
Hentai : Power Of Creation

While reading erotic web novels online, an everyman is sucked into an Isekai world without any clothing on. He’s immediately declared a heretic for having the Power of Creation, an ability that lets him do basically anything he wants. He escapes, kidnaps the princess, and then does whatever he wants. Mostly sex.

WangJing · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Threesome, Amazement

Ah, ah, yeah, keep it up, it feels so good! That is Ariels voice filling the room up with her moans.

Millie actually passed out in round three. She is cuddled up at our feet at the end of the bed while I thrust deeply into Ariel, her tight pussy quickly becoming familiar and soothing. I had taken it back to the bedroom, my original plan to kidnap Ariels mother apparently being pushed back to the afternoon.

Thus, my morning is filled with sex. Ariel is insatiable, a horny teenager to her core, and while Millie claims she hates it, she is certainly sleeping with a big smile on her face that could only show on someone content, not disturbed.

I am plowing into Ariel with nice, rhythmic thrusts when I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turn back to see Millie. She has woken up, and she is now sitting on her knees at the end of the bed, watching as my dick slides in and out of Ariel, who likes to take all 9-inches with each thrust.

M-master she mutters under her breath, but she won't meet my eyes.

I pull myself out of Ariel, who gives a sigh as she looks up at Millie with a reassuring smile. My dick, still wet with the lust of both girls, wags in front of Millie after I turn around on the spot. She eyes my dick cautiously, her eyes lock on its bulging form.

W-will master violate this lowly dragon again?

Does Millie want it? I ask.

It is as Master wants.

I shake my head. That wont do. Even though Im your Master, I want you to be happy. I know it sounds like an oxy-moron after raping you, but at the end of it all Im mostly concerned about your happiness.

My happiness? The dragon girl looks up at me with a strange expression on her face.

Hero, can you lie back down, Id like to suck you off. The princess interrupts while asking innocently from behind.

Again? You are my hot little bitch. I laugh and lie back on the bed as Ariel adjusts herself so shes back between my legs.

Mmm Im the heros bitch. She says pleased. I just like the taste of your cum so much.

I prop my head up on a nice comfy pillow and watch as the sixteen-year-old girl services my cock. Millie still sits on her knees at the corner of the bed, watching as Ariel sucks my cock while making pleased noises like shes enjoying a tasty treat. Ariel is on her knees and wagging her naked butt in Millies direction as she works. It is probably a nice view, but I enjoy the ecstatic smile on her face as her lips slide on my cock too, so I dont have it in me to get her to turn around so I can savor the view of her naughty bits.

A few moments later, Millie begins to move. It starts slowly, but she edges her way up until she is right next to Ariel. Her face is halfway to my cock by the time Ariel notices her. Ariel pulls my cock out of her mouth and makes a gasping sound, then strokes it with her hand. Nearly two days of nonstop fucking is starting to turn her into an expert. Or maybe I magically turned her into an expert. I dont always think about it, sometimes magic just makes things happen.

Eh? Does Millie want to taste Hero too?

Mm Master

Ariel pulls my cock to the side, and Millie cautiously brings down her face and wraps her smaller lips around my cock. I make a pleased moan that causes her to jump for a second, but then she eases her lips back on. I encourage her, exaggerating the feelings that her mouth makes, which successfully encourages her and makes her more excited to perform. Soon, she is savagely slobbering all over my cock like it is an ice cream cone.

The girls go back and forth with my dick. It starts out as sharing, but as the time wears on, they become more competitive until they are fighting over my dick. However, there is enough dick to share, and the girls spend as much time tonguing each other as the dick they battle over. Eventually, I reach climax as Ariel works the shaft and Millie sucks on my balls.

I come all over the two girls. I dont cum quite as much as I did that first time with Ariel, but my larger dick size certainly increases my capacity to spooge too, and there is enough spooge for both girls. Ariel happily swallows every drop, and not to be outdone, Millie tries too, although she ends up coughing and loses a load down her chest. When she is done licking it back up, the two girls stick out their tongues at each other to show the last load of semen deposited on their tongues before they swallow them in unison. The formerly prideful dragon girl is giggling and laughing as she did this. Truly, whether she realizes it or not, shes already accepted her place in my harem.

The three of us are clothed once again. Ariel and I return to our outfits. I conjure up an outfit for Millie as well. She complains that it is too slutty, but it is exactly the sexiest outfit I could imagine her in, incorporating her natural red hair and eyes with a black color. She blushes when I tell her how hot she looks, so I figure she is just playing tsun.

It is evening now, a total of about thirty-six hours since I have been summoned to this world. Ive spent twenty-four hours of that time balls deep in one of these two girls. However, I am the hero, so I suppose I have certain other responsibilities. I need to build my harem, and create a home for myself, but I figure Ill also need to start by squaring things away with the king and the priest who summoned me here.

My magic is so strange and abstract, I probably could simply cast a spell that takes care of everything without the need to return to the castle, but some things are better done in person. Plus, I need to pick up her mom, and I figure itd be easier to do that with some finesse.

Millie, can you change into a Dragon now and fly us back to ah embarrassing I dont think you guys ever told me the name of your kingdom.

While Millie gave me a strange look, it was Ariel who spoke up, Ah, youre not going to just teleport us back?

I shrug, Im not familiar with the place. Plus, I dont want you to grow too spoiled expecting me to always change things magically.

Oh, okay. Ariel had put on a sulky face but relaxes once I explain things.

Master, what do you mean when you tell this one to turn into a dragon? Millie asks with a confused look.

Ah, well, youre a red dragon, right? I didnt permanently turn you into a girl. This is just your girl form. You can still turn back whenever you want.

What? Her eyes narrow and she glares at me. But then I could have turned into a dragon any time? So, while you were violating this little body with your big dick, I could I could

I pat her on the head. It was a good bonding opportunity. Plus, you needed to be tamed a bit. I could have made it permanent, so you should be thanking your master for letting you choose.

She is still wearing a sullen look, but she says, Yes, Master Im sorry, Master. Thank you.

Now, you dont mind if we ride you? You can fly, right?

Mm I can fly. To let you ride me only because its Master and his bitch

Mm! I am! Ariel says proudly, pointing to herself.

Millie makes some room, and then she spins, her body growing as she does. Suddenly, she explodes into the size of a magnificent red dragon.

Youre beautiful. I say, more in the awe of seeing a fantasy creature, but the dragon has a pleased look on its face.

The pair of us get up on Millies back with minimal effort, and with a flap of her wings, we are airborne. Although it is probably simpler to create a dozen different types of flying spells, there is something awesome about flying through the sky on the back of a dragon.

Ariel sits in front, so I have my arms wrapped around her delicious body. As the novelty of being in the sky wears off, my bad habits return. I start fondling her over-sized breasts, my hands moving up under her clothing and caressing her body.

I finger her for about two minutes as her body starts bucking on the back of Millie. It takes a while before the dragon catches on to what we are doing up here. Millie suddenly arches her back, nearly launching the pair of us off of her and into a free fall. However, the exhilaration of air travel, being tossed into the air by a dragon while being fingered for two minutes straight is enough that Ariel cums in midair.

I land with a thump while Ariel makes ecstatic moans while wearing a flushed face. As the dragon girl glares back at me, I decide to be good for the remainder of the flight.