
❤️ Their life

❤️ AMORA ❤️

Hey everyone I am Amora Wills, daughter of Harper Wills and Lisa Wills... My parents love me so much and they are the best parents anyone could wish for.. my father owns a textile and garment industry.. when I was kid my father always take me to industry to show what kind of work he do.. from there I dream to become a fashion designer....

That’s why I am learning designing.. my parents never stop me from doing anything and it’s my responsibility to keep their faith and trust in me... I don’t like to be some kind of rich brat...I have my own mentality towards life.. belonging to a rich family doesn’t mean I should not learn the experience of life... So I work part-time in a bakery shop on weekends because I love cakes..and I also learned how to make them...hehehe...

Today as usual I woke late and to my badluck the car also stopped because of some problem..so I told my driver uncle to get the car repaired and I will walk to the university...

Well of course I need to run because I am late...I buy a coffee cup and ran to the practice ground and found him practicing..

He looks so handsome in his team jersey..so hot and yummy... yummy?? Did I just said yummy..?? Godddd...why I can’t keep food away from my mind...well leave it..

I put the cup in his locker and ran away..I felt happy when he smiled while drinking the coffee...I know he hate girls near him..but it’s not his fault..I have seen many girls do some vulgar tricks to grap his attention..so obviously anyone will hate girls..

He is my senior..I mean he in different department but senior because he is in final year..it means I have only 1 year only to see him..after that don’t know whether I could able to see him or not..


I rushed to my class and found my friends there..I only have 2 friends Misha and Raine..they are loyal and trustworthy... they know I have a crush on senior since when he saved me from that bullies on my first day... He didn’t even turn to look at me and punished the bullies and than they stopped bullying anyone...

I always watch him secretly but I don’t have the courage to came in front of him what if he hates me...I know he not like me but I don’t want him to hate me also... I’m happy with my one sided love...love???? Hmmm.....

Misha: why you are looking tired??

“I came running..my car broke down that’s why”

Raine: ohh and what about your coffee service???


The professor entered the class and start teaching and I gave my full attention in my class.. and like that my whole day was busy because of studies..


❤️ CADEN ❤️

Hello everyone my name is Caden Kingston, son of top billionaire of the country, Herman Kingston and Sarah Kingston.. I am the heir of Kingston groups of industries... We hold the top brand of fashion industry but we also have construction business too...and about other things you all will know soon...

I came back to my home..dad has not returned yet from the company and mom was cooking delicious food for dinner...she is best..I went to my room and got fresh and start doing my assignment...I have to submit tomorrow...it’s very important so I can’t do any mistake.. because I was also busy with my basketball practice..we have a match after a week..

I wanted to be a successful businessman it’s my dream but I love to play basketball...my dad also support me because there is nothing wrong having a hobby..it helps to keep your mind stable..

After an hour mom called me for dinner..dad also arrived.. we have maids and servants but my mom preferred to cook for us..we ate dinner while talking about the day..

I came back to my room and again got busy with my assignment..after sometime my mom came to give me coffee...she knew me so well that while studying I always need coffee..

Mom: take some rest Caden..

“ok mom..as you say..but you stay with me till than”

Mom: you are not a kid now

“yes I am but only for you”

Mom: silly boy..is everything alright

“yes mom..”

Mom: than why you are looking lost

“nothing mom..it just something bothering me”

Mom: hmm... something...or someone???


Mom: Caden there is nothing you can’t handle rather it’s some person..so tell me who is she

“how you know that it’s about a girl”

Mom: because I am your mom...

She is right..she knows me well..I told her about everything what that girl do every morning and all...that chubby cheeks is playing with my mind.. I want her to stop doing all this...

Mom: than what is the problem

“you know mom..”

Mom: Caden did she ever try to do something which you don’t like


Mom: did she ever try to seek your attention or anything which can embarrass you


Mom: than you should not be bothered like that... What you told me I think she is nice girl..

“but mom..what if it’s just a infatuation and later she left..I hate to loose my love ones”

Mom: Caden how can you came to conclusions without even trying things..you never talked to her.. now stop thinking all this...your time is up go back to complete your assignment... but don’t sleep late ok..

“Ok mom..love you.. goodnight”

Mom left me and I started focusing on my work... maybe mom was right...I was overthinking about her...she will stop this when she get tired.. but when she will be tired it’s almost 2years now... Just stop 'AMOR'...stop chasing me...or I will cage you with me FOREVER...........





Check out the pictures of Amora and Caden.....in community page

Stay safe and healthy ❤️❤️❤️