
End of summer holidays, begins the school

The summer holidays as always seem short . But this time my visit wasn't a waste my grand mother doesn't seem to be as angry as she used to be . After , fathers death mommy left grandma's home and came to her own home or my maternal grandfathers home and started to earn for herself and me and also to pay the debt father took from the land owners but doing all these things and also managing me wasn't easy so she came to her sisters home where she took loan from my maternal aunt or her sister and had to live a life of hell . She was frustrated and under this pressure she committed suicide . Being born in a Jain family , commiting suicide was a crime and due to this I was again send to my paternal grandmothers home because she was a Muslim and I had to work even being a three year old to take care of grandma and to feed myself . Being a three year old I did not know what child labour meant . My grandma sold me to the child labourers and earned a whole some but my life was a total waste and I just got to know the world under the dark mines and coals the foul smell always had the life out of me . The older kids gave all the work to us younger ones and being burdened with all the work without any food many of the kids died of hunger . I wasn't one of them who gave up easily so I tried to run away but failed to do so life was miserable in there we were not given food for days and deprived of sleeping . I made some friends too in there they told me there were only one day that was independence day when we were allowed to go out and yesterday was only independence day . I waited for an year to go out from the hell I made a lot many friends who had the hope of going out we all made an escape plan on the night of independence day we revolted and as we were small kids we weren't strong enough to beat the older people . We waited for years it was my 13th birthday it is just a week before independence day . I remembered every day crystal clearly it was the time to beat and not get bitten I gathered with my friend had again revolted this time the revolt was futile we all escaped and ran away from the mines and from the labour . The next few days were very hard for me . Being born in the 19th and still not knowing how to use a smartphone was extraordinary from other people . Many people asked me where I live and what is my phone number but being in mines for years did not make me understand what they were speaking and what they wanted . One of my older friend who knew the what the others were saying helped us all .