


Baby Shower-02

The sound of the women starting up conversation again was heard as Vincent shut the door to his office. He walked to his desk taking a seat behind it. He watched his brother and cousin take the seats they wanted but Trent and Francesco stood. He lifted a brow.

/"Is everything ready?/" Francesco asked Trent who nodded his head and handed him a large envelope. Vincent looked to Gio and Domenico who shrugged not knowing what was going on either.

/"What did Trent have to get ready?/"

/"He has been moving some things around for your mother and I,/" Francesco told him sitting in the chair across from him. /"Your mother wants me to retire. She has always wanted to travel so that’s what we will be doing./" Vincent was shocked as were Gio and Domenico. The three of them looked at each other before looking back at Francesco.