
❤️ Fake Girlfriend


I so want to laugh looking at her but I kept my face serious..she was looking so embarrassed... Don’t want to do this.. but I want to make her mine as soon as possible... And for that first I need her to realise her feelings for me...

If I ask her directly..I am sure she will deny her feelings..but I will do everything to make her realise..

“So take responsibility for what you did to me...”

Amora: b...but senior...I...I don’t remember after that..wh...what

“That’s good or else you would feel more embarrassed...”

Amora: oh..god..what I did.. I.. I’m really sorry senior... please forgive me...I promise...I...I won’t come near you...

That’s wrong baby...now you can’t go away from me...I know you like me..or maybe love me...but you are not realising it...

“no way...you did wrong...you can’t run away like this...you have to do what I want...”

Amora: wh...what you want senior...

“be my girlfriend”

Amora: WHAT....??

“Fake...fake girlfriend...”