
❤️ Dadda came



It’s been 3 months since she is gone.. I don’t know where she is.. she just left leaving that f^cking divorce papers...huhhh..

I have been searching for her.. there is not a single day when I never think about her.. and our baby...my son.. how he must be.. I have seen him only for a some hours.. and she left with our baby...

I can’t explain how I lived in these past months.. but I will search for her till the end of the world..she can’t hide from me.. I will find her sooner or later..

My temper has crossed all the limits.. my anger issues has become more dangerous I can even kill anyone now..

Serra has given birth to a baby girl.. Andrew was so happy but at the same time he also trying to find Amor.. and I am glad to have such loyal people around me..

Kevin and Jacob also trying to find her from there sources.. Misha and Raine also reach to 8th month now.. they both also kept thinking by Amor did this..