
Her Means of Survival

Year 2452 (The Earth after the deadly disaster) To survive, Tahlia needs to hide behind a facade that would fool anyone without a doubt. To keep her identity safe and away from harm, she hides behind the name Talon. Avoiding the crowd was her greatest strength. Solitude, and reflection. She thrives in it and would bet her life for it. What would happen if that solitude was threatened by reality and responsibility? What could go wrong from rescuing a prostitute-in-distress?

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32 Chs


"Is that a shelter? She turned around and looked at the excited face of the prostitute she bought. He was sparkling even with dirt smeared all over his face. To be more precise, his eyes were sparkling as if he saw an oasis. It was also a surprise that he was able to recognize the dugout shelter. The shelter was covered in moss and dry leaves, perfectly blending with the area. Something without a trained eye can easily be noticed.

Observing the man's face, you can tell that he was a pretty prostitute. He would probably fetch a handsome price. Now, she was concerned for those three intruders. This kind of prostitute was high class and was always protected by their bosses. To think that they kidnapped the man, they must be suicidal or just plain stupid.


That was the name he said earlier. A tall man, slim, and has smooth skin. Easily rivaling the few women she saw in the district during her every trip. You can tell that he takes care of himself. His long flowing straight black hair was voluminous even without showering. Though, they looked unkempt at the moment. She did remember what one of the bulky men said. This prostitute is picky when it comes to hygiene and protection. It must be the reason why he looks well-taken care of even with the dirt all over him.

Pointed nose, he has that straight nose that made him look flawless and fragile. Long, candle-like fingers were so white you could mistake them for flour powder. Her eyes traced the outline of his nose, and down his cherry lips. It reminds her of the berries she usually eats when she is out for a walk.

Impressive. He is impressive.

She wasn't able to observe him earlier with all the possible odds being stacked together, and with the burlap bag over his head. Observing him was last on her priorities as they have to seek shelter first. Next, is to cook a hot meal and get away from the intruders. And to avoid the jaguar of course.


He has electric blue eyes. Exquisitely pretty. It was enough to say that the man who was giddily checking the shelter was the most beautiful person she had seen in her entire life. It is amusing.

With the increasing decline in the female's population, civilization had to adapt. Biological needs were met by hiring male prostitutes. They were a good substitute for the dwindling number of the women, and it helped dial down the aggression caused by the sexual frustration. You can say that prostitution is a good profession at present. She had already visited all of the 5 districts, and she did not find any woman in the prostitution business. It is a male dominated job.

Women are a rare commodity for some. They are either treasured, worshiped, or used for breeding purposes.

"Get in the shelter. Try to watch out for creepers." She suddenly said, startling the man. With light steps she walked past the shelter, and grabbed the small basket stashed beside the shelter hidden under a slab of wood.

"Where are you going? Please take me with you." Eyes filled with annoyance, she turned to him gesturing at the shelter.

"You'll be a burden. Get inside. I'm going to gather something to eat." And she left the frozen prostitute without a glance back. She didn't even wait for him to enter the shelter and just kept walking. It is true that the man is a burden if he tagged along. Also, she had a standing agreement with the heads of the district. She is to keep any men she finds on the main island safe. The population is already dwindling, they don't need another missing head. She has to keep the sex-worker safe for the meantime, well, if he listens well.

A few mushrooms caught her attention and she quickly grabbed some of those. She had to forego the big meal for now and settle with herbs and vegetables. The sun is also about to set, and the dark clouds lurking is a reminder for her to keep moving fast. There are a lot of changes in the world after the disaster and one of those is the weather. They're often extreme and traitorous.

"Huh, they also reached this area." She exclaimed in surprise when she saw a tall tree with branches heavy with yellow fruits. This kind of fruit is usually yellow when ripe and red when it is still young. You can also say that some of the food evolve.

"They don't usually grow around here." She said to herself and plucked a few of them and tossed them inside the basket. The fruit looked like a pear but tasted like tangerines with a little hint of grapes. It is a satisfying fruit that she loves to eat. Even the monkeys like them, that's how good the fruit is.

Climbing the tree steadily, she plucked a few more, carefully placing them inside the basket so they wouldn't get bruised. When it was sufficient, she climbed back down completely ignoring the ants crawling on the tree trunk. When her feet safely hit the ground, she brushes off some of the ants that successfully crawled on her tunic. Some of it bit her skin but she was used to the sting.

She sifted through the basket and came to the conclusion that she can make a simple clear soup with the mushrooms, and some herbs. Fenugreek and ginger. The inventory in the shelter includes a clump of salt. It would be enough, and quick to make. With all of it considered, she decided to head back. She would have to gather some water for the clear soup, but it won't be a hassle. There is a small creek running in the eastern direction of the shelter. An area where the fauna was visiting most often. The water was cool and fresh, and it would only take a 10-minute brisk walking if she wanted to make it before dark.

It did not take long for her to reach the shelter. To her annoyance, Langdon was waiting outside the shelter instead of going in. Marching his way with long, precise steps, the man meets her halfway.

"Why did you wait out here? I told you to get inside. The jaguar could have followed us here and you would have been a carcass by now." she spouted with a blank face.

She saw the man flinched. He should be. They're not in a district where the perimeters are safe and have patrols almost all day. Right here in the main island, it is an absolutely different story.

"I'm sorry." The man replied, bowing his head in shame. Shaking her head in irritation, she went straight for the shelter, grabbing the door handle. The dirty handle did not faze her at all as she pushed the door open. It was dark but she knew the layout of the tiny shelter like the back of her hand. Reaching for the oil lamp in the corner, she grabbed it and reached for the flint, a fistful of fine wood shavings from her bag. It took her a minute to complete the task.

Without looking back or if Langdon followed her inside, she got herself busy. Spotting the dusty, clay containers on one corner of the room where most of the things were stored, she reached for it.

Whipping around, she almost collided with the quiet man. His meek demeanor shines through; however, she got an inkling that this man is far from being timid. Sidestepping, she gestures at the small space of the shelter.

"Do you know how to clean? Clean a little and check for creepers. Snakes and the likes." She asked and the man responded with a little nod.

"Good. I'll go out and get some water. Keep the door closed after you clean the space a bit. If it's too much for you then just check for creepers and make the bed." she added to the man who suddenly perked up at the mention of bed. He must be dying for it since he was traversing the forest for days without a proper bed. Not that the bed in the shelter was proper but a bed is still a bed.

"My animal would probably be back from guiding those three men so keep the door locked. You don't want to be his snack now, do you?"

With that question, she left him again with eyes wide like an owl. She was already a few meters away from the shelter when she heard the resounding slamming of the door. That idiot would break the old door if he wasn't careful.