
CH11: Collapse

The God Vulcan was the power behind the counterforce and justice; he revealed secrets to her in her dreams. Emilia knew they were close to the dark lord who murdered her father and mother. She once had a crush on the dark lord Hansel, which sickened her. Emilia remembered the sounds of laughter from his beasts. Shenzi, that traitorous bitch was the worst of them all. Her family helped her once when the gnoll cub had been lost and alone. They had made peace with the tribe until Shenzi came with Hansel. They were selfish; the guards let them in because Hansel was a village member; they trusted Shenzi.

She pulled her white-bladed scythe free from its sheath; both were white and gold, matching her armor. Emilia wore the white armor of heroes and felt the mantle empower her to equal Hansel. Unfortunately, this wasn't her show; she was only a tier 2 hero. Emilia's job was to find a path into the underground.

A small light from a covered lantern blinked twice, and she sounded the horn. Her archers fired on the monkeys the scouts found. Silently monkeys died and fell into the hole. A rider was already on their way to inform the main force of their findings. Once the main force arrived, she would petition to take a party to hunt down Hansel. Her sword warmed in her grasp. Hansel was getting closer to them.

They should retreat, her knight protectors Felix the brave, Armin the swift, and Ray the will looked to her for guidance. The standard procedure was to withdraw, but Hansel would have to be an idiot to miss their arrows. The white goose feathered fletching stood out, impaled in a monkey's course black coat. Her knight protectors were waiting for her orders, and she should have blown her horn in two short bursts for retreat. But, instead, she froze, stuck between her duty as a hero and the leader of the hawk company. She pulled at her silver hair in indecision.

"Leader of the paladins, I have your spy come down to negotiate, or I will slit his throat," Hansel said.

A runner was already on their way to inform the main force. They had the high ground, and she was the hero to counter Hansel's peak strength as a tier 2 dark lord. Emilia couldn't have chosen a better confrontation if she had tried. Unfortunately, he had a hostage, but if it wasn't one of her knight protectors, she didn't care. In the fight, a common soldier wasn't worth much.

"Continue shooting the monkeys down; if the dark lord's forces interfere, shoot them too." Emilia stared down into the moonlit abyss below at the armor-wearing boy. "His pet isn't with him. Be on guard for an ambush."

A hard boot hit Silas in the gut driving the air out of his lungs. He tumbled across the bloody muddy ground and landed on the edge of an underground river.

"They don't seem interested in saving you," Liara said.

Sutra Demon Apocalypse Phantasm 88% complete..

"A ploy to take a stronger position in negotiations. Let them clear out the monkeys, and I'm sure you'll have their undivided attention." Silas said.

He let his face show the pain from his shattered limbs. Hansel stomped on his leg. Silas cried out in pain as fire filled his veins.

"Then let me take their high ground," Hansel said.

"Are you certain that's a good idea? A hero is up there. What are the odds she is yours?" Liara looked pensive. "Kill him and be done with it. Heroes are always trouble," Liara said.

"I'm done listening to you. It was your advice that killed Shenzi."

Silas had a backup for the situation. His summon crystal, Ambrosia: The Red Bloom, would buy him some time. Or he could purchase 11 mid-gotcha tokens and hope something would work. If he wanted to gamble with his life, he could purchase a high gotcha token.

Sutra Demon Apocalypse Phantasm 91% complete..

"Yes, it's my fault that you followed my advice. I am an advisor; I don't force you to do anything. You won't even have sex with me because Shenzi didn't approve." Liara said.

Silas stared down at his ruined, twisted arms. He couldn't feel his hands, but summoning something didn't require it. He was tempted to use Ambrosia but waited. It was better to wait until the last moment to get every second he could.

Sutra Demon Apocalypse Phantasm 93% complete..

"When we get out of here, I'll change that. I'm your father's heir. I should at least fuck his daughter." Hansel raised his hand, and the side of the cavern where the paladins were perched shook. "But first, I'm going to take out the trash." Hansel lowered his hand, and an entire cave wall collapsed, dropping the paladin troops into the cavern.

Silas hedged his bet and used his Hentai Points for 11 Mid Gotcha Tokens. It was a big play, but he needed something to scan his items and get more information. He had 11 chances to get a tool to help him out of his situation. All he needed was a lucky roll. The bonus for a mass roll would l help.


1 Science Fiction

2 Epic Fantasy

3 Cultivation

4 Super Hero

5 Video Game

6 Hentai

Item Type:

1 Summon Crystal

2 Skill Disc

3 Key

4 Misc

5 Vehicle

6 Structure

Silas looked at the d20 that decided the rarity of his drop and found a tab to get more information.

D20 Roll Rarity

1 Enemy: The most harmful item possible is dropped outside the inventory to a random location.

2-9 common

10-13 uncommon

14-16 Rare

17-19 Epic

20 Legendary

21-39 Heavenly

40+ Untiered

That was something he hadn't seen before. If he rolled a 1, it could worsen his situation. Rolling more at once was more dangerous. Thanks to the multi-roll bonus, he didn't know if the original die roll was considered or if he was in the clear.

Still, he couldn't rely on a random summon to escape danger. He found a toggle in his settings for details on his gotcha drops and turned it on.

Silas cast his roll.

3 Cultivation 2 Skill Disc 6 Common

Burst Palm: Infuse destructive energy in the form of a palm attack. This common, if versatile, skill can be used by anyone and is easily adapted into other techniques.

2 Epic Fantasy 5 Misc 19+1 Legendary

1,675,000 Tons of Refined Purgatory Mythril ingots – Mythril was taken from the river Eunoe from Lucifer's plant; this rare metal is used to arm demons and angels in their endless wars against outer gods.

6 Hentai 2 Skill Disc 13+2 Rare

Prehensile Extending Tongue: This skill allows users to extend their tongue to reach all the right places. Saliva released while using this technique is an aphrodisiac.

6 Hentai 6 Structure 1 +3 Enemy

The Red Light Project: A group of researchers long ago banded together to create the ultimate life form. Their main lab has landed, and they want nothing more than to take the genetics of every Monstergirl and add them to their petri dish of a monster. The ultimate life form will be released in one year to cause mass extinction.

3 Cultivation 6 Structure 18+4 Heavenly

Item too large to fit in a single inventory slot summoning outside. After a summoned item was confiscated by local powers updates, have completed. The summoned structure will be locked until the user enters.

Apocalypse Demon Sect Trial Library – A tower of lost branches from the Apocalypse Demon Sect within it tests to determine the worthiness of Sect disciples. The library's floors will open to the user by taking and passing the trials.

3 Cultivation 6 Structure 13+5 Epic

Glorious Pillar Crimson – A pillar dedicated to the glory of battle and bloodshed. Climb to its top and discover its mysteries.

5 Video Game 5 Vehicle 5+6 Uncommon

Sikorsky Fully Loaded Black Hawk Helicopter: A fully loaded helicopter, the operation manual is inside.

2 Epic Fantasy 1 Summon Crystal3+7 Common

Humoncoli Soldier: They will obey and defend the user upon summoning this soldier.

1 SciFi 3 Key 16+8 Heavenly

Deification Virus Sample: A virus that, once unleashed, turns humans into the cells of a god; the greater the human population, the more powerful the god.

4 Super Hero 5 Vehicle 10+9 Epic

Red Ultra Mech: A massive fighting robot that can be piloted by its owner. This mech belonged to the mechmeister Red and houses a primordial fire elemental in its Ultra engine.

1 SciFi 6 Structure 15+10 Heavenly

Bismarck X: A humble spacecraft built by a futuristic Germany in the year 3000. Cold fusion engines power the ship armed for war against the rebelling colonies of Venus. The keys are in the ignition, and a user manual is in the dash.

He had a doomsday weapon in the form of an innocuous needle. A black hawk helicopter armed to the teeth, the equivalent of a Gundam, and a big problem. Silas rolled a nat 1 and paid for it. Somewhere in the world, a research base was beginning to gather the DNA of various life forms to build his very own cell or Mewtwo. Maybe he should only use low-tier tokens for a while.

Sutra Demon Apocalypse Phantasm 96% complete..

He was mostly forgotten, thanks to the girl in glowing white armor. She slashed at the dark lord, who dodged and weaved out of her sword's reach. Then, the dark elf turned her attention back to Silas and raised her crossbow. It seemed she wasn't above tying up loose ends.

Movement out of the corner of his eye showed Grisha wielding her white tiger spear. Between the rubble, she snuck up on the dark elf. The pointy-eared woman took aim, and Grisha struck. The spearhead stuck into the elf's side, and the crossbow fired. The bolt slammed into Silas's chest, barely missing his heart.

Silas felt it pierce his lung. He would be coughing up blood soon.

He spoke the sutra. The blood essence from the battle flowed to him.

Sutra Demon Apocalypse Phantasm 100% complete..

The world went dark, and the next time he opened his eyes, he stood across from an old friend. Something was happening to him. The unmistakable feeling of transitioning from human to something else couldn't be denied.

He saw the room he stood in and felt like vomiting. It was the courtroom where he was raped the first time.

"Don't be overdramatic men go through it all the time," Lucifer said.

"You sound like someone who never experienced it. The world is against me." Silas said.

A table appeared between them, and the devil shuffled a deck of playing cards before tossing him five. Silas picked up his cards and had a brick. There was a 2, 9, ace, jack, and a 6, all of a different suit except for the ace and the jack.

"You have a terrible poker face. That's how my sister's lawyer played you so well. Why didn't you take out a loan and get help? I would have loaned you the money." Lucifer said.

The building rumbled as Silas returned four cards and took up 4 new ones. Not that it mattered. The curse of misfortune lived up to its name even in this moment Lucifer created.

"I hate her and this system. I refused to give it more money than necessary." Silas said.

"What about your new world? While there have been some ups and downs, you seem to enjoy it."

Lucifer placed his cards down one by one. A straight flush of spades. Silas placed his own cards on the table. There was never a question he would lose.

"Her new man constantly accuses me of cheating. Can you believe that? I'm the devil; my luck is legendary; why would I need to cheat?" Lucifer looked away. "Why didn't you ever accuse me? Were you afraid?" Lucifer asked.

Lucifer always cheats; there was never any luck to it. Was that what Lucifer wanted him to take away from this, or was there something Silas was missing?

"I thought you needed the win more than I did." Silas took the cards and dealt a new hand. "Why did you bring me here?"

"You've used the power I've given you and become stronger. One of my factories in Purgatory is missing a shipment of Purgatory Mythril. Do you know anything about that?" Silas shook his head no. "You got a little better. I didn't summon you about the Mythril; the system I gave you nabbed it was always possible. Your latest stunt has affected your soul, and you're less human. The protections afforded to you by the state of my father are forever out of your reach. I would advise you to never return. Even my system can't make you strong enough to challenge my sister. Enjoy your new world and stay there. This is the only thing that awaits you on your return?" Lucifer said.

Darkness took him again, and he was screaming. His limbs twisted back to their proper position, and he yanked a bolt out of his chest.