
Her shadows

June has spent a fourth of her life with her sick mother, listening to the stories of the shadow realm where she hears the truth about werewolves, vampires and many other entities alike. June moves to Arizona of request after her mother dies where she meets Julius and Eli as they help her uncover her secretive past, deepest desires and the truth about her childhood dreams.

Taykat101_writer · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

The new girl

In the morning I get off the plane and into an Uber to take me to my campus. Before my mother died she had helped me with my school registration. I am a bit late for orientation though because I wanted to stay with my mom till the bitter end. I check up at the main desk and got my dorm key. Number 206. As a freshman I was sent to the babcock dorms. When I entered my room another girl had already had her half of the room set up. She was reading and sat up to greet me.

   "Hey I'm Eli Mae! So I guess you will be my new roomie! I'm also a freshman here so don't worry." She said ecstatically, extending her hand out for me to shake it. "Hi Eli I'm June." I say lamely. Of course I had a reason to be shy. She was gorgeous, long straight brunette hair and wispy eyelashes. A pretty natural face indeed. Her rosy cheeks and light skin tone caught me off guard, as well as her icy blue eyes. I shake my head and look around, Then I set my stuff down and start decorating. I had sent my desk and furniture here before I came so all I had to do was rearrange everything to my standards. When I was done I laid myself out on my bed and sighed.  "So we have our own bathroom? How nice." I say under my breath. I didn't get to choose my dorm room, because it was a financial problem my mom wanted to deal with herself. Her parents (my grandparents) were wealthy and so was she. Money was never an issue for me growing up. My mom had basically paid for everything here already and on top of that she put ten thousand dollars on my card in case of emergencies. I chuckle to myself. She really wanted me to have everything. I'll never wander why she'd ever go out of her way to help me become an adult. I had packed some ramen in my bag for the first couple of days because I know That I am gonna have a little social anxiety when it came to ordering food on my own.

   "Are you eating here too?" I ask Eli before I head out to the community kitchen to reheat my ramen. Eli gets up behind me and follows me out. "Yes. I have some leftover rice and sushi so I'll go with you to reheat my rice." She replies.

    The community kitchen was small but it had all the basic appliances a kitchen needed. I let Eli reheat her food first as we talked. I told her about my mom and my living situation, and where I came from. It seemed that Eli had been living here her whole life so it made her want to go to school here too. She said that she felt uncomfortable leaving the state.

    "I can wait for you to finish reheating your food?" Eli suggested. I smile and shake my head. "Nah it'll be a few minutes, I'll meet you back up there. Your food would get cold for sitting in here." I say. I mean it was true not only would it be a few minutes but the air conditioner in here was freezing the whole room up. It felt nice but not when your trying to keep your food warm. When Eli left I sat down to take a breather.

   "Hey new girl, how come I didn't see you at orientation? I never forget a pretty face." A deep calming voice behind me asked. It sent chills down my spine. I shivered. I turn around and find a tall muscular man with a huge smirk on his face staring right at me. His eyes were a Carmel like hazel color and his hair was sticking up straight all he had to do was comb through it with his fingers. Unlike his eyes his hair was as dark as coal but his skin tone a dark honey. He didn't look my age.

    "I didn't go..." I say. I'm intrigued. The room was getting darker and I could see him inching closer to me. I see him take a deep breath. We were nearly 4 inches apart. "You smell good." He says. Before the tension got worse, the microwave beeps. I shoot up out of my chair and head over to the beeping. Saved by food. I grab a fork and turn around to head out. The man was leaning into the frame of the doorway blocking my path.

    "I see that your eager to leave. I'm a freshman too so don't be scared, I just wanna get to know you that's all. You look interesting." He says. I could tell he didn't like my facial expression because he backed off and walked away. That was weird. It felt sort of dominant in a way. Whatever expression I gave him I hope he knows I didn't mean it. When I get to my dorm Eli is sitting on the carpet that separated our beds being on either side of the walls. I join her and we continue where we left off while we eat.

   "You were gone longer then expected, did you get lost?" She chuckled. I grin and shove a fork full of noodles in my mouth. "Yea this place is gonna take some getting used too I guess." I reply. I didn't feel like mentioning that scary dude that I had ran into. I'll just call it a coincidence. At night when Eli went to bed I pulled out my journal to read. Elena Matthews. It had my mothers name embroidered into the cover. I read the first page. "Today my friend Aro had given me this book, I guess I will start to use it and write about my adventures with him. I plan on moving to Arizona one day because of him, I'm truly fascinated by his home and his family. he called his home the shadow realm. I laughed and pointed out that I had liked the name "outside' better. it sounded less dark than it actually was. I had visited his home a couple of times, but I never really was allowed in more than a day, Aro had told me it was dangerous that I stay for longer than 24 hours. That my soul would slowly wither the longer I stayed under the shadow moons power. amazing right?" I shut her book and laid down to sleep. My mom never mentioned this guy.

The man I had trouble communicating with last night was now in my first class of the day, including Eli, though that was a relief. Majority of my classes are with her for some odd reason. As the professor started his lecture I turn around and see that he is staring at me. I panic and turn back around. For the remainder of class my attention was only toward the lecture. Nothing else.