
❤️ Heartbeats

Few weeks later....

Amora and Caden were at hospital waiting for the doctor as she was busy with another patient right now.. Caden was getting nervous and keep shaking her feet on floor.. his one hand grip Amora’s hand tightly...

She saw how much he is getting nervous.. she rubbed his hand gently..

Amora: everything is fine Cady.. relax..

Caden: what you mean relax.. our baby should be healthy..I have to take care of my two babies now..

Amora: two..?

Caden: you are my first baby...

Amora: aww... But still I am perfectly fine.. actually I am also little nervous.. we will hear his heartbeats this time..

Caden: really..why you didn’t tell me before...

Before she could answer him the nurse came between their conversation and told them the doctor is calling them...

They both went in cabin.. doctor smile brightly looking at amora...and meet Caden.. he also greet her respectfully..

Doctor: come amora.. lay down on the bed..