
Chapter 28- Revelation

Mean while, Jaio-long had packed all his belongings to make his departure. While the rest of the castle was making haste to give aid to Fanariel and her guard he was preparing to flee. He threw his bag over his shoulder ready to take his leave.

Before he left his room he stopped to look down at his hand. The golden ring embedded with red diamonds twinkled in the light. He smirked briefly before removing the wedding band from his finger and placing it on the nightstand. He then turned back towards the door to make his exit. He walked on foot to leave the castle after making a quick stop along the way.

Once out of the castle, Jaio-long met up with a small unit of men dressed in black. They greeted him with familiarity as they bowed to him.

"Your Highness, we have done as you said." the man in the front said. "The distraction in the Southwestern border has gone according to your plan."

"Ten thousand men is nothing to lose in comparison to what we had to gain," Jaio-long said smirking at his success.

"Have you obtained the item of interest sir?" the man in the front spoke up again.

"I have, now let us move on with my grand plan." Jaio-long said patting his bag hanging from his shoulder. He led the way as the half a dozen men followed him. By the time Fanariel and the others would arrive back he would be far gone.

(Back at the desert's borders)

"Has no one truly seen him?" Fanariel asked with concern. She was thinking of the worst, like if he had gotten killed in battle somewhere. Or taken as a hostage.

"The last time I saw him was outside your father's conference room when he received your message requesting reinforcements." Asmodeus said.

"Same, after Asmodeus left through his blue portal of flames, I quickly went to find my own mode of transportation. Jaio-long was still standing there unmoving when I had made my leave." Asterion said.

"Maybe he was too scared to come, he is probably waiting at home for us." Fraren said.

"Your probably right, I am worrying for no reason. Anyway, father do you have any clue who that army belonged to? Or why they would want to pick a fight with us?" I asked with hope for an answer from him.

"Honestly, after giving it some thought I must say their fighting techniques are familiar in a way. I can't put a name to it just yet but will have my team investigate my hunch thoroughly before giving a direct answer. These are delicate times now and we must not go accusing the wrong people of crimes they did not commit." Father said. "Because trust me, those who are responsible for the death of our people will suffer the consequences severely." he said in a cold tone.

"I couldn't agree more father, we will find out who they are and hold them responsible for their actions. Now let's quickly take the injured back home and leave a few units of troops to patrol this border. We will need to send a few new units to Lossariel's old post as well. Double the numbers of guard on both. No triple. We must be prepared for whatever they decide to throw at us next." I said.

"You really think they will have enough men left to stir up any more trouble?" Asterion asked.

"At this point until I know exactly who we are dealing with we cannot afford to underestimate our opponents." I answered. "Let's also send a messenger to each of our posts along the rest of our borders to inform them of our current situation. They must report any suspicious activity to me immediately." I said.

"Very good daughter, it is wise to alert the rest of our borders to be more vigilant. I will report to you as soon as my suspicions are confirmed on who these enemy forces belong to. In the meantime, I want Fraren to stay by your side at all times. During times like these it is hard to know who we can and can not trust." he said casting a wary glance over those seated at the table.

"Father, these four men are my husbands and I trust them with my life. If they wanted me dead, then why would they have come to my aid? Please rest assure father that I have made the right choice in them." I finished.

"Very well daughter, but beyond these walls anyone outside is to be treated with extreme caution do you understand?" he asked.

I thought deeply on his words realizing what he was trying to convey, "I do father." I said sad that I had to consider the possibility that someone in our ranks was betraying us.

Fraren, Asmodeus, Asterion, and Sabasmus all mounted their eagles and took off with me back towards the safety of our castle walls. We flew in silence all thinking over the passing events we had experienced. Emotions were high and energy low. I looked forward to the comfort of my own bed and a solid meal. Once we arrived, I excused myself to my chambers. I could tell by their looks that they were unwilling to part with me. But my exhaustion gave me a lack of caring for others needs at the moment.

Fraren stayed by my side as my father had instructed him. I could tell by his expression he was rather pleased with the outcome of this. We quietly walked in sync together before arriving at my door. He opened it for me following me inside before shutting it behind himself. My shoulders sagged and I let out the breath I had been holding. Warm tears ran down my face as I slumped to the floor unable to make the distance to my bed. Fraren rushed over to my side swooping me up in his arms. He carried me over to the bed sliding the comforter down. Placing me down gently, he then scooched in beside me, covering us beneath the blanket. I cuddled into his warm embrace.

"It's going to be okay," he whispered to me while stroking my head. "It's going to be okay," He repeated.

I nodded into his chest sinking further into his embrace. Fraren was my safe place, I felt like nothing could hurt me when he was around. I loved him with all my heart and wanted him to know that.

"I love you Fraren, so much." I said softly.

"I love you too Fanariel, now get some rest." he said soothingly.

I nodded once more in agreement before falling into a deep sleep. My mind, body, and spirit were all drained from the last few days. I wanted to sleep in Fraren's arms for the rest of my life and never leave.

Unfortunately, other matters were happening within the castle's walls. Word got out about Jaio-long's absence. His room was searched, and wedding band found. This information was reported to my father helping to support his suspicions. With his research and investigations concluded a knock rang out from my door. I awoke feeling rested and ready to continue in my search for the culprits of this uprising. Little did I know that my father had done all the hard work for me. I need only take action now.

"Emperor Fanariel, your father requests to meet with you at your earliest convivence," the guard yelled out.

"Very good, tell him I will join him shortly." I said as I got up to dress for the day's events.

"Here, let me help you," Fraren said as he stood from the bed. He took my gown from my hands and turned me around. I raised my hands for him to dress me blushing slightly at the thought of Sylvia's comments on this. She took her job very seriously and didn't like our time together to be stolen. But since it was Fraren I am sure she will make an exception.

Dressed and ready for the day Fraren and I made our way to meet with my father.

"Father, I'm here, what have you discovered?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Fanariel, please take a seat," he said in a concerned voice. "I have some troubling news to deliver to you."

I quickly sat down saying, "Father, tell me, what has happened now?"

"It appears as if Jaio-long has disappeared," he said.

I cut him off standing to my feet, "did he get kidnapped? Have they asked for a ransom? What is their demands father?" I blurted out.

"Daughter, please sit down. Let me continue." He said with a gloomy expression I couldn't quite read. "We found his wedding band left on his nightstand. This leads me to believe my suspicions are true."

"Tell me father, I will listen."

"Based off the way those men fought it reminded me of the battle your grandfather and I took part in many years ago. Those who opposed us were from Zhōngguó."

I gasped. This was where Jaio-long had come from.

"Father, you mean to say that he had something to do with this?" I asked.

Father nodded once. "To prove this theory further I personally took a look into our Empire's vault. One item was missing."

"Was it..." I was about to ask but father cut me off with another nod to confirm my question.

"He must have used the distraction at the border to take it. Knowing that all the guard would be called away." I paused. "How despicable." I spat.

Because of him, a man I had trusted with my heart, my brothers and sisters at arms were slaughtered. A fury burned within my chest.

"What do you advice I do next father?" I wanted revenge and justice for my people. The way in which Jaio-long had insulted me was on a whole other level. I would personally be the one to end him.