
Hentai : Power Of Creation

While reading erotic web novels online, an everyman is sucked into an Isekai world without any clothing on. He’s immediately declared a heretic for having the Power of Creation, an ability that lets him do basically anything he wants. He escapes, kidnaps the princess, and then does whatever he wants. Mostly sex.

WangJing · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs


Ah, Pun, this is absolutely incredible! the princess is moaning while tightly squeezing her naked breasts. My eyes furrow looking at her. It is a bit odd, but it seems like calling out the names of the god of this world during sex is somewhat commonplace. I furrow my brow at the thought of hearing the name of a ero translator as she writhes in sexual bliss.

Ah, Ah, yes, ah hero oh, gods, hero! Im cumming, by Pun! Its coming out! I cant stop, its cummmmming! the princess is breaking down on the ground, looking quite lewd.

She is on her knees, unable to stand up from the intense sexual pleasure being delivered to her. I give another frown as her body bobs up and down, her hands rubbing all over her skin. Finally, she cums, liquid leaking out to ground below.

Ah, Ah, Ah, gods, hero oh, my god, hero! Her pussy continues convulsing, and a few last drops of liquid fall out of her as she makes one last convulsion before collapsing to the floor.I let out an annoyed sigh. I am, of course, nowhere near her. I took a single step towards her, thinking that I wanted to give her the best orgasm of her life. Then, the familiar glow occurs, a spell is assembled, and it strikes the princess, providing her with the best orgasm ever. The problem is that orgasm didnt involve my input at all.

Magic has stimulated her pussy and brain, racking her with extreme sexual pleasure, while I am metaphorically left standing with my dick in my hand. Admittedly, it is pretty hot. She is still writhing on the ground in the throes of orgasm, her soft skin being dirtied by the forest floor while she makes very sexy moans. I am incredibly hard, and all 9 inches are pushing my pants to the point that it cant contain my mass.

When her moaning finally starts to settle down, I give a sigh and take a step up to her. Are you good now?

Th-that I wince as she stands up, pointing an accusing finger at me.

What I have done is something I probably never could have done in the real world, not just from a magical viewpoint. I am not the type of man to sexually assault young women, although I dont know if using magic is called sexual assault. However, I do know that if I hadnt accidentally misused my creation magic, I'd have done more to her whether she wanted it or not.

Part of it might have been because I am still wound up from all those translations I had been reading. The men in those situations took whoever they wanted whenever they wanted it. Why cant I do the same? However, now that I did it, I feel a little bad, and as the girl is struggling to talk while pointing at me, I am ready to face her accusations and wrath.

Im so- I start to apologize.

Th-that was great!

Huh? I make a dumb noise, completely caught off guard by her sudden approval.UpTodated 𝒏ov𝒆ls on 𝒏ov𝒆l()bin(.)c𝒐m

That made me feel so good! The princess cries out, Ive never felt so wonderful before. My parents always keep me so sheltered, so I never get to experience anything. If you can make me experience more, I swear to Pun Ill forever be yours!

At first, I dont know what to say, but a sexy, naked princess is looking up at me with pleading eyes, her body still sweating and her breath still rugged from experiencing an orgasm. The effect is more than I can bear, but first...

If you stop moaning gods name, Ill show you everything you want. I compromise, unable to handle anymore H scenes with my girl calling out to Pun.

The princess looks confused, but she still nods. Deal!

Then, shall we get more comfortable? I suggest.

She nods excitedly, her sexy curls bouncing and her eyelashes fluttering as a smile forms on her face. Alright, so the creation magic will allow me to create any spell I want if I but think of it. It appears to have no limits so far. I put my hands out towards an empty space, trying to visualize my wants in detail.

A second later, the familiar white light appears, and as if from nowhere, a small house shimmers into existence. It is exactly like I imagined. It is literally my dream cottage, the ideal house in the woods if I ever had the money to afford one. It is almost like all of my dreams are just coming true. Now it is time to educate this sixteen-year-old princess on everything I knew.


Oh, wow, youre so amazing! the princess exclaims as she sees the cottage appear from nowhere.

The pair of us make our way to the cottage, and I am shocked to find it has all the commodities I imagined, even those that dont exist in this world. As I flip a switch and the light springs to action, the princess shouts once again in excitement. Even incandescent lightbulbs work in this world although I have no clue where the power comes from. I bring the princess to the bedroom without a moment wasted, and she leaps into my bed enthusiastically like only a teenage girl can. Of course, I had imagined a massive king-sized bed, one with one of those really expensive mattresses that costs a bundle. As the princess dives into the bed, she laughs as she rolls on the mattress excitedly, still completely naked.

This is so soft! Even my parents bed isnt this soft.

Is that so? I humor her with a smile, although I am really just admiring her naked body.

After I gave her sexual pleasure, any embarrassment she has in front of me seems to have disappeared, so I take the opportunity to look over her entire sexy body. She had a sexy bottom, a tight little pussy, and pert D breasts with delectable little pink nipples. They arent as big as her moms, which might have been an E or an F, but if her mom was any indication, one day her body would be even sexier than it is today.

However, I find myself thinking how nice it would be if her body is even sexier. There is another glow that burst forth and struck her. She makes a surprised noise and stares down in wonder as her tits suddenly increased by two sizes. Her hips widen and become curvier, and suddenly she has a body much like her moms, except that it had none of the signs of age. It is perfectly pert, smooth, and deliciously untouched.

For a second, I fear she might be unhappy, but as she examines the new body I have given her, she makes another noise of excitement and then flings herself off the bed and into my arms. She kisses me on the lips, and not wanting to waste the opportunity, I taste her mouth, my tongue and her tongue wrestling between our combined lips.I started moving my hands over her body, feeling the smooth and untouched skin, my massive cock already pushing up against her in a noticeable way. She takes notice, pulling away from the kiss and looking down at my hard cock.

Is that your penis? She asks giddily.

Why dont you reach in and see?

Without hesitation, she does as I suggested, pushing her small delicate hands into my pants. My dick erupts from its containment, rigid at attention, and she gives a noise of surprise. I am a little surprised myself as this is the first time I have seen my penis since I had magically changed it. The monstrous beast that explodes from my shorts isnt a sight I am used to seeing, but it gives me a boost of confidence that I could satisfy this young woman.

Ah, its much bigger up close. When I saw it before I didnt think it would be so intimidating.I scratch my cheek and laugh inwardly. Of course, it hadnt been that size when I had been naked before, but I didnt want to inform the princess of that. Then, a latent thought occurs to me.

Ah, before we do this, I never got your name.

Thats right! The sexy princess couldnt take her eyes off my penis. My name is Ariel. Ariel Ramsey. What is your name?𝒂ll new st𝒐ries at nove/lbi/𝒏(.)c𝒐m

Ah, right, my name I tell her my name, and she smiles as she hears it.

Do-do you mind if I just keep calling you hero? Ariel asked, Ah, you can call me princess too, calling you my hero kind of turns me on.

Thats fine with me. I nod.

Then, hero, take me, ah this is where Im inexperienced. Can you please tell me what we do next? I want you to make me see Pun Realizing she said the gods name again, she sticks out her tongue and gives an apologizing look. Ah, sorry

Sure, I smirk while ignoring her cute slight, Princess, bend over on the bed.