
Hentai : Power Of Creation

While reading erotic web novels online, an everyman is sucked into an Isekai world without any clothing on. He’s immediately declared a heretic for having the Power of Creation, an ability that lets him do basically anything he wants. He escapes, kidnaps the princess, and then does whatever he wants. Mostly sex.

WangJing · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Shocks & Shocks

Y-yo-you guys are getting married! But Im first! Ariel insists.

Relax, Princess, were not getting married.

The dragon girl puts on a hurt look. W-we must. As the man who took my chastity, even if you are a disgusting human, you much take responsibility.

Well, no offense, but you died yesterday. Dont you remember dying at all?

The dragon girl frowns, but after a second turns her eyes up and speaks with a pout. I might remember something like that happening.

Well, Im a hero from another world, and I brought you back to life so that you could be my dragon.

Her eyes brighten a bit. So, you do want this great one-

Ah, as my dragon. Im your master.

M-m-master? her eyes flash like she is dizzy before focusing on me. You expect this great one to submit to a master? They will not. They will not be your slave.

I snap my fingers, and she collapses back onto the floor as another orgasm racks her body. She glares up with gritted teeth as her legs rub together.

Y-you think this one will succumb to your torture? This one will- aaaaaah! Ah, ah hah hah hah

I snap my finger again, and she lets out more cute sounds, unable to control her domineering personality under the throws of orgasm after orgasm. I keep sending her one orgasm after another.

No, stop I cant. Ah, ah, ah, ah its too much. It feels so good. Its I cant. No, not again. Another one, I cant. Ah!

The spell I am using is the one that gives her the best orgasm she ever had. Since the first spell gave her the best orgasm she ever had, the next spell, to fulfill the spells requirements, has to be slightly better. Therefore, each orgasm is the best she ever had, increasing slightly each time, becoming more and more intense. 

Will you give up and serve me? I demand.

N-ne-never hah. Hah. Ah, not another!

I worry a bit that it might become so good that shell never be able to find pleasure again if I keep it up. She was a virgin initially though, so the bar isnt very high. Still, after ten of them, I am afraid it will be too much. There is already a puddle of liquid under her as she loses control of her faculties while cumming and pees on the ground in embarrassment.

Still resisting I sigh.

Perhaps, hero should use that? Ariel suggests.

Hah, hah, whats that? The dragon girl cries.

Well, youre just having orgasms. I explain. Youre technically still a virgin. I was hoping youd submit on your own. However, it seems like I have no choice.

I pull out my dick, and the dragon girls eyes widen in shock. What is that? I-is that a penis? While Im in this body, that is just too big.

I know from experience, itll fit. I was surprised too. Ariel fails to reassure her.

I start to approach her with my dick out, and she starts backing away with fear. There is only one way this will end.

Ariel sneaks to the side behind the dragon girl, and as she backs up, Ariel jumps out and grabs her hands. Even though the girl is a former dragon, she is only about the size of a twelve-year-old. Meanwhile, Ariel is sixteen and about twice her size. Ariel holds her down while she struggles to fight, but it is useless.

Hero! Make sure to teach her good! Ariel instigates with a smile.

Only one night, and she has become quite the ally. I dont regret bringing her with me from the castle. However, right now, I have a dragon girl who is resisting. In the real world, these kinds of acts would be frowned upon, but I am not in the real world. In this fantasy world, I am going to show this dragon girl what it is truly like to lose her chastity. In some ways, I feel like it is my right. After all, I basically created her.

Ariel struggles with the dragon girl until she gets her to the ground, and while she holds her hands behind her back, she wraps her legs around each of the dragon girls legs and forces them apart. Thus, I get to enjoy the scene of Ariel holding a naked girl in her arms, their two bodies close together, while the dragon girl has her legs forcibly spread open, showing me everything shes got.

Mm speaking of which, dragon girl, can I get your name?

You dare ask this great ones name now? She spits out, still trying to escape Ariels iron grip.

Well, if I stick it in, your chastity will be gone, and then youd want to marry me, right?

So, you will marry this one?

Ah, no, but that doesnt mean I wont take care of you. Youll be happy as my servant too. However, do you want to lose your chastity without exchanging names?

The fire seems to go out of her eyes and she stops fighting, her shoulders going slack. M-Miphany this great one is Miphany.

I frown and look up at Ariel. Um Ariel, what is your mothers name?

Eh? That's to complicated. Your name is Millie now." 

"How dare you change-" 

Ah, well, Millie, its time to enjoy ourselves.

Make sure to take in every inch, Ariel gives her a smile that looks more eerie than reassuring.

Youre pushing it against me, its so big, Im telling you, it cant fit, Millie shouts.

I push a little and the head pops into her tight hole.

Ah! It went in! Its so big. Its too big. I cant, dont, thats all that can-L𝒂aTest nov𝒆ls on (n)𝒐velbi/𝒏(.)co𝒎

I push it in a little more.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, it hurts, its breaking me!

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Ariel pats her head as I continue to push it in. Tears run down her face as she cries and makes pained looks. It takes a lot longer to get it in than it did with Ariel. She really is a loli in that regard. It is way too tight. It is so tight it is a little uncomfortable for my penis to be squeezed so tightly. In fact, the last three inches are completely impossible.

Ow, ow, youre pushing on the cervix, there is no more room!

Is that so I say.

So, you really cant fit it? Ariel looks disappointed.

I could, of course, use a spell, but that ruins some of the fun.

Well just have to break you in. Might take a few more times, but well fill you up one of these days.

Another time! Millie shrieks, Isnt once enough? Dragons usually only breed once a decade during our mating frenzy!

No, well, were going to have a lot more sex than that.

Millie starts to cry again. W-well at least this time is over. Now pull it out. My chastity is gone. What, why are you two looking at each other?

Ah, that is to say Ariel is blushing.

We havent even started yet. That was just the beginning.

Wh-wh-what? Millie lets out a cry of despair as I start moving my hips.