
Long Lost Fiancee

Jin felt like his heart was about to explode. If this was a dream, he wouldn't like to wake up anymore. Y/n,  his dear wife who disappeared for five years was now in his arms. He could finally feel warmth again. The glaciers in his heart melted as if they had never existed before. With a single embrace, those five years seemed to just turn into a long nightmare that finally ended.

The feelings in his heart were overflowing. He wanted to kiss her hard, he wanted to chain her so she can't go away anymore.

"I need to go back, I'm a soldier, I need to obey my superior's order. " She said.

Her voice was callously forced. And Jin couldn't blame her for being like this.

Five years ago, Jin planned to bury the truth forever. It was because it was the only choice he has that time. He will never put Y/n to risk so he wanted to hide the truth from her, but things change the moment she disappeared. Her disappearance forced him to reveal the truth.

It was because Jin knew that she chose to leave so that he could reveal everything and clear his name. He understood that Y/n might have blamed herself for his misery and that she knew that Jin will choose to hide the truth, that was why she chose to leave them so that Jin will finally be freed.

It was hard to accept but her disappearance was what made Jin's plans for those entire five years possible. He knew that no matter how great his plans are if he wasn't free to execute them, they'll be all useless His plan to clear her father's name and permanently shift all the blame to the Blackleaf took him a long four years because he needed to get the trust of the world first to make it possible.

He needed to build a formidable empire and become powerful enough to turn the world upside down as he wished. He knew very well that if Y/n didn't disappear that time and Jin weren't to reveal the truth, maybe, the freedom he was seeking was still bleak now.

Jin completely understood her because if he was in her shoes, he will do the same Even though it was too painful to accept, he was aware that in this life, if you want to change something, you have to sacrifice your everything. And whether she was aware of it or not, his dearest wife was the brave soul who sacrificed her everything and suffered alone for long five years.

For those whose five years, Jin knew both of them had suffered and he knew she suffered more than him. He could see the pain in her eyes while she looked at her son and it was suffocating him. He couldn't even imagine just how much she suffered to become a part of a special force. And the thought of it was killing him.

Her long five years of suffering were enough, he will never let her suffer anymore. Their long war was finally over, and they will finally live freely in this world.

"Y/n, it's over now. Everything is fine now. You don't need to hide anymore. Come back to us now. " Jin said

His voice was hoarse and filled with uncontrollable emotion.

Hearing his words, Y/n turned and her eyes widened"I heard you just came from a yearlong secret mission so you might not hear it yet but the case was over Your father's name was cleared, and your hand and e Blackleaf was the one guilty. Come back to me. I and our son have been waiting for you all this time " He explained and shock enveloped Y/n's heart.

"H-h-how could that be possible?" She stammered.

She knew that after Jin revealed the truth, his father was blamed, hated, and cursed by the whole world Jin never revealed the reason why her father blasted the town in the media but some intelligence knew about it, that was why Y/n was forced to stay inside a submarine submerged in the middle of the deep ocean for her safety

Y/n couldn't believe it. What did he do to alter the truth?

"You are the one who made it possible. " He replied and Y/n's eyes again widened in disbelief.

Jin's eyes never left her face He watched her every reaction and Jin's heart couldn't help but twist in pain. It was because he could see the huge change in her.

Those clear eyes of hers that used to be filled with determination and fighting spirit have changed. No, rather than call it to change, it seems like her eyes were clouded. For a moment, doubt and disbelief overshadowed the clarity she used to possess.

Looking at her, Jin could only clench his fist tight. He was aware of why she was like this right now. If she was her usual self from five years ago, she would have been in tears and embracing him tightly by now.

Jin knew what was going on very well. It was because he used to be like her before. He knew that those five years were long enough to alter her emotions. Just like what he did when he was young, she might have pushed herself to the extreme edge and toughened her heart for her to survive leaving her dear son and husband.

Furthermore, he also knew the extreme training for one to become qualified as a special force medic. He couldn't even begin to imagine her undergoing the hellish training for her to achieve the mental toughness she needed to remain calm and treat patients at the most extreme moments. With a single glance, he knew she went through a lot. She was like an angel who experienced hell. And it's crushing his heart.

On the other hand, Y/n's inner self was a mess. When she heard him say that everything was fine now, her heart leaped bounds uncontrollably. However, her body was acting strange

Deep within, she wanted to cry and fall on her knees, she wanted to be happy and celebrate and just hugged him, but no tear came out of her eyes nor a smile carved on her face. From the start, she thought that she was just suppressing herself but she seemed to be wrong The emotion she wanted to express just seemed to get stuck within her and her body seemed to refuse to express them.

Her mind was clear and doing well even though her heart was beating wild, but she felt like her body wasn't hers.

She couldn't help but felt like her own body was unfamiliar as if it was someone else's

She could still feel the wild beating of her heart but she seemed to forget how to express the emotion she knew she was supposed to be expressing right now It was all strange and for a little bit, the thing she discovered scared her.

'What's wrong with me? What happened to me? W-when did I become like this?'

That moment, looking at her, Jin wanted to just pull her back into his embrace, however, before he could hold her, a vibrating sound broke the silence

Jin watched her and immediately answered her call. Her every move and posture was a disciplined soldier, and her exuding aura of a warrior completely overshadowed her used-to-be warm and soft well-being.

"Yes sir, copy that. " She replied before she put her cell phone down.

She looked at Jin with eyes filled with complicated emotions that seemed to be quite confusing even for herself to understand.

She lowered her eyes for a moment before she turned back quietly without saying words as she was trying to hide something from him.

Jin just watched her until she finally disappeared from his eyes.

"Hey, are you letting her go?" Namjoon walked closer to him.

He could see Jin's fists clenched showing his intense self-restraint.

"I'll stop her. " Namjoon continued but Jin stopped him.

"Don't. Her mind was still confused and messed up right now. Let's give her a little time to realize what's going on. " Jin replied as he continued being tense.

Hearing him, Namjoon immediately understood what he was trying to say and he could only sigh.

After all, he knew that Jin was the only one who could truly understand her because he once experienced it himself.

"Looking at her, I remembered the young you. Although you were far worse than her. Your wife is a strong person. Unlike you, she didn't lose her emotion, her body was just resisting expressing them, and she seemed to just discovered it just now. And she looked like she doesn't want you to know. "

Namjoon said and Jin violently loosened up his tie as he took a deep breath.

"At first I thought everything was fine because her actions towards Little Yoon were normal. Maybe, it's her maternal instinct?" Namjoon continued when Jin finally spoke.

"Inform the general, that we're going to the headquarter. I will talk to him. "

He said and Namjoon immediately do what he said.

After a while, they were now moving out of the house when a flashy car stopped before them.

A beautiful young man with pink hair, looking exactly like a teen pop idol, stepped out.

"Big bro! I heard little Yoon was kidnapped. Is he alright!?" he immediately exclaimed as he rushed towards Jin and Namjoon.

"He is fine now. He's sleeping upstairs. " Jin replied and the young man heaved a deep sigh of relief.

"Haru, I thought you have a live broadcast tonight?" Namjoon asked and the young man scratched his head.

"Ah, it's fine. The recording was over. And I told my manager that there was an emergency. " He replied and Namjoon violently ruffled his hair.

"What's with this hair you little punk? You tried every hair color in existence already! Are you going to color your hair like poop after this?!" Namjoon said and the young man immediately retorted

"What's wrong with it? I'm always good-looking no matter what color I chose And big bro Jin isn't saying anything about it so it's totally fine. " He replied and Namjoon messed his hair once again

"Are you saying that if it's Jin who will dislike your hair color, you will be going to change it?"

"Of course. I can't go against his will "

"This damn little punk. Did you forget that I'm also your big brother? Jin, how about we kick this brat out of this house now? He's being cocky now that he's a top idol. "

Namjoon complained to Jin but the man just ignored him the moment the car's door was opened for him.

"Haru, don't leave the house until I say so. " Jin told the young man and he immediately nodded before Jin went inside the car.

Port Queen .......

Y/n who just arrived was welcomed by a group of both soldiers and scientists. She was wondering why but the moment she approached the commander and her mother besides, she finally understood what was going on.

They congratulated her because the researches and inventions she left a year ago were huge breakthroughs that she gained national and international awards for them. She was even told that the office of the president invited her to the upcoming national honorary awards.

After the congratulatory event, she was called by Commander Shi along with her mother. This military commander was her father's half-brother and the man who hid Y/n's mother 15 years ago.

After the accident, I'm here for his help, and the man helped her enter the secret special force and hid her under the ocean for ten years. Until Y/n was also brought under his care

"You are away for one year so you may not hear about the news yet. " He said as her mother smiled ever so happily

"Is this about father? I already heard it. " She replied and the two were shocked

"Ohh... We thought we could surprise you. But yeah, you are free now. Both of you are finally free. " Commander Shi said and I'm Sarah embraced her daughter.

"Sweetie, after how many years we are finally free. And your father was now seen as a hero " She cried.

And Y/n just embraced her back quietly.

"Your researches are a breakthrough. Even the general and the president was awed they couldn't believe that talented asset was hiding beneath my wings all these years. We can finally introduce a genius and a national treasure like you to the world. "

Commander Shi stated, looking like a super proud father before some summoned him.

The two then went back to their respective rooms. Y/n went straight to bed after showering She raised her hand and clenched her shirt, she stared at the ceiling for a long time.

Her mind was filled with Jin's face and her son's. Her heart was painful and she wanted to go back to that house right away.

Being a special force medic, Y/n studied psychology as well. That was why the longer she self-monitored, the better she finally understood what was happening to her. She was avoiding and suppressing her emotion for too long that she ended up being unable to express them anymore.

Within her, she doesn't wish for Jin to know that she became like this, that was why she left without a word.

She doesn't know how to face him now that she can't even cry or smile. Everything is finally over, and to her, she still felt like everything was a dream. She didn't even know how she managed to just left that house without saying anything She felt like she has lost herself and wasn't the girl she used to be anymore, and she doesn't want Jin to realize it.

She knew that curing this type of psychological illness will take time but she just wanted herself to be fixed right now so she can properly face them and go back to them. She doesn't want to show herself as a robot who doesn't know how to express any emotion in front of her dearest son and husband She doesn't want her son to see her being in this kind of sorry state.


Meanwhile at Military Headquarters......

"General, I want to ask you to make an order and make this person quit the special force. " Jin said.

His voice was absolute and chilling as though he came not to ask but to order. Of course, the general was completely aware who is the person in front of him. He couldn't even believe that this man was the one who personally came to him when he knew that the powerful leaders around the world couldn't even invite him for a dinner.

"Mr . Kim, it is my honor to grant your request. " The general immediately replied. He didn't dare to ask for any more detail even though he was itching to find the reason why he was asking this.

"But don't make it so obvious. Try to order her to transfer into a less dangerous department. Also, restrict her from leaving the country"

The man said and the general could only agree.

"This sergeant is an exceptional scientist. She just received numerous awards for her research and the office of the president chose her to be one of the awardees in the upcoming honorary awards I just called commander Shi and I was surprised knowing that she was a member of the special force. I asked why she was not a full-time scientist but he said that she chose to be a part of the special force herself. "

The general explained but the man remained quiet

"I will release an order to transfer her to the science department. "

He continued and the man nodded before they left.

Leaving the general wondering who is this lady to that terrifying young tycoon for him to go through all this for her.

"Namjoon, let's go find a flower shop. "

Jin said as they walk and Namjoon immediately began grinning wide.

"Oho... are you going to be the one who will court her this time?" He asked with intense interest as he continued grinning

"I can't force her to come back right now when she's like this. Right now, she was fighting a war within herself. I wanted to slowly return her to me. She was the one who fixed me, so I will definitely cure her and take her back. " Jin replied

Seriousness and unwavering determination were flooding his eyes and Namjoon could only smile.

"Jin, did you know that those five years didn't just change your wife? You changed too, but for the better. And the most amazing thing that changed in you was your EQ. You matured quite a lot. " Namjoon said and Jin just glanced at him

"Namjoon, when Shawn is back, I will send you back to Country H to pursue your own life. It's been five years but you and your long-lost fiancée are still not married yet. " Jin retorted and Namjoon almost stumbled on his own feet.