
The Call

Arya sat on the bed, Esmeralda placed on her lap. The device in her hand felt hot as her sweaty palm tried to hold it firmly.

She kissed her baby's head before dialling the number. As the phone rang on the other side, she closed her eyes trying to compose herself. The last thing she wanted to do was cry.

Levi was preparing for bed when his phone rang. One look at the number and he stopped breathing. He closed the door and walked to the bed his legs shaking. Once he was sitting, he received the video call.

His eyes filled up with unshed tears which he tried to contain. Sadly, his effort was for nought. The second his gaze fell on his baby girl and her mama, his tears fell.

He momentarily forgot his pain and stared at them inspecting their bodies. To his dismay, both his ladies have lost some weight. His heart ached but he couldn't bring himself to say anything.