
Double Jeopardy

Laughter filled the hall way as three girls walked into the university cafeteria . Their heels clicked with each step they took. Their movements were in sync as though they practiced it to perfection. The three sat in the middle of the cafeteria where the table for the prominent and the popular was located.

Arya , Gianna and Lily were The Stratmore Prestigious University's it girls. They were known as the three Bs. Brilliant, Beautiful and Blessed. The three belonged to the Fashion and Design department. Though they were known for their beauty, what made them even more famous was the fact that they were bullies.

The girls continued with their boisterous talks as they took their lunch. The cafeteria was loud and noisy as students interacted over lunch until the door was flung open. A young man wearing military pants and black fitting t-shirt walked into thee room. The shades he wore hid his eyes from the people but it did nothing to deem his handsome features.

Closely behind him walked four other men each dressed to impress. At first glance, one would assume that they were walking right out of a male magazine. The students watched in owe as the men walked further into the room. The three Bs were not left behind either as each admired the men.

The atmosphere was oozing with male testosterones and pure undulating male appeal but the spell was soon broken when a figure bumped into the first guy. Lorenzo caught his steps as he turned ready to bring hell to the careless blind bat that had just bumped into him. However when he turned around, the first thing he saw was a mass of ginger hair that covered the face of the person who was busy collecting her books.

A white headphone was hanging from the person's neck. Lorenzo bend down to help the person pick their books from the floor. The silence that filled the room was enough to decipher the sound of a pin drop. Jasmine looked up from the floor and her eyes fell on the Adonis of a man who was squatting before her.

For a moment she thought that he looked really familiar but she might have been wrong. That was until he removed his shades and their gazes collided. Bright twinkling emerald orbs bored into pure silver globes. A minute passed as the two looked into each others souls mesmerized.

'He has Enzo's eyes. My first childhood love,' thought jasmine. 'She has breathtaking Emerald orbs just like my little angel,' thought Lorenzo. Jasmine was the first to break the magic when her wrist watch started beeping. " I am sorry for bumping into you. I was in a hurry. If you would excuse me, I have some where to be." She gathered her books and disappeared as fast as she could leaving behind a bewitched man.

"Yo man, you good? I was expecting an out burst from you but you surprised me," came Ty's gruff voice. "yeah," the other three agreed. Jayden looked attentively at Lorenzo and thought, ' my man might have just fallen in love at first sight. I hope Ty would not mess things up for him the way he always does.' Lorenzo clenched his fist after hearing what Ty had just said.

" I like toying with my meals before I devour it. She will pay for bumping into me of course but right now, I am famished . Let's go and join our ladies. We have time to make her pay anyways. 'I hope to see you again ginger, you mesmerize me', he thought .

Lorenzo, Ty, Jayden, Troy and Niko moved towards the popular's table after ordering their meals. The ladies created space for them. Arya had been silent ever since she witnessed what happened. Lorenzo noticed and asked.

"Hey baby, what's up? You are awfully silent today. Or are you on your periods?" He joked eliciting a whooping laugh from the rest at the table.

He and Arya have been best friends ever since their high school days to date. Even though their relationship was purely that between friends, everyone who knows them insinuates that they are lovers. The thing about Lorenzo was that he was a renown play boy who doesn't like committing to anyone. Or at least that was how everyone saw him.

The only one who knew him truly was Jayden. Jayden had been with Lorenzo for almost all of his life through pre-school to where they were. He knew that Enzo had his first crush and love at the age of Ten when he fell for a pretty little seven year old.

It's a wonder really. One would question if that was possible. How can a ten year old fall in love? Does he even know what love is? Yet it happened and he got his little heart broken when his first love disappeared.

Every day he would wait for her at the park where they first met for four years until he finally gave up. By the time that happened, he was old enough to know what he experienced was a heartbreak at his age. This made him became the play boy that he was.

He became afraid of commitments and avoided getting attached to people until he met Arya. Arya had been his target at first but after their first one night stand at the age of 14 where they both lost their virginity to each other, they decided to be friends. What Lorenzo didn't know about, However, was that Arya had been in love with him the whole time.

Jayden had seen the way Lorenzo looked at the ginger he had bumped into. It was the same look he had when he met the little ginger head when he was ten. His eyes had shown the purest form of attraction which had rendered him speechless. That was the reason why Lorenzo didn't shout at the girl but of course the rest were oblivious to that minor detail. Except Arya.

" I didn't like that girl who bumped into you but what I don't like even more is your reaction. Normally, you would humiliate anyone who touches as much as a strand of hair on you without your permission. " Lorenzo placed his fork back into his plate.

'Why did you have to notice that, 'he thought. He forced out a chuckle and looked at Arya with a very familiar grin on his face. It was the grin he wore when he had wicked thoughts in his head. Even so, his heart broke as his mouth uttered the next words. He knew deep down that he had fucked up after he finished his words.

"Dude , why don't we make it a bit interesting ayy?" This was of course from the master devil himself. Ty. He was the most mischievous among them. Whenever he came up with a plan, he ends up almost killing someone.

Not wanting to be discovered, Lorenzo played along and asked. "What do you have in mind? " "That's a good question my friend. Do you know the term Double Jeopardy as is used in the law? It's where a criminal is not acquitted in the court of law for the crimes he had committed. "

"Yeah, and what has that got to do with Enzo ?" This was from Niko. The quietest member among the boys. "Well, it's like this.." by the time he was done explaining his plans everyone was in awe. " Don't you think that would be a bit too much of a punishment for accidentally bumping into someone? " came a pleasant feminine voice.

" Hey Lily, stay out of this. It has nothing to do with you." Countered Arya who was for the idea. Lorenzo felt suffocated but he couldn't say no. He didn't want his friends to think of him as a wimp hence the plan was put into writing and set into motion. Of the eight people at the table, three were against it but no one paid attention to them.

We 0ften pay a great prize for our egos and pride. Its just a matteer of time. What do you think was the plan?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MUHACHE_JUMAcreators' thoughts