
Her perfect revenge after the return

Ethel was a pure and innocent girl who had blindly followed her family till her last breathe but in the end got stabbed in the back by them. after regret and realizing her mistakes she chose to take revenge on all those who betrayed her. she came back in time to take everything back what belonged to her.

maida_khalid · Lịch sử
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2 Chs

Chapter : 2

It was not a place she never had seen before , in fact it was the only place where she could always find solitude. the only place where she always went to when ever she felt a bit sad and down. that tree had many of her memories and was her best friend in listening all her heart and had kept all her secrets safe so far. the back garden was were it was located, it was a place where no one paid any attention to so she always find herself comfortable there. but her only place of relaxation was also destroyed in her last life and a new palace was built there for the count`s lovely daughter, Stella. the Yitrit family really adored their younger daughter and Ethel who was the first daughter was always neglected. this was because Ethel`s biological had passed away while giving birth to her leaving her in the hands of the cruel world and the cold father who never paid any attention to her. soon after her mother had died the duke had married again to Lady Una, who was said to be her lover in the high society. Ethel was too small then to understand anything. she thought maybe this way she would be able to receive a mother`s love. but things had not turned out to be that way. she was always neglected and when Stella was born she even lost her mere importance she received from the duke and the servants. that was pretty hard for a child to survive on her own. although being a duke`s daughter she was never treated like one.

But somehow one day things got a turn. the father who had never cared for came to see her and the step mother who always molested her acted kind all of a sudden. though she was surprised by the sudden change but still she was thankful that maybe god had finally listened to her prayers. she was happy to finally receive the love and attention she had always yearned for but who knew it was just a honey trap all pre planned for her.

Her step sister, Stella had been ill for some reason. she had somehow caught a strange disease which seemed to incurable and there was not a proper treatment developed yet for it. due to this the duke family was very stressed and then was the time when they reached out Ethel.

But she was too innocent to believe those false words of love and care and eventually became a puppet of them. she was asked to pretend to be Stella for the time being until she is recovered. they feigned the act of pitiful in front of her and grasped her in their claw. Stupidly she agreed to their reasons as she thought it was good as long as they would love and for her for this. she gave away her personality , name and everything she had and became the fake Stella. she learned everything which a virtuous noble lady should have. she became exactly like her parents wanted her to be. she blindly followed them just to get a little bit of love and praise from them. and just like that she forgot that who she actually was.

After becoming a successful lady in the high society, she was engaged to the crown prince of the Ricardo empire. she was not lacking in looks neither in intelligence and behavior so she was taken in as the prince`s fiancé by the empress who was very fond of her. though Ethel did not lacked in looks yet she was disguised as Stella. she was a bit similar in appearance to her but not exactly like her, so in order to create a perfect copy had to dye her hair blonde, when actually her real hair were Ivory silver. she had shining purple eyes which was the proof of being a bloodline of Yitrit . Purple eyes were the inheritance that had been passing on from the first duke Yitrit. she was incredibly gorgeous herself but still she had to look exactly like Stella for the act. how long this show was going to last no body knew. but Ethel wished for it to never end as she would again be thrown away once she lost her usefulness.

She prayed day and night for Stella to not to come back, even though she knew she was being selfish and cruel to her younger sister but still she hoped so.

On the other hand the crown prince was famous as a play boy and he really had no interest in Ethel(Stella). he always neglected and did not paid much attention to her no matter how much she tried. it was not like that she had feelings for him but because she was always scolded by her father for not to get a grasp on the prince. anyhow as time went by this problem also solved and the prince started to pay attention to her. now she thought that everything was perfect finally. and that she could have a sigh of relief but fate had decided something else for her.

As soon as she had reached the peak of success. she heard that Stella was recovered and now was finally coming back. listening this her heart sank. she could see that it was the end now . once Stella is back there will be no place for her any longer. but she could not do anything to stop her from coming back. as she arrived everything that Ethel had achieved so gar was given off to Stella as she was the true owner of all that. then she realized that all she had done so far was just in the name of Stella. she herself had nothing of her own, not even an identity.

But surprisingly she was not thrown away again but was introduced to the society for the very first time as the first daughter of the duke family. it was declared that she had been sick since young but now had finally recovered. she thought that maybe it was a reward from her father to acknowledge her at last for all her efforts. but she never knew it because of the duke`s own greed. he wanted to take advantage of her as long as possible. he asked her to do every thing he wanted to achieve by all evil means. though she resisted a lot often but then again she was afraid of being thrown away so she just obediently followed the orders like a fool. she even became a bad villainess in the eyes of people just for their sake but in the end was betrayed.

On a bright day, when Yitrit family had achieved highest place in the society and had a become a potential threat to all. it was concluded that Ethel was not needed anymore. so the Ethel who had devoted all her life for the sake of her family was useless now . in the end her own lovely sister whom she cherished a lot gave her the taste of betrayal and death.

Ethel had always thought it was okay to bear everything as long as it`s for her family but that family ended up killing her in the end.