
What Was That?

As soon as Vincenzo got out of the mall, his phone started ringing. He looked at it and it seemed he was going to have a strong headache. He turned to his driver and instructed him to drive to the old Winston's Villa.

Thirty minutes later, a frustrated-looking Vincenzo was looking at his grandmother.

"Grandma please stop," Vincenzo said to his grandmother in a low tone because he cannot be too loud with her. She looked at him as he stood up from where she was sitting.

"My dear Vincenzo, can't you see I'm old already? I'll die soon." She said to him in a tone that proves that she was about to cry. He walked closer to her and held her on her shoulder,

"Grandma, you are not going to die soon, the last time I checked you are totally fine medically so don't worry you are not going to die," Vincenzo said to his grandmother. He wondered why she always threaten him with death.

Grandma Winston was disappointed in herself that her plan did not work. She wants to see her grandchild before she dies and Vincenzo knows all about her tactics.

"Vincenzo." She called his name and gave him a sad face. She knows he hates seeing her sad so she had to give him a sad face so that he can know she is serious this time.

"Sarah come on, leave the boy alone"

Vincenzo turned back when he heard his grandfather's voice. Finally, there was someone that can rescue him from his grandmother.

She turned to look at her husband with a sad face. He was walking closer to them with a paper in his hands. The paper looked like a newspaper.

"Why do you always stop me from telling him the truth?" Grandma Winston asked, glaring at her husband.

Grandpa Winston knew she was trying to emotionally blackmail Vincenzo to get married and he also knew that there was nothing anyone would say to Vincenzo that'll make him get married to anyone.

"I have not stopped you. I don't just want you to force anything on him, you know how stubborn he can be." Grandpa Winston said, smiling at his wife. Does she think Vincenzo hasn't seen through her plan?

Glaring at the two men, Grandma Winston walked to the dining room without saying anything to them again. Deep inside she was plotting what to do.

Vincenzo thanked his grandfather from where he was standing without saying anything to him. His grandfather also wants him to get married but he knows that there was no way the topic will end if he continues the topic with his grandmother.

He just looked for a way to end the topic peacefully and he was happy to have succeeded in doing so.

Vincenzo and his grandfather joined his grandmother in the dining room and they started eating. While they were eating, his grandfather kept asking him something about work to avoid his grandmother from asking him anything about marriage again.

When they were done eating Vincenzo quickly escaped to his room because of his grandmother. When he got to his room, he lay on his bed deep in thought. His room was so large but very few things were inside because he likes his things large and without too many loads. The interior of his room looked perfect.

He remembered he hadn't even changed. So he sat up straight on the bed and removed his shoe. That old woman didn't even allow him to undress before barging into him.

While he was removing his tie he suddenly remembered the girl he saw in the mall again. She looked so familiar and he could tell he had seen her somewhere before.

He remembered when he was little he had a friend but he couldn't get hold of her anymore. But he always remembers that she was the one he promised to marry and he will look for her till he finally finds her.

He smiled when he remembered the kiss. Although it was an accident, he can't deny that just a touch of her lips on his sent tingles down his body. She tasted nice.

He remembered how the girl yelled at him in the mall and he was surprised to see himself smile again. He quickly frowned his face, no girl has ever made him smile since he parted ways with his childhood love.

He checked the date and he realized tomorrow will be the thirteenth of August. The same day he left the orphanage, he always visit the orphanage on that day.

He picked up his phone and placed a call across to his secretary.

"It's tomorrow, I hope everything is ready?" Vincenzo asked his secretary.

"Yes sir." The secretary replied to him almost immediately.

He hung up immediately, then he picked a framed picture of himself and Anastasia, he got the picture from the matron when he visited recently, and he also collected the one that has the picture of all the other kids in the orphanage.

While he was looking at the picture he remembered the face of the girl that hit him in the mall, they looked so much alike.

"How are they so alike?" Vincenzo asked himself then he remembered when he hit her she had an injury on her thumb that looked so much like the burn Anastasia had in that fire incident.

"I must be going crazy," Vincenzo said to himself and closed his eye so that he can stop thinking about such nonsense.

He dropped the frame back on the shelf and walked to the bathroom to take his shower. When he was done he wore his sleeping wear and lay on the bed. When he was about to sleep he thought again for a minute if they might be in any way related.

"Stop it, Vincenzo. That girl was so feisty" He said to himself.

As he closed his eyes to sleep, there was a knock on his door. He wondered who could be knocking on his door. He prayed it shouldn't be his grandmother.

"Vincenzo." She called his name.

He shut his eyes knowing he had been caught red-handed. He took a deep breath before standing up to open the door for her. He faced his Grandma with a fake smile.

"Yes grandma" He replied as he escorted her inside his room. She stared at him for a while before she started talking.

"I know you might think I am disturbing you about getting married, I have always longed to see our family's heir before I leave this world and I am ready to do anything just to make sure I see an heir or heiress before I die. I won't let you end our lineage" Grandma Winston said, looking at him sternly.

Vincenzo was shocked to hear what his grandmother said. He saw it more as a threat. He looked at his grandmother very well and she looked really serious. She wasn't joking.

"Why does she look like she is about to hit me?" Vincenzo asked himself while staring at his mom.

Vincenzo noticed she was done talking and the way she was looking at him was so scared he could not stand there anymore but before he could say anything, she turned around and walked out of his room.

"What was that?" He asked himself. He has a bad feeling about his grandmother's threat. What was she planning to do?