

After we understood what the others many of us of tried to recall our homes but their wasn't a memory of where they lived , but I still remember where I live I remember every place that was related to me but I did not say a word because I would never go there . The mines are better then the living hell . We roamed for four days . We had our breakfast and lunch from langars in the gurudwara but still many on us started losing hope because we did not have food in the evening . Many of our members started to think the mines were better than the outside world but we three nishu , palak and myself gia did not lose hope . We three went togather everywhere because we knew it we went desperate once then it would be the last time we see each other cause of the routes and roads there were very less chances for us to meet again . So we never left each other . We were again striving for food we wandered from place to place but in Allahabad there were very less gurudwaras and the gurudwaras which were there were very far away from were we were , at last we found a langar (or a place where needy people are given food ) We went there had a lots of food as he were about to leave when an uncle who looked similar but not recognizable came in front of me and said " Thank you for coming to the feast . It was on occasion of the death anniversary of her brothers daughter Krishi "

At that very moment when he named the girl tears rolled down the mans eyes and he started to cry sobbingly in front of us . We picked him up and made him sit on a chair nearby . He said if she was alive Dr would have been the age as same as us three at that very moment he spots me as I was standing at the back of mushy and palak I came in front he asked me my name and then he spotted a mark a mark on my neck which was similar to the letter Z he then his face was just like if he was in a state of shock . We tapped on his shoulder and he just ran towards me and hugged me tightly he asked me rectulantly who are your parents . I did not have any answer . He asked me again . Then I said that I don't know who my parents were as I was small I did not remember them properly . Then he asked me to show my belly . I was defensive .y friends told me to run away then I thought that a person who even cried for her brothers daughter would never try to harm me or my friends . So I slowly pulled up my t-shirt he turned me to the back . I had a big mole on my back in the shape of a heart he cried happy tears .