
Her True Happiness

Mi-Young had everything a girl can ask for except for two things, true happiness and the freedom to make her own decisions. Up until now her life was always controlled by her father and now her brother as well. What happens when she is faced with an unwanted marriage proposal, as well as falling in love with her brother's rival.

Tabi409 · Người nổi tiếng
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11 Chs

Club Double Trouble

Mi-Young couldn't wait to get home after her classes. To say she had a bad day would be sugar coating it as her day went from bad to worse with no hope of it getting any better. In fact she didn't even bother to ditch Vinny; she was so mentally drained.

Once she got home, she made her way upstairs and changed into some sweat pants and a crop top. She looked out her bedroom window and noticed that Esme was home as well. Mi-Young messaged her to say that she was on her way to see her and Esme responded with a thumbs up.

Mi-Young went out the backdoor and made her way towards the cottage to see her friend. Esme was her long time friend from when she was in boarding school in America. They had clicked from day one and had always done everything together. They had lost touch two years ago when Mi-Young moved back to Seoul after her mom died. However, fate had other plans.

Esme had been one of the students who were part of the foreign exchange program at Seoul University. When Mi-Young found out that Esme was going to be in Seoul, she had organised with the school to let Esme stay with her family instead of with the one arranged. She prepared their cottage in order for Esme to have some privacy and to keep her far away from her messed up family. She knocked on the door and let herself in.

"Essie..I'm here... Where are you?" she asked.

"I'm in the kitchen!!" Esme called out.

Mi-Young made her way to the kitchen to meet her friend. By now tears were streaming down her face.

"Hey now, what's wrong?" Essie asked, giving her a hug.

"I have had enough of everything. This life... This pain... This dreadful day. I just can't do it anymore," she sobbed.

Esme hugged her friend tightly and let her cry out her soul on her shoulder. She wasn't sure what had happened but she knew that it wasn't good. She took her friend to the living room and gave her some chamomile tea to help calm her down.

"You good?" she asked.

"I'm good," Mi-Young responded.

"You want to talk about it."

Mi-Young looked at her friend and gave her a faint smile. She shifted on the couch to face her and told her that she had to get married.

"Married!!! To whom?" Essie asked in a loud manner.

"To Jin, they want me to marry Kim Seok-jin. Can you believe it?"

"Of all people; him? He is the biggest player in the city. Why would your dad arrange for you to marry him," she asked.

"Oh my friend, the suitor is Nam-joon's idea. Dad's just going along with it as it will benefit the company," Mi-Young explained.

"Aaahh!!! It's a business thing. So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Somehow I have to get out this engagement without being disowned. Man, I feel so defeated," she said while laying her head on the couch.

Esme comforted her, letting her know that everything would be alright. This shocked her down to her core. She knew her friend needed some cheering up.

"Hey Mimmi, do you know what I'm thinking?" Esme asked her with a smile.

Mi-Young lifted her head to look at her friend. The smile and look in her eyes just meant only one answer

"Double Trouble," they both said in unison.

(Club Double Trouble)

It was 8:15 and Jackson arrived a bit later than planned with Jinyoung. He couldn't believe how long the queue outside of the club was. Thankfully, Jinyoung had sent him a link with a VIP pass. This allowed him to bypass the queue and go straight inside. Jackson's driver dropped him off in front of the entrance.

"Thank you Mr. Lin, I will call later to come pick me up," he said as he stepped out of the car.

He made his way to the entrance and showed his pass to the security. The security nodded and let him through.

"Enjoy your evening sir," he said roughly.

Jackson nodded in thanks and walked right into the club. He was shocked at how different the club was. It had a completely different look to it. He spotted Jinyoung by the bar, surrounded by ladies.

"Things never change," he thought to himself and chuckled. He made his way towards the bar and tapped his old friend on the shoulder.

"Heyyy!!! Jackson, my main man", he said loudly and gave him a hug.

"What's up buddy, I see you're still a ladies' man," Jackson teased.

"And I see you're still a smart ass," he teased back.

Both guys hugged each other one more time before ordering a couple of beers from the bartender.

"Have them sent to booth number six," Jinyoung told the bartender.

The bartender nodded and continued to get the drinks ready.

"What's booth number six?" Jackson asked out of curiosity.

"It's my VIP section, I reserved one when the club was reopened. Quite a few customers have as well. It's a way for us to skip the queue and we get special benefits as well," Jinyoung explained.

"What kind of benefits?"

"Lol, it's not what you think," Jinyoung chuckled, "It's kind of like VIP's get treated like royalty, there's always someone ready to serve you drinks."

"Oh, I see what you mean," Jackson acknowledged.

They soon made it to Jinyoung's VIP box and they made themselves comfortable, Jinyoung's group of women following behind them. They were chatting nonstop and catching up on lost time.

"So, who owns the club now?" Jackson asked.

"Remember Nam-joon, your rival from school?" Jinyoung asked in response.

"Nam-joon, wait you mean RM."

"Yep, him. Both him and his twin sister own the club but he is more hands on than she is," Jinyoung explained, " And he dropped the name RM, prefers to go by his name."

"He has a twin sister? Since when?" Jackson asked dumbstruck by the news.

Jinyoung explained that while Nam-joon was in Seoul, his sister attended school abroad. Which is why no one knew he had a sister; because she was never around. He further told Jackson that their father had brought the club as a birthday gift to both of them.

Jackson lay back on the couch, trying to process all the information he had received from his old friend. He wondered if Nam-joon's sister was anything like him. He hoped he could meet her one day, just out of curiosity.

"What's up Double Trouble!!!" a female voice said loudly on the speakers.

"Woooo!!!" The crowd responded with drinks in the air.

"Are you guys ready to get this party started!!!"

"Yeah!!!!" The crowd responded again, this time, wildly.

"Yo Mr. DJ, let's get this party started!!!! My people and I want to dance like it's our last dance!!" she instructed.

The DJ gave a thumbs up and the first song he played had everyone on the dance floor. Jackson took note of the girl who was just on stage and couldn't believe how fierce and fiery she was.

"Who's the babe?" Jackson asked.

"Oh her, that's Kim Mi-Young, Nam-joon's twin sister," Jinyoung said in between his flirting with his girls.

"That's her, man she's a beauty. I hope she's nothing like her brother", Jackson said while observing her from the box.

Jackson watched how this girl was having the time of her life and how she was lighting up the dance floor. She was having shot after shot with her redhead friend and really letting loose. Jackson was intrigued and really wanted to know more about her.

After a while he noticed that she had made her way to the toilet. He took this as an opportunity to go and speak to her.

"I'll be back," he said to Jinyoung.

Jinyoung was so busy with his girls that he didn't even notice Jackson leaving. Jackson quickly made his way downstairs and headed towards the toilets. He waited out by the hall for her as he wanted to catch her before she got back to the dance floor.

Mi-Young eventually came out of the bathroom and was met with an unfamiliar face by the entrance.

"Can I help you?" she asked the stranger.

"I hope you can. I've been watching you from the VIP box and I told myself I just have to know you," Jackson said with a smile.

"Oooh, so you're one of those creeps who hope to get laid," she said sarcastically.

"Lol, you're funny," he chuckled in response, "How about a dance or maybe I can buy you a drink."

"Uhm, let me think about it..... No!" she said moving past him.

"Can I at least get your name!!" he called out.

"If you value your life, you will forget about me," she said without looking back.

Jackson stood in the hall with a smile on his face. He was impressed at how fiercely confident she was. Getting to know her was going to be a challenge but he liked challenges. To him, Kim Mi-Young proved to be a worthwhile one.

Edited by Tristen Everitt