
HER DARK HEART He Transformed Me

Prologue Walking down Carrer de Moret, Valencia, insearch of my prey. Definitely,a male will have to fall into my trap. Steadily and confident,with my two hands in my black hoodie pocket,I walked. And then I saw him,caught in the act,doing the usual. "Leave Her Alone" I said to him almost whispering. He laughed out stupidly, "Pretty girl,u wanna join her" he asked showcasing his brown teeth as he kept on laughing. With lightening speed I got to him, reached for his neck,I dragged him up choking him as he pleaded "Who are you" he asked breathlessly. ELPHABA. He grew limp instantly,dead and useless. I dropped him. Smiling mischeivouly I walked away leaving the girl gaping at me in fright. I am ELPHABA. I kill. I show no mercy. I have not always been like this,my family used to be the happiest,the most cheerful and laughter was like our second name. In just one day,I lost everything. Every damn thing. Now I'm back,to repay,to avenge and to destroy. A story filled with Suspense, Love, Betrayal and Awakening.

Genevieve_Edwin · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs


I had a handful of birthday wishes and gifts today from alot of people including people I don't know and people I haven't spoken to before.

My friends made sure to keep reminding me that I've finally turned 18. I must confess,I feel like a princess right now.

Today is like the best day of my life. I feel love Emanating from every angle.

Just then Lucas walked up to me smiling sweetly. This same smile that makes me fall head over heels each time I set my eyes on him.

My heart was beating so fast as I continued staring at him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when he waved his cute hands in front of me.

Believe me when I say I've fallen to him leaving no reserve😊

Are you okay? Lucas asked smiling knowingly.

I guess he figured out I was drooling.

"Yea,sure. I was just thinking about my birthday gift" I lied rushing my words playing with my fingers.

I can't afford to let Lucas know I have feelings for him until I confirm he feels the same way

Lucas's POV

I saw Audrey sitting alone in the school garden. I know exactly where to find her.

As I approached her,she stared at him like she hasn't seen me before.

Audrey, I called her but I didn't get any response as she kept on staring.

I waved my hand in front of her and that was when she got hold of herself.

"Are you okay" I asked.


I was just thinking about my birthday gift" she lied.

I know Audrey too well to know when she's lieing.

She's picking her fingers right now and I can tell she just lied

"I knew I was going to see you here" I said as I pulled out the gift I for her which I have been hiding all along and gave it to her.

"Awwwn, thank you so much Lucas,you are a darling" she said hugging me.

She's beautiful I must say but I'm not interested in just the beauty.

I'm interested in the money.

Coming from an average family I've always wanted more money even as a child and I've made up my mind to to date a rich girlfriend and Audrey seems like the perfect opportunity.

Audrey,you and everything that belongs to you will be mine very soon.

I thought holding onto her smiling mischievously