


Meeting Again-02

Vincent looks at her with the same smile that always got her and she had to look away. He wanted more than anything to talk to her like they used to when they were alone but the way she was shifting from one foot to the other and looking anywhere but at him told him she didn't want to talk. He opened his mouth to tell her he would speak with her later but a woman that was the same height as Rebecca and had the same hair but longer.

/"Rebecca. Why don't you introduce me?/" The women said looking at Rebecca with a coy smile.

/"Momma. This is Vincent. Vincent, my mother, Roslyn./"

/"So nice to meet the women who’s responsible for raising such an amazing woman, Ma'am./" Vincent held his hand out for Roslyn to shake. Behind Rebecca's mother, he caught his own mother and younger sister watching the interaction. They both smiled wide, his mother sent her a wink and Roxana slapped a hand over her mouth to hide her laugh. Her shoulders shaking up and down gave it away though.

/"Rebecca,/" he heard a man's voice. He turned his attention from his crazy family and looked at Rebecca who was hugging a man that he guessed would be another family member. He hadn't thought about the fact that not only would he see Rebecca again but, that he would meet her family too. Rosalina and her and been friends for a long enough time that their families were close.

/"Vince,/" Rebecca called his name turning to him. He raised his eyebrow. /"This is my father, Gordon,/" she introduced the man to him.

/"Sir,/" Vincent shook the man's hand. Rebecca found it funny that Vincent was using such good manners. The time she had spent around him, he had been giving orders to others. She was grateful that he was showing respect to her parents, she was just shocked also.

/"How do you know my daughter?/" Gordon asked him.

/"We meet a few months ago. Vincent is Dom's cousin,/" Rebecca answered before Vincent had a chance. Did she really think he would tell them exactly how they met? He tried not to laugh at the thought.

Rebecca smiled at him and he opened his mouth to speak but saw Ant waving him over. /"If you will excuse me,/" he said turning and giving a nod to both of Rebecca's parents before turning back to her. /"Rebecca./"

Ant met him halfway with a big smile stretched across his face. /"How's it going with our beauty, beast?/" Ant handed Vincent a glass with a dark colored liquor in it. He sent Ant a glare over the edge of the glass as he drank it all.

/"You only think you're funny. Just because we are cousins, doesn't mean I won't kill you./" Ant couldn't contain his laughter. He held up his hands in surrender as he laughed loudly. /"I just saved her from my family it was nothing,/" he growled at him.

/"Yeah. Then you met hers,/" Ant laughed again but stopped when Vincent sent him a glare that could kill. /"Look, just remember what I said... You may want to make her mind up before you lose her,/" he said pointing behind Vincent.

Vincent turned around to see Rebecca talking to a man that he didn't know. He had never seen him but, it seemed that he was able to make her laugh and that set Vincent off. He stomped his way to where they were standing and grabbed Rebecca by the arm. /"Excuse her,/" he said to the man she was speaking with. He didn't wait for the man to respond he just pulled her out of the ballroom.

/"Let go,/" Rebecca shouted and ripped her arm away from Vincent when the door closed behind them. Vincent let go and turned to look at her. She saw the furry in his eyes. /"What the hell was that?/" she crossed her arms over her chest waiting for an answer.

Vincent began to pace. /"You... You were laughing with that... that...-/"

/"Cousin,/" Rebecca finished for him. She watched him stop and looked at her with a shocked expression.


/"Jamie. Is. My. Cousin./" She said slowly before laughing. There was a hint of sarcasm in her laugh though.

/"Well... How was I supposed to know?/" He yelled at her.

/"You don't get to talk to me like that. Or act like that,/" she turned and stomped to a set of chairs placed against the wall. She sat in one and looked down at her feet.

/"How are you?/" Vincent asked her sitting beside her.

She sent him a glare. /"Don't your dog's report to you daily or something?/" Vincent wore a shocked look on his face again. /"Yeah, I'm not stupid. I know why I can't get a second date and why my car always is full of gas. Not to mention, the skinny one is really bad at hiding./" Vincent couldn't help but laugh.

/"That's Markos. He's one of my youngest cousins. He wanted an assignment. I thought watching you at work would be a good first job for him,/" he shrugged. /"Are you’re extremely mad at me.../" he trailed off hoping that she would correct him. She only nodded her head. Vincent placed his elbows on his knees and held his head. /"I’m sorry./"

/"You should be. You left me and I’m not allowed to move on?/" Rebecca whisper yells.

Vincent lifted his head and looked her in the eyes. /"I just want you to be safe./" Hearing this infuriated Rebecca. She stood up and looked down at him. The look Vincent shocked him because even he was a little afraid of her.

/"If I am safer not being with you than why the hell are your dog’s still following me around? If you trust them to keep me safe why not trust yourself?/" She screamed at him gaining attention from the few people that were standing around the hallway that she hadn’t noticed until now. She felt tears welling up in her eyes but she wouldn’t let them fall in front of Vincent. She turned to leave but he grabbed her wrist and spun her around to face him.

He didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what to do. So, he pressed his lips to hers. He loved her. It hurt a little that she wanted to move on but he knew that is what she deserved. Tonight though, he felt like being selfish so he asked her the same thing he did the night of the gala. /"Any chance I can convince you to spend the night with me?/"