
Hentai collection

All kinks, the more the merrier. Includes #NTR #INTERRACIAL

CatiaD · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Naughty Queen Part 3

Eliza went into her bedchamber soaked in cum.

" I actually did it, went all the way and fucked that man, my pussy is sore, and his cum, is all over me... Hmm this sweet scent I can't get enough of it.", she crashed into the bed and slept.

The next day she woke up fresh in mind but her body reeked of semen her bedsheets had yellow stains on it.

" I should clean myself but I do not think anyone would dare to bring it up, plus bearing this scent on me is exciting"

Eliza carried on with her daily activities, she saw some of the maids turning a bit their face showed a bit shock and disgust as she passed next to them. " They are just jealous", she tought.

Around mid-day the guard brought up another criminal.

" Your majesty, we found this man, as he raped 3 women, those poor women might be pregnant with his offspring."

Eliza looked at the man he was tall, muscular and black he was not from these lands.

" Do you have something to say?"

" I'm sorry... I did not fuck more women, their faces as they screamed and begged for me to stop, 'at least don't cum in me I can't have a black baby my husband would kill me', priceless."

Eliza was bitting her lip, her womb started aching, she wet her underwear at his words.

" You are indeed vile, send him to the dungeon until I find a proper way to deal with him. "

As night settled, the queen once again went back to the dungeon. She heard snoring from the a cage maybe he was sleeping.

" Are you asleep already?" said Eliza

" No, the other prisoner you brought today is"

" By the sound of it he won't be bothering us"

" Indeed now come here"

Eliza dropped her clothes, and went straight into his arms.

" You know I like being in here, I have all I ever wanted, food shelter, a woman"

" Am I your woman?"

They both kissed passionately.

" You are now"

" Show me how you treat your woman"

" On your knees you know your place"

Eliza obeyed and touched the cock, it sprung in her face.

" That's the reaction I want from a cock", she then started licking it, too soon for smegma this time.

" No hidden suprise this time" she said a bit sad

" That just because you are good with your blowjob skill", Eliza felt uplifted by his comment.

After a few strokes, she starts licking the balls, barely able to fit them in her mouth.

" Your balls are so big and heavy, yesterday they gave me a cumshower"

" I see you enjoyed getting smeared with my semen"

" Very much, I spent the whole day in the court doused in your cum, people were judging me with their eyes but none of them dared say a word in front of me"

" You are indeed a naughty queen, sending a whole day parading in front of everyone that marked as my cumdumpster"

" Yes, it turned me on so much, I can't wait to do it again"

" What do you say we go straight to business from here and turn your ass over"

" Gladly but first let me tie your hands, I can't trust you to cum outside"

" If that means I can shove my dick in you, I'll gladly accept just don't blame me if you're the one wanting the creampie"

Eliza tied up his hand and swinged her ass around the bars. Teasing the cock.

" Since I'm tied now you have to guide it in"

" You're making the queen beg for your cock"

" Youre no queen here, just my personal slut"

" Let this personal slut of yours take your only thing valuable", she had taken the cock in one go.

" This is way better than yesterday"

" Told you, the virginity you were clinging just denied you this world pleasure now move your hips", she started moving.

" I don't think I can go back to just masturbating"

" You shouldn't just ask me whenever you feel like it"

" I'm gonna have to come here more often"

" Speaking of coming, I won't last too much longer", he was speaking the truth, the cock was becoming restless inside her, and her body was reacting all those constant pounds on her womb were weakening it's hold.

" What will you do dear slut I don't see you slowing down, at this rate I'm gonna plant my seed in you."

" I'm not done yet, I have to cum"

" Then this one is on you"

With one swing, the first one this session, he pushed his dick in her womb. The semen was unshackled from his balls and it rushing in to claim her ovaries.

Eliza screamed as she orgasmed from the cock and moved away, again narrowly avoiding the creampie.

" You eluded me again, but I'll creampie you next time"

Eliza was breathing heavily, glad she kept her womb away from his semen.

" Keep dreaming, I can't allow myself to get pregnant, not now", She rested on the prison cell across her lover.

Eliza felt huge hands on her hips, it was the black man she put in the dungeon.

" You are too loud and waked me up from my sleep"

" I'm sorry, you can go back to sleep"

" See I was having a dream how I fucked those women today, think I'm gonna add you to my collection too"

" Keep your hands off her"

" Who might you be?, Oh, our little queen fucks prisoners on her own accord. Now my fellow inmate, it's only polite to share right?"

" She's my woman, I claimed her"

" Now, now, then I must thank you, you see my cock is just too big for virgins, that's why I always fuck other people wives" he dropped his pants revealing a huge cock, bigger, thicker, girthier than that of the old man.

Eliza gulped, she knew there was no way out of this situation. She was already in his arms, and nobody would come for her no matter how much she screamed.

" Now my queen, time to turn you into a whore" he planted her on top of his cock.

And pulled her down. The cock struggled a bit to fit her.

" Thank you for making her cum earlier, I doubt I could've entered her without your help" the cock entered slowly as it stretched the pussy to its limits. Her body bulged.

" It feel like I'm losing my virginity a second time"

" I'll reshape your pussy to my liking"

" It's too much it can't fit in anymore"

" Then let's make room for it"

Her womb was assaulted by the huge cock, like it was doing out of spite, from being denied the creampie earlier it opened immediately, he acknowledged the superior male coming to claim it.

Eliza was feeling now the entire cock inside of her. She stood up revealing herself towards the old man.

" I should've taken your creampie, I would at least be spared this fate."

He saw his woman being fucked another man, with this rage inside of him he broken the ties on his hands but he couldn't not open the cell, all he can do now is see his woman claimed by a black man.

" Would you look at that your man set himself free of his binding yet he's still behind bars. Say did you let him cum inside you, are you carrying his offsprings?"

" No, I didn't let anyone impregnate me"

" Well, ain't I lucky, to have the lady that put me in this prison, the queen of this country for raping women, carry my children"

" Like I have a choice"

" Don't worry slut, I'm pretty sure you will handle my kids, even if they come as twins your triplets your huge breasts can feed them and then some more"

" Is this my fate to get pregnant with black children. My life is over. But deep inside me maybe this is what I wanted to happen. There's no point in resisting better to just enjoy the moment" , tought Eliza.

" So mister black breeding bull, are you ready to give me black babies?"

" So you finally snapped."

" I have not, this is my true self, I want to have sex, to have my womb filled with babies constantly, my body was built for this life"

" I see, your body indeed looks designed to be a baby factory, I have never seen such a woman."

" Will you turn me around I want to see your face as I get impregnated."

" I shall grant you your wish" the black man tried to turn her around but she slipped from his hands. She was now free from his hands and jumped out of his reach.

" Well played girl, you manage to escape."

She left the dungeon in a hurry.

" Looks like your woman got away, I doubt she'll be back"

" She has this ability to avoid creampie"

Footsteps could be heard from the entrance it was the queen with keys in hand. She went straight to the black man cell and opened it.

" I said I wanted your black babies are you willing to deliver."

" No, no, no" said the old man.

" Thank you for training my sex skills, I doubt I would've been able to handle my black bull here without you"

The black man grabbed Eliza and impaled her on his cock, she hugged him, kissing him.

"Now my queen I was just about to give you your first creampie".

" Do it" his balls drained the cum straight in her womb. Her womb got what it craved, raw, potent semen it didn't matter it was from a black man, the ovaries took it all the same. A bit too zealous the man he came so much her pussy overflowed.

" Let's continue in my chambers"

The man carried her on his cock to her bed. Her body was thoroughly fucked.

" Are you still awake slut, since I'm here fucking my children into you what am I now?"

" You're my consort, you have the sole task of impregnating me as much as possible"

" That's a job I can get behind, but what will the people think about their queen taking a black rapist as her consort"

" I have plans for you, but for now fuck me like there's no tomorrow"

" Let's see how many babies can you deliver in your first pregnancy"

They fucked like animals until the crack of dawn.