
Her secrets

Life in New York ain't easy, especially as a widow. It isn't any easier being a single mom,and it sure as hell ain't easy being the owner of a billion dollar app making company. It doesn't get easier having emotional issues and a therapist. It's also a drag when you have a secret obsession,hacking. But what takes the Cake is meeting someone you've hacked. And even worse,you fall in love with him. Just to add to the list,he's in the city to catch the hacker. The cherry on top,he wants you to help. Yep...welcome to my life. The life of Mindy Bowen. The city has it's secrets,but so do I.....

daniella19 · Thành thị
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15 Chs

The Appointment

Mindy's POV

I woke up on my computer and tablets on my bed. Last night was really hectic for me and it left me with a neck cramp. Ouch! It hurts, am really gonna need a lot of luck today.

My phone buzzed, I tried to find it but forgot where I had put it. I scattered the entire room but couldn't find it.

As I nearly gave up I felt another buzz vibrate on my body. It was in my pyjama pocket! ha! typical Mindy.

It was my therapist Nia.

Yes I attend therapy sessions deal with it. I kept it a secret from my son and my sister.

I had to lie to my relatives about my whereabouts and my "problem".

Just to be clear not because they loved me but because if they found out they'll surely send me abroad for treatment and take over my company.

I was surrounded by wolves in sheep clothing.

I had an appointment with Dr Nia later today at her house.

It's not like am getting special treatment but I was ashamed of myself.

I didn't want my secret to be exposed or else it would create new tensions, which I didn't want.

I often imagined what life would be like for mike if I couldn't control myself.

He would probably be sent to a foster home or worse an orphanage. My boy would not be able to survive if he lost me.

When Adam died, I was devistated and isolated myself  from the world.

I lost Mike I pushed him away from me without even realising it. Despite that he never left my side, Mike was with me all the way. He never wanted me to feel the void left by Adam.

After the long road to recovery I was able to look myself in the mirror and say"everything is gonna be okay".

He urged me to take up the business despite my opposition. It was great to have Mike with me, he was my strength and my pillar. My guardian angel.

After my recovery I overheard Mike sleeptalk or sleepscream. He was having a nightmare and it seemed like a really terrible one. He rolled aroumd vigorously and was soaked in sweat.

I tapped him but it only increased his shivering and struggled a lot.

As soon as his eyes opened he hugged me like his life depended on it. It split my heart into two to see him in such a condition.

I knew it was no ordinary nightmare even if it was just a figment of his imagination.

He took a while to warm up to me and could finally stop shaking. He told me that since his father died he had been having these nightmares. He told me of how he would lock himself in his closet and cry his eyes out.

He spoke about his fears and I dreaded a few of them myself.

I now understood the agenda behind his strong charade. All those times he hugged me when I cried was just to secretly comfort himself.

I immediately understood all he said and felt stupid. I was a worthless mother who couldn't  even detect her son's emotions and feelings.

I was only thinking about myself and how it would affect me. I never asked myself how Adam's death could have affected Mike.

He was so young and yet acted so maturedly. While I the adult, acted like a douche bag it was so stupid of me.

Although my love for mike was so beautiful and true it was also possesive and insecure.

It was mostly paranoid and it was both my strenght and fear. I became so scared of loosing my only son, my only reminder of my husband.

I gave Mike everything he asked for and even more to keep him happy. Mike had his way and I never objected to that.

Once, his classmate got into a little squabble with him and I was called by the principal. I blew everything out of proportion and actually slapped the kid.

His mother was upset and tried to get the police involved. But I just sprayed my money at her face and she kept quiet. Ever since no other kid dared to hurt my son.

I didn't care about what the other mothers said about me. Am a mum too and am only protecting my son from their monstrous children.

My relationship with Mike was very different from other mums and their kids. Hey! not my problem they could go to hell with their opinions.

A few people had approached me to join some help group because of my"anger issues". Could you believe that? me?

I still don't believe they said that! uggh!. Nia advised me to join that it would be good for me so I reluctantly agreed.

At our first meeting they all spoke in low tones and held hands. I was so annoyed by such.

Why the secrecy? Was it a cult?. I started tapping my feet impatiently at their pace.

I was already starting to feel irritated at this whole group sham. I was about to blow up when i was asked to "share"- that was it!. My bubble had been burst and that was the last straw.

Nia was upset when she heard that I stormed off out of the group.

But unlike my other therapists she was calm and laughed it off. She was free and fun but majorly my bestfriend. I told Nia all about my fears and she listened to me.

Speaking of Nia, I had an appointment with her in an hour. I spent a lot of time getting out of bed.

I got out of bed finally and made my way to the dining room. The servants made my breakfast and disappeared almost immediately.

Halfway way through the meal I realised that I had not seen Mike the whole day.

" Linda where is Mike?"I asked the nanny.

Linda kept quiet and her hands became sweaty. I hated silence and hers was beginning to annoy me.

"Where is he? I wanna talk to him tell him his mother is calling him" I instructed,spreading the table cloth across my laps.

"Madam I cant"Linda said.

"Why can't you?"I asked.

"He left to his friend's house to watch the big game" Linda timidly said.

Am not sure what came first the slap on the left or on the right. But I slapped her senselesly and almost used  my butter knife to stab her.

He had school and he was at his friends house,and this nincompoop of a nanny let him ditch.

I stormed off in a hash mood anyone who came in contact with me would "get it".

I drove senselessly and recklessly not minding the obstacles(people) in my way.

The anger in me almost consumed me wholly till I brushed past the bridge.

The anger and hate I was feeling just vanished in a flash.

I felt so peaceful and parked my car at that spot.

I came out and took a moment to breathe and try to calm down.

I focused on the green eyes and the handsome face then felt relaxed. I took out the rose from my bag and remembered his romantic gesture.

After about ten minutes i got back in my car feeling relieved and drove to Nia's.

I stepped into her house and the first thing that i was met with was a bucket of water.

Brian laughed nonstop he was a born prankster. He always found some new way to get me but I find it cute. I usually let it slide,(usually not all the time).

Nia came in shocked to see me in such a state and she got so mad her face turned red. It was amusing and felt like I was the one that pulled a prank on her.

She got me some clothes and a nice cup of tea to get me going.

"This tea is nice"ti said trying to seem polite.

If I was calm enough I could leave early and find Mike.

"So what are we doing today? Yoga? Breathing? Concentration? Am up for it" I said.

Nia stared at me with a knowing smile, she was up to something, but what?.

"Mindy, why do you look so calm?" Nia asked.

To me it was a dumb question, shes trying to get me to be calm and she's worried that i am?"

"Nothing I've been calm all morning" I said.

" I got a call from your driver and he told me that you left in rage. Now you show up here looking all okay what happened?" Nia asked.

"What did she want from me?" I asked myself analysing her stupid question.

"No, don't lie to me" Nia said, " It's really nothing am okay" I pressed.

"I know you're okay, I wanna know why you're okay".

"I told you nothing, now stop" I said. "Mindy I can only help if you open up" Nia said.

"I said stop!" I yelled at her, and I felt awful for that.

I felt like i could not be fixed and she would give up on me. Then ti felt her hand on mine and she looked at me with concern in her eyes.

"Mindy, I wanna know what you did that I couldn't do in four years under forty minutes. It wouldn't hurt to tell me, I won't let it leave these four walls I promise" Nia said.

I was a bit hesitant but I trusted her words and I did open up.

"Green eyes" I said.

Nia looked so lost it was the least thing she expected to hear from me.

"What are these green eyes?"she asked me hoping for an explanation.

I stood up and paced about a few times.

"He's a super hot guy whose got green  eyes and an angelic face" I said.

I didn't believe I said that it was so unexpected.

Nia looked at me for a moment analysing all i said. She paused then stood up slowly but dramatically.

Then Nia starts squealing excitedly and I join in.

We hop around the room a few times and hold hands.

" Wow this is so good to hear"Nia said she wore a huge smile.

"Why is that?" I pretendsciously asked.

"Cause you're finally interacting with other people"Nia said.

I realised what she said was kind of right he was the first man I was able to interract with, peacefully.

It was a bigger deal than I thought of it.

"How did this happen?" Nia asked, my problem with people was their inquisitvity.

They always wanted to know more and more. They should be more like Superman he never asked much. His eyes said a thousand words and I could read them with  just one look.

"Tell me please I wanna get a load of this meeting of yours" Nia said.

"There's nothing to hear he just crashed my car and offered to drive me. Then he opened the door for me and drove me, he drove so fast but my heartbeat was faster. I was intoxicated with joy and overwhelmed with the feeling i was having.

He dropped me back at the bridge and he came close to me. Not just physically but mentally as well. It felt so good to have someone who could read my  thoughts.

It was nice to find someone who could interract with me in his own way. His gesture was so beautiful he gave me a rose to appreciate my looks. He also kissed my hand in the middle of the road.

I was lost in his eyes it felt like i was cast under a spell. For the first time in my life after all I've been through I felt normal I felt loved and wanted"

There I said my crappy story

" Awwwn so sweet" Nia said.

She was enjoying my story and wanted to get more out of me but I stopped.

"Then what?" Nia asked.

"Then he left" I said.

"He left?" Nia asked so surprised at what I just said. 

I noded positively, it was just a reminder that am unlovable.

"Am sorry to hear that but it's good for you to feel real emotions and get a grip of yourself"Nia stated.

"Can we pick this up some other time i just got a text. A complaint was filed against me"  I said and stood up.

"What did you do?" Nia asked suspicious of my actions. I smiled innocently and picked my coat and keys in a rush.

"If you get mad remember green eyes and breathe" Nia said,while I rushed out of the room.

I gave her a thumbs up and rushed out the door. Another bucket of water met me on my way out.

"Brian!!!" I yelled.

I could see him riding off to school,laughing at me.

"See ya!"he yelled.

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