horizon. The strobe lights they set up on the stage illuminated the entire place as the party started. Even our manager was among the spectators. Some of the boys got up on the stage. Vince was playing the guitar while Jonathan was on the keyboard.

Then, my heart raced as I saw him get up on the stage, and the girls hollered and called his name. Ethan was smiling, showing his deep dimples as if nothing happened.

I realized I was the only one who was brokenhearted. Here I am, looking at him like a fool while he is having a good time, enjoying the night with his fans.

Ethan sat in front of the drum set while I was dumbfounded. When he struck the drum, the girls shrieked, and he was good as he continued with complex rhythms and started singing.

Damn, the boy I loved could sing, he was better than Vince. My body turned so cold as I realized I was madly in love with Ethan. I could even hear the loud pounding of my heart, even with the loud noise in the background.

Then, the entire place turned quiet as Ethan stood up and walked to the center of the stage, holding a microphone while Vince was beside him with his guitar. Vince strummed his guitar while Ethan sang a beautiful love song that would melt any girl's heart.

How I wished he dedicated that song to me, and my heart was pierced when I saw Nicole get up on the stage with a long stem rose in her hand.

The girls cheered, and I stood on the ground like a statue as I watched them without fluttering my eyes. I wanted to run away, but I couldn't move my feet.

Nicole handed him the red rose, and Ethan smiled as he took it from her hand, and he continued to sing. He put his hand around her slender shoulders, and the girls went wild.

My frenemy wore a white mini skirt and spaghetti tank top with stilettos. She looked stunning as she batted her eyelashes at him. They looked so good together, and I knew it was too late for me.

Nicole was like a leech as she put her arms around Ethan. And I had enough. He never looked at me even once, and he seemed so smitten with her.

I hated Ruby for bringing me here. I should have stayed in my room and read my favorite book, but I loathed myself for feeling so hopeful that there was still hope for us.

I turned around to run away from the crowd and get away as fast as I could. But I lost my balance and made a big mess. I could hear the utensils cluttering as I stumbled into the table and groaned as I hit the ground with the chairs.

"Meliza, are you okay?" I heard Vince's voice right away over the microphone as the entire place turned quiet, and I was too embarrassed to reply as I stayed motionless on the ground.

"That bitch knows how to make

a show and ruin a party." I heard Nicole's voice, and her friends laughed.

"Shut up, Nicole!" Vince angrily said.

Then, in an instant, strong hands picked me up from the ground and took me into his arms. I could smell his familiar scent, and I didn't need to open my eyes to know it was Ethan who had carried me.