
HER DARK HEART He Transformed Me

Prologue Walking down Carrer de Moret, Valencia, insearch of my prey. Definitely,a male will have to fall into my trap. Steadily and confident,with my two hands in my black hoodie pocket,I walked. And then I saw him,caught in the act,doing the usual. "Leave Her Alone" I said to him almost whispering. He laughed out stupidly, "Pretty girl,u wanna join her" he asked showcasing his brown teeth as he kept on laughing. With lightening speed I got to him, reached for his neck,I dragged him up choking him as he pleaded "Who are you" he asked breathlessly. ELPHABA. He grew limp instantly,dead and useless. I dropped him. Smiling mischeivouly I walked away leaving the girl gaping at me in fright. I am ELPHABA. I kill. I show no mercy. I have not always been like this,my family used to be the happiest,the most cheerful and laughter was like our second name. In just one day,I lost everything. Every damn thing. Now I'm back,to repay,to avenge and to destroy. A story filled with Suspense, Love, Betrayal and Awakening.

Genevieve_Edwin · Thanh xuân
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😘Olivia's POV😘

Chemistry class was boring as I couldn't concentrate or think straight. All my thoughts was on Audrey as she will be turning 18 tomorrow.

Discovering who she really is will be very difficult for her,I can't help but worry.

I hope she really confides in me each time she feels something strange so I can put her through,I wonder how.... I jolted when I heard someone scream my name.

''Olivia Da Rosa" What in heavens name is wrong with you? he asked looking as concerned as ever

'Micheal' I called slowly

"I've been calling you for the past 2minutes.

Are you alright?

Yea, yes, sure, I.... I'm...

Since when did I start to stutter? I guess I had to lie to tell at this moment.

I can't tell Michael what bothering me.

Michael I... I started still thinking of what to say

Shh.. Its okay.

You don't need to tell me,I just hope you are alright Michael said as he pulled me into a hug.

Michael is a very good friend. My childhood friend actually,he's everything you will ever want in a friend.

I'm starving,let's go get some food, I said changing the topic as I yawned. I didn't realize I was this hungry.

He followed me out of class quietly,I'm glad he didn't push further.

Writers POV👑

It was time for lunch as everyone left for the cafeteria.

Audrey was seen sitting in a table of seven discussing with her friends.

Their friendship has lasted for years with each of them understanding and supporting each other. Audrey,Whitney,Nora,Diana,Lucas,Brian and Daniel.

They were best of friends,inseparable. Chatting and laughing loudly not minding if anyone was there or not.

"I was beginning to feel like a queen,you know,thinking I'm smart only to get spanked on my butt heavily" Nora said as everyone laughed again except Audrey who sat staring into her food without eating anything.

Follow Authoress Eve Library for the full story

"Told ya you were gonna get punished but you were busy feeling fly" Diana said making funny faces at Nora as everyone laughed again.

Brian kept stealing glances at Audrey wondering what was wrong with her. He watched her quietly as he has always been watching over her in the shadows.

Knowing she was in love with Lucas and not him broke his heart but he didn't have a choice as he values his friendship with her more than anything and he has no plans of ruining it with his feelings.

Audrey,are you okay? Lucas asked making her lift her face from her food .