
Chapter 32


I just told Jessica I was pregnant. She is wide eyed, mouth open. She's not even blinking. She's in shock.

"Jess, are you ok?" She said nothing.  I reached in my bag and grabbed the pictures from the ultrasound and handed them to her. She slowly took it and looked.

Without saying a word, she pointed, her head snapped up and opened her mouth. Nothing came out.  I couldn't help but giggle. She looks ridiculous. "I'm pregnant and I'm having twins." I said.

She threw herself towards me, giving me a big hug. I can hear her crying.

"I can't believe your having a baby, I mean babies. Wait, you and Jax? Are you? I'm going to be an aunt?" She asked. She is fumbling her words, she can't even complete sentences.

"Yes Jax and I are having twins, you are going to be an aunt. I said. The smile on her face was huge.

She started jumping up and down screaming.  The door opened and I froze. I slowly turned around to see Emily standing there looking very confused. I ran and slammed the door shut.

I was relieved that it was only her. As much commotion she is making, I'm sure the whole house can hear her.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"We are going to be an aunt! Alessia is pregnant with twins!" She screamed. Oh my god, she needs to shut up. I covered her mouth while Emily was stunned. You can tell she was trying to process all of it too.

"Wait, you guys have to be quiet, I'm not ready for anyone else to know." I whispered.

"Your not going to tell Jaxson?" Emily asked.

"Not right now, things have been crazy and complicated and I don't want decisions being made because I'm pregnant." I said.

"But those babies should be included in the decisions, I think it's a bad idea not to tell him. When he finds out, he's going to be furious that it was kept from him."Emily said.

"I'm going to tell him, just not right now. I don't want to deal with issues with him and Becca. If I can avoid the drama for a little while, then that's what I'm going to do." I said. I didn't give them any time to respond.

"Now what I wanted to talk to you about is that I went to the doctor today.  I was told that I was further along then I am. Besides for being with Jaxson, I haven't been with anyone else so how is that possible?" I asked.

"Well werewolves don't have a normal 9 month pregnancy like humans do, we usually last about 4-5 months. Alpha heirs usually grow faster then a regular werewolve." Emily said.

"When did you go to the doctor?"Jessica asked.


"We need you to see our doctor to make sure everything is ok. I'm going to check if she's available, and if so we need to see her as soon as possible. How are you feeling?" Jessica asked. She looked worried.

"Besides for the nausea and vomiting, I feel fine."

Jessica mind linked the doctor and she told us to come. I hope by going there, this doesn't get back to him.

Emily, Jessica and I walk into the packhouse and head to the left hallway in the back of the house. We walked down a long hallway with doors on both sides. There is a sign saying HOSPITAL over the door at the end. When we went in, it was a large area with small rooms around the perimeter. There was a large desk and a bunch of chairs in the center.

Jessica walked up to the desk and spoke to her girl working.

"We are here to see Molly, she is expecting us." Jessica said and the girl handed her a bunch of forms.

I filled them out. They were much like the ones that I filled out earlier today. After completing them, I handed them back to the girl.

Sitting next to my girls, waiting for the doctor, I got nervous again.

"Hello, my name is Molly. I'm the doctor what can I help you with today?" She asked looking right at me.

"I'm pregnant and I was told to see you right away." I replied.

"Follow me." She instructed and we all went into the room. She closed the door and I sat on the bed.

I explained what happened at my regular appointment today and my concern of what is going to happened.

"Since you are human, may I ask the werewolve's rank that you are pregnant from? It will give me an idea of what we should expect during your pregnancy." Molly asked.

"Alpha." I said. Her eyes widened. You could see the lump in her throat go down when she swallowed.

"Oh my, I'm going to be honest with you. This pregnancy is going to be very difficult for you especially since your having twins because these babies are going to be very strong. Very rarely do you see a human pregnant with an alpha's child much less twins. I'm not exactly sure if your body can handle it." She said.

"What are you saying?!" I got loud and really scared. I was afraid of what she was going to say next.

"I'm saying, worst case scenario is that you can die." She said.

Tears filled my eyes and my hand went to my stomach.

"Doc, what do you suggest?" Jessica asked.

"I recommend that she terminate or at least reduce the number and remove one fetus to better her chances." Molly said

"NO! I'm not killing my child! That's not an option!" I yelled.  There was no way.

"Alessia it's not meant for a human to have a child like this. It's dangerous."  Molly said.

I really need to get out of here. I can't take this. My heart feels like it is breaking and I feel sick.. I may not have known long, but I love my children and I will do anything for them including sacrificing myself.

I got up and walked out. I want to see Alena. I want to hold her. What am I going to do?

Coming out of the hospital, I went to the daycare. I stood at the door watching her play. She was sitting on the floor with a little boy about her age, watching a movie.

She's so focused that she didn't even notice me walk in. I bent down behind her and whispered in her ear. "Baby girl, do you want to hang out with mommy?"

She turned and jumped into my arms giving me the biggest hug.

"I missed you mommy and I lub you bery much!" She squealed.

We laughed and gave each other kisses. I got up and held my hand out to her. She grabbed it and we left.

We're going to the car, I can't help but think about what the doctor said. I'm risking my life for this pregnancy but there is one thing I haven't thought about about.  What would happen to Alena?

Could I make the decision to potentially leave her an orphan?