
Her Heart Target (DELETED)

Shocked at a young age by the killing of her parents by werewolves, Liana Adel becomes a Hunter with the help of her uncle and becomes a part of the regulating force recognize for the global control of werewolves' activities. She is the better of the simplest, ruthless, and predatory hunter on a search and driven by the memory of violence of her parents killing. On a hunting spree, she meets Braham Kaede, an escaped werewolf convict, and Emi Freya, a child recently orphaned. The duo makes an impact on Liana that she can’t overlook, she feels deep sympathy for the girl and in Braham, she saw the reflections of herself in them. Her options seem restricted—duty and revenge demand that she capture the escaped werewolf and give the kid over to the right system. What will she do, when love makes all her plan for revenge convictions against werewolves futile, and is she even capable of stepping beyond the need for revenge and into human emotion call Love?

dare2oat · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

'Target Set'

"Haaaa, screw it-" Bang! The sound vibrated all around the shooting area.

A stunning woman was shooting at the Target. Her perfectly straightened hair was untidy, her face was scrunched up and there were torrents of curses coming out her mouth showing how frustrated she is despite hitting the bullseye.

Glowering eyes full of caution stared down at her. He was her uncle, Mr. Franz.

Her uncle is an athletic, eye-catching, and down-earth type guy of thirty-seven; he has long dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He was the sworn brother of her father. He is a Hunter.

Liana Adel! He snapped at her. 'Language' A modest look at his exasperated eyes was enough to make a person shudders.

Liana rolled her eyes at him and clasp her hand around the shotgun, 'This is not enough to kill those murderers', she mumbled. He is training her on how to be a hunter.

Standing next to her uncle who was checking out her target shot, she chuckled and put her hair in a ponytail 'what kind of hunter would I be if I can't shoot learn curse words, hmmm--...

After he checked out her shot and approved of her skills, he told her to come for some breakfast. They both head towards the kitchen in silence; she took a plate from the plate rack and took four slices of bread and a piece of fried egg on her plate, and started eating.

"Let start packing," Her uncle told her, they were going for a hunting session against the werewolves they got information on for causing havoc in a bar at the foothill of the Grey-rock city.

Later in the evening, Liana and her uncle with two other hunters namely Eric and Julia set out on their journey towards the mountainous Jungle at the foothill. They were separated so that they can find clues on what is going on and figure the next line of action.

"How disgusting," Liana mumbled under her breath, looking around the bar popular for harboring the werewolves in disgust. She has seen worse, though the bar looked glamorous at the front the walls inside were full of dried-up blood splattered all around. She went through the back door after separating from her uncle and the other hunters and she maneuvered through the wreckage left as a mark of a previous fight to reach the bar area.

The rundown building with large metallic pillars was braced by someone, the shaking feeling of the pillar and sprinkling of dust with rubbish that was complemented with the noises over Liana's head was not soothing. Neither was the eerie and howling sound of the wind helpful at all.

She was thankful for the thick hood of her coat and her ankle boot.

'Can somebody tell her what was pouring down on her body or what unpleasantness she was standing in?' she grumbled. The shadowy silhouettes clashed with the illumination over the bar, the dim lights, and the broken pillars hide the details of the bar's rottenness as a sacred secret and a convert illusion of emptiness.

Indeed, after navigating the path that leads her to the backyard of the bar with the signboard showing the name to be moonfield, reaching this location, she wasn't a bit surprised by the polluted environment. The air outlet that passes the air for the moonfield bar was blocked with various unknown substances passing out different kinds of smells with smoke making the fuzzy bulbs hazy with a coating of grime smeared on the ceiling and the run-down building seeped boredom and the sullen openness of insolent. Hunting and stalking in this tiny section of space were like crawling through a gutter or sewer.

"Wow, this is the right point to find these shitheads." Her uncle's voice sounded coarse but happy through the earphone attached to her ear. Her uncle would be sound joyful since he didn't pass through what she was experiencing.

She responded with a yes at the same a drunken man was staggering from the darken part of the bar to puke out on one of the crooked pillars then wandered around to find his seat. She twisted her face and scrunched up her nose in revulsion and she felt like puking her gut out as well. The smell of the substance made by the man wafted over a refreshing of the rotten bar's stink.

"Damn, this is cool," she sighed sarcastically and squeezed her gun at the back pocket of her cloak, she later pressed the werewolf gene tracing machine attached to her arm as a wristband. The wristband fired up just like an iPhone when she turned it on and stealthily placed it in the direction of the group of men crowd together at the bar. "Target set," she whispered expressionlessly. "Copy," her uncle replied and notified the other two hunters.

Moving through the darkened area like an existing shadow, she did a quick count of the customers, the slackers in the wrecked bar. About twenty-six men were grabbing their alcohol with all seriousness and her target was at the center of the men. As she was about to go near the man at the center and remove him from the group, the front door opened up.

Liana looked over intently and sneered seeing how more prey would get to join her target, but she was motionless when she takes a look at the man who just entered after some group of men. Looking at the man, he wasn't that out of place. His hair was shaved almost to the skin like most soldiers and his face bit dark from the sun, he was at least 6'4" tall, his shabby and discolored flight overall was suitable over his muscular build. He wore shaded safety glasses. Putting the shades in the dim lighting, made him a target of suspicious glance all over the bar, but the way he moved his with a powerful menace made Liana's eyes set on him, her hunter's instincts screaming.

With only a brief glimpse at the bar, he walked into the bar. Once in the bar, he stopped moving and was still as a rock. If she was not observing him, he would have blended with the darkness in the bar.

Any other hunter would have not noticed him and continued with the hunt, but what made her one of the finest hunters was that she has never disregarded her instincts. She predicted the man as a risky predator—these made her think if the man she targeted hired a bodyguard? That didn't seem likely.

She kept observing the man that just came in, she waited still in her own dark space and waited with the persistence of a true hunter. He was not on her list of targets today, but she would hunt him if he made any suspicious move.

Not more than three minutes the door opened again. Liana stared in disbelief as a child walked in and not moving to stare with wide, guarded eyes around the bar.

This was an extremely risky place for a child. In this kind of place, children were an article of trade and freshness for the perverted mind, and everyone in the bar turned towards the young child excitedly. No one moved for more than a few minutes.

Then the shadow-muscled man she'd been observing turned.

Cursing under her breath, she moved forward, moving away from her hiding place to put herself between them, her back to the man as though she was not conscious of him. At a close distance, she noticed that the child was a girl, but the roughly low-cut brown hair and shabby but neat clothes made her look like a boy. She was staring at Liana with her droopy eyes filled with panic.

"Hey kid, it is dangerous in here, get out now," Liana said in a low, firm voice.

The girl jerked as if she was hit, her eyes filled with fear.

"No, she is not going anywhere."

The deep voice came from behind Liana, but she didn't move, watching relief wash over the girl's face. The girl knew her shadow muscled man—had she followed him to this place? But because the girl appeared to recognize and trust him did not mean Liana should trust Him. His actions were seriously suspicious. Who knows what kind of evil plan is in his thoughts?

Liana slanted her head in his direction, keeping her eyes on the child. "Do you know him?"

"He is my father," the girl said with her lifting her chin in defiance, her eyes shaky in the dark.

That's is a noticeable white lie, but the man said nothing.

"Right, Your father ought to know better than to let you in a place like this."

Liana hesitated for a moment, but neither the man nor the girl responded.

The girl drags her feet in place and looked into the darkness again, her fingers yanking at the hem of her shirt. She was around nine years old and would have been adorable in a pixie-like sort of way if she had more hair. Girls didn't typically shave off their hair so short and it looked like it had been chopped off with blunt scissors or knife, the strands of hair sticking out in all directions.

Liana raised her hand towards the girl's cheek. "Did he cut off your—" Her fingers hovered a breath away from the child's head as a sharp knife was pressed at the back of her neck. An exciting sensation ran through her.

"Take your hands off her."

Hello!! I am dare2oat the author of this novel.

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