
Hentai Verse

A Collection Of Various M-Fiction’s, Erotica-Fics, Smut-Fics. These are Mostly One-shot Smuts, but there are other stories with parts too. Chapters in this story will have their own contained story, and I will endeavor to post a new one up for everyone to read. Some may be your taste, but some may not. ————————————————————— Check Out: Lucias Frey: The Heretic Gamer Link: https://m.webnovel.com/book/lucias-frey-the-heretic-gamer_22075537405177405 ————————————————————— Note: I do not own or claim ownership of works posted here or make any profit off of any of the characters or other elements contained within the Chapters.

EviL · Tranh châm biếm
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256 Chs

The Disney Princess Vault [Diz Princesses]

Summary: For some time now, Queen Elsa has been building a harem of lovers.

She's crossed dimensions, explored time and space, and used her unique powers to bring willing young women back to her castle to serve as her loyal lovers.

Sure, the fact that her cum has a certain mind-altering quality might make the girls a little more eager to abandon their families than they otherwise would have, but...oh well.

Content Tag: Futa, Mind-Control, Harem, Breeding.


The halls of Queen Elsa's castle were always filled with the sounds of joy. Music, laughter, revelry, and passion - a constant celebration of the most benevolent queen the world has ever known.

Built far away from any established lands, the realm that she watched over was one of her enjoyment, an endless stretch of arctic territory that served as an isolated place for the queen and her many wives to savor.

Anything they needed could be provided by magic, whether it was snowbound servants to tend to the halls, fresh food conjured from thin air, or the reason for that night's particular celebration - new company.

A fresh face in the halls was always a welcomed sight to behold.

"Ohh, you're going to love it here so much!" Belle had her arm drawn around her newest sister's wife's, holding a smiling girl close as they walked. She and Jasmine were flanking a youthful redhead, whose eyes were open wide as she gazed in awe at the beauty that surrounded her. Ornately-sculpted walls of ice stretched up into towering ceilings, and the halls were home to frozen statues of the many women that lived there. As they walked, Belle gestured again and again in rapid fashion, practically bubbling over with excitement as she kept cuddling Ariel close.

"Down that way is the ballroom, and through those doors is the breakfast nook, and oh, oh! If you head that way you'll eventually get to the library. I love libraries! How about you, Aeriel? Do you like books?!"

"Oh! Uh...I...don't think I've ever seen one that wasn't damaged," the former mermaid was blushing nervously at the question. A castle of ice was already an unnerving thing for a young woman that spent the entirety of her life underwater, and now that she was here it was all a little overwhelming. With a wild blush overtaking her cheeks, Ariel fidgeted between her two escorts, looking more than a little nervous. "Oh, I hope that doesn't mean I'm not smart enough to join! I promise I'll do everything I can to learn!"

"Relax, dear, you're not here to be tested," Jasmine's voice was smooth and controlled, a stark contrast from the excitable nature of the brunette on the other end. She even chided Belle to that effect, looking across the distance of Ariel to lift a brow and speak in a slow, patient tone. "Belle, you're making the poor girl nervous."

"Sorry, I'm sorry…" Belle offered a sheepish smile, but all the same, tightened her grip on Ariel's arm. "I'm just so excited! I love it when we get new sisters at the castle! Oh, hey! Look over there!"

It continued like that throughout the entire walk through the halls, with Jasmine offering a level of soothing comfort as Belle was practically bubbling over with excitement. Not that Ariel minded on either front - Jasmine's presence helped keep her relaxed while Belle was a firm promise of what to expect in her future.

If the lovely young woman was this happy to bring a new girl home to join their family, she could only imagine how wonderful it was here!

Presumably, Ariel first encountered this place in the same way as all the others: recruited personally by Queen Elsa.

For the former mermaid, it was while she was singing about her desperate need to swim beyond the waters of her home, to explore the world outside above the surface. While she hit a particularly dynamic note upon a rocky outcropping, she found a mysterious, slender blonde woman sitting there ready to join in her melody. One thing led to another, and before long the fish princess had her first taste of human cum, as offered up from the tip of Queen Elsa's flawless length. And once it graced her lips...there was nothing more than Ariel wanted than to live in this glorious queen's castle forever. And now, here she was.

While she walked with Jasmine and Belle, the two other women explained that their own experiences were very much the same. The mysterious queen arrived at the very moment their desperation was at its peak, and after a bit of fond seduction coerced them into a moment of passion. None of the three had the insight to put certain pieces together, but they could all agree on one thing: once they had a taste of Queen Elsa's cum across their tongue, they never wanted to be far from that source again. So it was with the three of them and every other woman that Ariel met on her walk through the halls. Women from all walks of life, from the beaming ray of sunshine that was Rapunzel and her stern, stone-faced friend Cassandra to the peaceful and serene Pocahantas and her shady and streetwise companion Megara. Each of those women was depicted in the form of frozen statues along the halls, but even more noticeable was the fact that all of them - without exception - were visibly, obviously pregnant.

Even for a girl that was still addled on her first taste of Queen Elsa's cum, it was enough for Ariel to lift a brow.

"W...Wow, they're all so…" She was looking over her shoulder at that point, offering a farewell wave to a pleasant young woman named Nani. She was well into her final trimester, with a large, pregnant tummy that she needed to hold up with a hand underneath. Ariel gazed at her from head to toe - the slope of her belly right up to her shining smile and bright, joyful eyes. There wasn't much else for Ariel to take from the experience other than one simple thought. "They're all so...happy! Ohh, I can't wait for Queen Elsa to get me pregnant, too!"

"It's a magical experience, dear," Jasmine beamed and squeezed Ariel's arm while the trio kept moving forward. "Belle and I just recently had our third set together, you know. Queen Elsa likes to breed us at the same time since we first moved to the castle during the same week."

"Ohh, Jasmine, do you think she'll do it again for us soon?" Belle was giddy, blushing at the idea and looking as if she was prepared to burst into song right on the spot. Perhaps a long, adoring melody about how good it felt to get knocked up by a magical ice witch. "It's always so romantic when she does! Nobody breeds wives like Queen Elsa!"

"I'm so nervous," Ariel fidgeted again, especially when they came to the final hall. It led to a large set of doors flanked by two statues on either side - one of Queen Elsa herself, and the other of a lovely, naked young woman with a braid that Ariel had never met before.

It was clear that this was the bedchambers of Ariel's new goddess - and she quivered wickedly between the other two women.

"Ohh, here goes. I hope she likes me. Do you think she likes me? Has she said anything about liking me?!"

"Real chatterbox, this one," Belle giggled. "Stop worrying, Ariel! If you're here, that means Queen Elsa loved spending time with you in your world. It means you're a part of our family."

"She'll show you all the love she's shown to us," Jasmine smiled, and made a pointed effort to drop her hand low, brushing it over the redhead's goosebump-marked belly.

When she managed to catch Ariel's eyes gazing at her, Jasmine offered her a soothing smile and even leaned forward for a quick kiss to Ariel's blushing cheek. "And while it happens, we'll be with you the entire time. There's nobody better to escort you through it. We were her first girls, after all."

"Well...not exactly her first," Belle chimed in with a mischievous glance towards one of the ice statues. "But you'll find out about her soon enough! Let's go!"

As Ariel was escorted to the doors of Queen Elsa's bedchamber, she was heralded by applause from behind. All of the women of the queen's royal marriages - whether it was Rapunzel or Cassandra, Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella, Lady Marian or Mulan - were cheering for the newest member of their family.

The newest member of Queen Elsa's harem of well-loved breeding sluts.


"That's a good girl, my my my...always so hungry…" Elsa was cooing sweetly as she trailed her fingers through the copper hair of her beloved little sister, who at that very moment was sucking on the queen's royal cock.

Anna was greedily dropping her head back and forth in the lap of the older woman, taking her down to the hilt with every press, and always making sure to hold herself down when she got there for a chance to wiggle her tongue back and forth. She shamelessly choked herself on her big sister's rod as she knelt just beside where the queen was sitting, in the very center of a large, lavish bed that was built for royal celebrations. "As if I don't feed you enough, Anna."

It was a truly decadent display as Ariel and the others arrived, so much so that the redhead was overtaken by a sharp gasp and a heavy blush that raced over her cheeks.

Queen Elsa was every bit as beautiful as she remembered her being from their first and only encounter - regal and glorious, with long blonde hair pulled into a tight braid and her figure accented with snug-fitting sleeves and leggings of frost blue silk. Her breasts were left exposed for all to enjoy as was her enormous length, or at least, the latter would have been visible were it not for the cute girl sucking on it.

Anna was holding herself down to her sister's balls as she offered the arriving trio a tiny wave. Her other hand was busy snugly held underneath the weight of her pregnant tummy - not quite as far as Nani was, but still moving along nicely. Anna was stripped completely bare but was nonetheless shameless in her display, and she went right back to work as Queen Elsa stretched out her arms in greeting.

"Belle, Jasmine, as always, my sweets, lovely to see you," she beamed, her eyes lighting up as they fell upon the redhead in the center. "And you've brought our newest family member to me, how wonderful. Ariel, dear, you look even more ravishing than I remember. I trust you find the castle to your liking?"

"Oh! Oh, it's...it's absolutely beautiful, your majesty," Ariel shuffled forward nervously, while Belle and Jasmine exchanged playful glances. It was always fun whenever a new girl was stuck on the formalities. "I've never seen anything like it. It's all made of ice but it isn't cold to touch, and...and...well, I'm just so overwhelmed! Oh! I'm sorry, I should be bowing!"

Ariel did just that, dropping down to her knees to show her loyalty to her new queen, new goddess, new lover. When she did so, the room was filled with a few subtle sounds - a bit of giggling from Belle and Jasmine, and some greedy, messy slurping from Anna. Mostly, though, what drew Ariel's attention was the kind and benevolent voice of her queen, who was gesturing for the redhead to come near.

"Ariel, dear, at my castle there's no need to kneel," she lifted a finger as soon as she said those words, a tiny smile lifting on her face. "Unless, of course, it's for a good reason."

Anna, with her eyes shining, waved with a wide and flailing enthusiasm before pointing to where her mouth was bulging with Queen Elsa's cock.

"...yes, Anna, I'm sure she understands what I meant," Elsa chuckled, before stretching out a hand to invite Ariel near. "Come, dear, join us. I'm almost ready to give Anna the treat she's worked so hard for the past half hour...certainly, you'd like a taste, too?"

"Y-Yes! Oh, it was the most delicious thing I've ever had! I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since we first met, I--" Ariel muffled herself as she realized she was rambling, before practically collapsing onto the bed to shuffle in beside Anna. "Thank you for sharing, Anna!"

Anna - still deepthroating her big sister - just gave an approving thumbs-up.

From there, Queen Elsa sat back against her mountain of pillows, satisfied and smiling at the pleasure that was overtaking her. She'd no doubt release her load before too long, especially now that she could feel the eager tongue of Ariel passing up and down her sack, but as she reached that point she couldn't help but give a small glance to the foot of the bed where two others were still left lingering. Jasmine and Belle, both practically pouting, were staring at their queen with large, adoring eyes and hands folded together in pleading gestures.

"...oh, all right," Queen Elsa playfully rolled her eyes and gestured for the pair to join them. "I can never say no to the two of you, spoiled as you are."

The two cheered as they rushed forward, joining Anna and Ariel in a heap against the bed. From behind the closed doors of their bedroom, other girls that weren't so lucky were already gathering - pressing their ears against the frame and hoping to listen to their queen's pleasure, hoping to hear how Ariel's first time went. A nosy family...but a family nonetheless, and one that Queen Elsa wouldn't trade for anything.

After all, she had everything she could ever want. A safe and luxurious home. A small army of beautiful, pregnant brides. And most important of all - she mused as she threaded her fingers across her favorite girl's hair - the constant company of her adoring little sister. There was nothing more a queen could ache for than that.


Despite Queen Elsa's claims that she was near her peak, it took the quartet some time to finally push her to the breaking point. That was likely the queen's intention all along - it gave her more time to savor the pleasure brought by four hungry, eager mouths, and also provided an opportunity for Ariel to get used to the women she'd be spending plenty of time with. When Anna popped her mouth off of Elsa's twitching cockhead it was freely offered up to the former mermaid, who didn't hesitate to close her lips around the spit-soaked unit and take it up right where Anna left off. Through it all, Jasmine and Belle put forth their efforts where they could, whether it was kissing and caressing along Elsa's thighs or even paying attention to the other two girls entirely. At one point, Ariel was left shivering as Belle kissed a line straight down her spine while Jasmine could be seen nestling behind Anna, moving her hands upward to massage the pregnant girl's plump breasts.

It was a celebration of affection between Elsa's brides, and all of them openly worshipped her. With every kiss and every fond touch, with every trace of their tongue or grip of their slender fingers, the four women did everything in their power to make sure the queen knew she was the center of their world. When Elsa's climax finally arrived it was thanks to the combined efforts of all four, with Ariel deepthroating her enormous length as Belle and Jasmine suckled her sack, all while Anna pressed close to tease her lips across her sister's own.

It was in that moment, with one hand caressing her little sister's pregnant belly and her teeth gently nibbling on Anna's lower lip, that the queen finally shivered in the precursor to a climax, and shifted in place to watch as her brides handled it.

"Y-Yes, that's...right there, here it comes…"

Ariel popped her mouth off of Queen Elsa's cock at the very last second, and her motivations for doing so were pure. After all, she was brand new to the castle and desperately wanted to make a good impression on the others, and it seemed like hogging all of Elsa's glorious cum would've been an easy way to make early enemies. As it stood now, however, Ariel's lips left that beautiful pulsing tip just as the rush of cream began to flow forward, and all four of them stared in absolute awe as their shared reward arrived. Queen Elsa shuddered in place, her shaft held by multiple hands as Jasmine and Belle both rose to their knees, trying their best to gulp loads from the air as streaks of white shot upward. Rabid giggling filled the room as the four playfully competed, from Jasmine bumping Belle out of the way so she could lick a line of cream off of Anna's pregnant belly to Ariel being completely unable to resist and slipping her mouth over Elsa's cocktip for a brief, fleeting second. There was thankfully plenty of it to go around as the four basked in their shower of cream, with four eager, naked, writhing bodies relishing every last second of it. The heat. The texture. The unspeakably delicious taste. It was the only thing that made them lose sight of Elsa herself for the moment - lost as they were in the constant pursuit of her flavor.

"G...Give me some...don't be so greedy, Belle…" Jasmine cooed, just before pulling the other girl near. She kissed her fully on the lips with an outstretched, wiggling tongue that smeared Elsa's cum between them, and the two practically melted in each other's arms, flopping into a heap on the bed. "Mmm…"

"S-So...so tasty...so wonderful…" Ariel was working on cleaning off Elsa's cock itself, licking from the spot where her shaft met her sack and back up, nursing at the very tip in the hopes of saving a few more gulps.

She shivered as she felt the pregnant belly of Anna pressed to the side of her arm while the sweet young woman leaned forward, stretching out her tongue to clean a long, wet swipe up across Ariel's cheek. The two were soon giggling as they played with Elsa's cockhead, their lips constantly brushing back and forth while their tongues battered one another, messily sharing what was left within their queen's chamber.

And Elsa, basking in the radiance of her lovely brides and savoring the pleasure they provided, simply watched it all with a smug, satisfied smile. How lucky could one woman be? She was a benevolent queen that deserved all of this attention for sure, and still...still she found herself in awe over how fortunate she was. Her eyes darted from Jasmine to Belle, from Anna to Ariel, watching as they fondled each other's naked bodies as their tongues wrestled amidst heaping helpings of warm, wet bliss. Ariel had only just met them, and was already taking a shine to the others - happily laying flat on her back as Belle and Jasmine took turns spitting cum into her mouth, at least when she wasn't fondling the slope of Anna's stretched, bred belly. It was that last image that finally made Queen Elsa clear her throat to draw their attention, her brow lifting. They immediately stopped what they were doing and looked in her direction, each of them smiling broadly as Elsa gestured for their newest redheaded acquisition.

"It's time," Queen Elsa announced, and even before her command was final, Ariel could feel hands closing around her ankles and wrists to pull her into position. "It's time for Ariel to join the family."


"You're going to do great, I just know it!"

"We're all here rooting for you!"

"Remember, Queen Elsa's pleasure is the most important thing. I'm sure she'll love your pussy!"

The slender young woman laid flat on her back, nervously nibbling her lower lip as she was left exposed and raw underneath the shared attention of the other three.

Queen Elsa had risen from her position simply to kneel in front of where Ariel laid, while the other brides flanked her from all ends. Anna held Ariel's head against the soft and gentle surface of her pregnant belly while Belle and Jasmine assisted in keeping the girl's thighs spread - holding her legs behind the knee and making sure she was keenly spread for the pleasure of the queen. As Elsa swung into position, she allowed her cock to flop forward against Ariel's lap with a heavy, wet thud, and as the redhead shivered underneath the impact, the blonde practically purred as she stretched out for her.

"Princess Ariel," Elsa cooed, her fingertips walking up across Ariel's chest in a slow march to her lips. While they did so, she offered the girl brief moments of chilly frost with every tiny step, just enough to make Ariel shiver even more at the moment. "Thank you for joining us here at my castle. I swear that I'll take care of you. I'll provide for you. I'll protect you. I'll allow you to continue pursuing your interests to your heart's content. And in return...what will you give me?"

Ariel took a deep breath, squirming in place. Her eyes darted from the other three brides up to the kind and loving face of Queen Elsa, and her poor mind raced for an answer. What wouldn't she give to the glorious blonde at that moment? What could she possibly deny her? With the taste of the other woman's cum still fresh on her tongue, Ariel had a simple answer - albeit one whose poetry was partly soiled by her lust.

"Everything, Queen Elsa," Ariel begged, her hands folding together and her eyes staring up at the calm, collected features of the older woman. "My whole body. My voice. My heart. My soul. But right now?" She took a deep breath and blushed wildly as she spoke. "I...I'd like to give you my pussy, because it belongs to you now."

Jasmine, Anna, and Belle all cheered as Queen Elsa pulled her hips back, and without a single trace of hesitation, proceeded to take what was offered.

What was hers?

She sunk every last inch inside of Ariel with the very first strike - slow but unyielding, making sure that the redhead could handle it as she pushed her way inside. While the girl's beautiful voice filled the bedroom in the form of a wild moan, Queen Elsa closed the distance between them, going so far as to lean forward and squish her breasts against those of the younger woman's, closing her lips across Ariel's to muffle the sound of her blissful noise. She kissed her freely and hungrily much to the applause of the other three women watching, and with the top of her blonde head nuzzling against her sister's nearby pregnant belly, Queen Elsa properly started to claim her latest prize with all the privilege she deserved. Her hips rocked back and forth while she could feel Jasmine and Belle moving to close Ariel's legs around her waist, going so far as to actively hook her ankles behind her new ruler's back, all of it practiced motions that the pair had executed on countless lovers before. The trio of Jasmine, Belle, and Anna had helped Queen Elsa breed so many other lovely princesses right in that same spot and right in that same position, with the blonde kissing hungrily on her newest wife's mouth, savoring the leftover taste of addictingly delicious cum.

Ariel was lost in a state of overwhelming pleasure, her arms moving to fold up and over Queen Elsa's shoulders as she offered herself up freely. Trapped underneath the weight of the queen, stuffed with every inch of her magnificent rod, pinned below a greedy kiss...she was shameless in what she offered in response, whether it was a series of moans muffled against the other's mouth or faint, delicate whispers ushered straight to Queen Elsa's lips - words that her father would've disowned her for thinking, let alone speaking aloud to another woman. A human woman, at that!

"F...Fuck me, Queen Elsa...fuck my little pussy…" Ariel begged in between hungry presses of their lips, her fingers dragging down Queen Elsa's back and her ankles tightening of their merit. She was trying to pull the older woman against her with every thrust forward, inspired by the assistance and the example of the three other brides in the room. "Make me yours. Let me serve you. I'll do...I'll do anything if it makes you happy, my queen!"

"Yes. You will." Queen Elsa's voice would've felt like a nearly-threatening growl, were it not delivered with such a loving smirk and a playful wink. With Ariel's confession of obedience fresh in the air around them, she started to pump faster and faster, and in doing so plunged her length far within the depths of the slender, lovely redhead. Though Ariel's human pussy was something of a new acquisition, Elsa was giving it quite the workout - and showing her just what fun could be had with the bipedal deviants above the surface. It was a moment of fierce intensity between the two, a moment that Ariel knew would change her life forever, and while it took place a trio of other merry wives cheered her on, showing a level of support and love that her birth family never did.

"You're doing wonderfully, Ariel! Oh goodness, look how her thighs are shivering!"

"Did you hear her squeak? Queen Elsa must've gone so deep!"

"I can tell when my sister's having fun, Ariel, and she's enjoying fucking you!"

"T...Then... then--" Ariel's chance to show gratitude to the others was silenced by Elsa kissing her hungrily once more, wrestling the girl's tongue to the roof of her mouth as she started to pick up the pace. The queen was flashing forward harder and faster now, so much so that the lock of Ariel's ankles couldn't hold. As her legs unfolded and swung into the air they were caught by the eager hands of Belle and Jasmine as the trio of sluts giggled, and soon Ariel could feel the palms locking around her start to grow more...intense. Anna's hands on her shoulders worked to pin her as Belle and Jasmine stretched her legs far to the sides, and even Queen Elsa herself was holding her flat to the mattress using firm hands pressed to her newly-human tits. When the kiss snapped free and Elsa leaned upward, Ariel was free to moan desperately into the open air, and the ruler of all those wonderful wives started to truly let go.

"Yes! You're going to make a fine addition, Ariel!" The queen practically roared, her eyes flashing with a glimmering blue light as her passion flared. The threads of spit that once connected her lips to Ariel's snapped as she pulled backward, and those that clung to Elsa's own full chest soon frosted over with beauty mark-Esque tints of blue along her flesh. Her hands tightened upon the new girl's breasts as she pounded forward with more and more reckless desire, so hard and so heavy that Ariel's voice was stricken from her and the bed itself started to creak and ache. "I'm almost there, my lovely new slut! I hope you're ready for royal breeding!"

If Ariel was or if she wasn't, it didn't truly matter, as she was already fully caught in the web of Queen Elsa's pleasures. With the taste of cum still fresh on her lips and shivering below the shadows of four other women, Ariel merely howled into the open air of the castle as Queen Elsa fucked her into a state of orgasmic, mad delight. Her toes curled and she clung to the nearby arms of Jasmine and Belle, digging her nails against their flesh as she frantically looked around at all the faces looming above her. A glimpse of Anna - although just half of one, since her pregnant belly blocked a fair bit of her face. A smile from Belle - kind and loving, and happy that she had a new sister wife with a shared sense of adventure. A wink from Jasmine - mature and doting, eager to help this new young lover learn about life at the castle. And of course...Queen Elsa, whose expression was as inscrutable as it was enchanting. Smoldering eyes, a gentle smile, and absolute confidence as she gave her newest pet a few more thrusts until--

"Ahhhh…!" Ariel's voice filled the air in one more orgasmic note, her eyes crossing and her body spasming within the grasp of the others as she came. Elsa had hilted herself deep within her precious new prize and savored the experience, her hands drifting down to smooth her fingers over the other girl's belly while she pumped her load within. There was the brief tease of frosty fingertips over-sensitive, goosebumped flesh - a stark contrast to the unbridled warmth and relief that was steadily flowing inside of her. Squirt after squirt of cum flooded Ariel's pussy, long after the girl's moan dwindled and her toes uncurled from her spastic state. When Queen Elsa was finally finished with her relentless climax she first stretched out a hand towards Ariel, brushing fingertips underneath her chin to offer a moment of gentle, intimate kindness.

"You'll be loved here, Ariel," Elsa whispered, without a trace of insincerity in her voice. Ariel, much like the other pets of her castle, might have been lured into her service through the taste of magical cream...but that didn't mean she adored them any less. "Your old life is behind you now. You belong to me from this moment onward."

And Ariel, sweat-glazed and creampied, exhausted and bored, had tears of joy at the corners of her eyes. No more angry father destroying her prized possessions. No more unreasonable dangers of the sea. No more gaggle of gossipy sisters.

All Ariel would know from that day forward was the bliss and joy that came with being one of Queen Elsa's precious treasures - bred, enjoyed, and cherished.

Just like all the others.