
Chap 3

Sarah Pov's

It's recess now and i'm still shaking from what happend in the morning. I'm really feel relieve knowing that Jack is safe and nothing happens to her. She also cover my dismiss class by saying to teacher that I have to help other teachers organize some stuff. Brad told me that after he told what actually happend to me, Matt was really really pissed off and almost want to kill someone's.

Matt Pov's

Previously on the morning

"Well...it's about the things that Adam had done to sis in this past few months" said Brad. I was confused about what he said. I'm glad I sent Sarah back to her class before I decided yo ask about this. I can't let her keep listening about this again since they said she talked about it last night until she cried heavily.

"What is it then?" I look at him with furrowed.

"Haihh... Not long after they together, he started to touch her everywhere and forced her to do things that she doesn't want to. Then, we found out that he was playing around her feelings all this time. Adam also lying to her about he doesn't do bad stuff behind her. Sis also told us that Adam just touch her few days ago and didn't let her go. She can't hold it anymore and finally told us last night." Said Brad and let out angry face.

"He touch her?! Everywhere?!" I shouted and Brad nodded. I was very pissed off and punch the desk until it broke. Now I know why you so scared just now, sweetheart.

Sarah Pov's

It's Math class now, we've been studying for an hour and the teacher let us rest and do our own work the last 30 minutes. I was tidying up my book when I saw a little note between my notebook. I take it out and read it.

I want to meet you after school. I'll be late 30 minutes and I want to know all the answer that you gonna say. I hope you will wait for me.

My hands and body start shaking, I'm panic again. I can't do this anymore, I need help from them. I saw Jack went out to the restroom just now with Diana but only Diana come back to class.

"Diana, where's Jack?" I asked in hurry.

"Oh, she were talking with Ian. Why?" said Diana in curious.

"Oh! Thanks! And nothing to worry about" I give her a small smile and ask teacher permission to go to the restroom. Without hesitation, I quickly ran to see Ian. I saw Jack and Ian at the stairs.

"Brother Ian!" I called him and he look at me.

"Sis? What happend and are you okay now?" He asked.

"Mmm...I guess you know what happend at the morning? But there's something else I want to tell you." I said quickly and he nodded and give me a question look.

"I-I found this on my notebook just now... And I really don't know what to do...Please...help me Ian" I gave him the little note and he take it then read it.

"It's from him, right?" Asked Ian and I nodded.

"Don't worry. I know what to do, i'll see you after school" Ian patted my head and walk away.

"What was that?" Jack asked me in curious. I told her I found a little note that's from him and he wanted to meet me after school, which makes me really scared now. Jack was really shocked what she had heard and tried to calm me down. I really can't calm myself down since it almost 11:20am and also telling me that it almost finish classes.

Mia and I was on our way back to class after help teacher put things oh her desk and I saw Louis, I waved at him. He saw me and instead of waved at me back , he came towards me, it's weird because usually he just waved me back.

"Sis, what is this?" He take out the little notes and showed at me. My eyes went wide and I keep quiet for a while.

"So...you know already?" I asked while looking at him. He nodded and sigh. I decided to tell him everything and I noticed his fist slowly turning white. He's angry.

"He being a bitch just now, me and Alex really want to punch him but we hold it back. Hmm, I see you after school yeah sis. Don't worry" He patted my head and walk back to class.

I nodded and walk back to class with Mia.


That's it. My class ends already and most of my classmate went home. Jack, Annie and I were sitting at the class. I was uncontrollable shaking and they try to calm me down.

"What am I supposed to do now guys?" I asked them.

"Sarah, you need to calm down. I'm sure we will have a way to avoid him" Jack said and soothing my back.

Suddenly, the door opens and it was Louis and Ian.

"Omg, I thought it was him. Luckily it's you guys" I said in relieve sigh.

"What am I supposed to do now?" I asked them again but this time I can't hold back my tears anymore.

"Hmm let me think" Annie said.

"Sis, let me see your hand" said Ian and I showed him the red mark on my hand. His eyes showed anger and I just kept silent.

"Oh, I know. Let's bring Sarah to the counseling room. There's only one teacher at this time and since me and Jack are the student counseling, we can help her. Hmm?" Said Annie in one breath.

They all look at each other and nodded.

"Pack all of your things and we go there" said Louis.

"You guys pack as fast as you can, I bring Sarah with me now to make sure she's safe first" said Ian and they all nodded.

I walked beside Ian and act normal, as soon as we arrived there, I went inside. After a while, all of them arrived too.

"Sis, stay here until your mom's arrive. Put your shoes inside your back and hide your back with you. Don't go outside until you can, understand?" Said Ian and I nodded quickly.

"Thank you, brother Ian" I thanked him and waved goodbye.

We were currently doing our homework and the counseling teacher came in.

"Hi Mrs Chelsea" we greet her and she greet back. She is the nicest teacher I known, she didn't asked us why we here because she always welcome students whenever they want.

"Fuck, it's him! Quick Sarah, hide!" Said Annie and I quickly run inside the small room and lock it. I heard his voice outside the room, I starting to panic again, I sit down and try to catch my breath slowly.

"Sar, he's gone. You can come out now" said Annie and Jack. I came out and feel relieve to hear about it. After 30 minutes went by, my mom texts me said that she's be here in 5 minutes. I packed all of my books and wear my shoes.

"Annie, my mom gonna be here in 5 minutes. Can you..." Before I could finish my word she nodded.

"Let's go" she said and ready to walk out.

We were currently watch out our surrounding carefully and without any hesitation, we run as fast as we can until we reached at the parking lot. I was about to run back but it was too late because he was sitting there. When he heard footsteps, he turned back and saw me. I look at Annie and I just nodded saying that I'm gonna be fine, I waved Annie goodbye and she walk away. I brave myself walk to the parking lot to wait for my mom. As soon as I was there, he asked me, "Where were you?"

"Doing homework at counseling room" I said.

"I've been there before but didn't saw you" he said again.

"You are? I didn't know" I shrugged.

"Sarah, look... I'm sorry about everything that happend at the morning. I was really stressed and it just snapped into my mind" he said in sad face. What a shame but It didn't convince me.

"Oh really? Let me tell you something here. Whenever I stressed or mad, did I ever snap at you? No. You have been playing with my feelings all the time behind my back but you said you didn't. You said you loyal to me but you didn't. You also hurt me by always forcing me to do things that I don't want to. You also pulled my hand roughly just now until it leave marks. You flirt with other girls behind my back. You also touch my best friends and my friends with your dirty hands. After all of this... YOU SAID IT WAS JUST AN ACCIDENT?!!" I shouted and pour all of my anger to him. He keep silent for a while.

"Sar, it's not gonna happend right? We're not gonna break up right?" He asked me but I just reply, "We'll see about it."

Finally, my mom's here. I walked towards her car and went inside. I was about to close the door but he stopped it.

"Sarah..please.. I don't want it to happend again" he said looking at me. But I know it was all a lie to me.

"Go away and we talk about it tonight through text, want it or not, it's all on you because I don't give a fuck about it anymore" I pushed him away and closed the car door. I lay my head and my tears slowly slide down at my cheeks. My mom saw it and I said I told her everything after we got home and she nodded.

What a bad day...all I want now is to hide from everything and disappear.